Overtime work and social barriers make people extremely anxious? 9 foods to eat to soothe your moodMar 13, 2022
Is drinking sugary drinks every day an addiction-like vicious cycle? Could the source be stress?Mar 2, 2022
Is using willpower to lose weight doomed to failure? Psychologists reveal 3 tips to help with weight managementMar 2, 2022
Young adults under the age of 45 suffer the most: "Inflation" increases the risk of depression and bipolar disorderFeb 22, 2022
I'm so tired from work! Japanese study: It is difficult for supervisors to communicate with employees, which increases the risk of "mental illness"Feb 20, 2022
Can "ASMR" help stabilize mood and relieve anxiety? Experimental discovery: Brain waves are alteredFeb 17, 2022
Can you tell if you have mental illness by scanning your brain? Mood, adversity, and dopamine influence morbidity?Feb 17, 2022
Can drinking alcohol help you sleep? What happens if you mix alcohol with sleeping pills? Doctors reveal the truth: Fear of damaging the brain and liver may lead to 4 "sequelae"Jan 11, 2022
Is buying things indiscriminately and often regretting it a precursor to bipolar disorder? Doctor: If these symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks, seek medical attention immediately.Jan 11, 2022
Poor work performance and easy conflict with others turns out to be ADHD! Doctor reveals the truth: Without proper treatment, drug abuse is easy to occurJan 6, 2022