Unclear peeing isn't just about a weak bladder! Men must know the 7 signs of "prostatic hypertrophy"Nov 15, 2022
The "Illustrated Guide to Sensitive Zones" of Taiwanese Men and Women is Revealed! Survey reveals: Men gather in "this place" and women can develop it all over their bodiesNov 13, 2022
Is there really a "mistress character"? Study reveals: Partners with "these traits" are more likely to cheatNov 13, 2022
Isn't it hard enough to start at the age of 28? Are young men worried about their hardness? Doctor: Mostly mixed erectile dysfunctionNov 10, 2022
Attention expectant mothers! "JAMA" shockingly revealed: Pregnant women drink half a cup of coffee a day and their babies shrink by an average of 2 centimeters.Nov 8, 2022
Worse than taking drugs? Will watching porn cause "porn addiction"? Medical warning: "3 signs" means you've seen too muchNov 7, 2022
Is it easier to stop watching too many porn movies? Study slaps the face: "6 reasons" are the culprits of sexual dysfunctionNov 1, 2022
More than 60% of pregnant women in Taiwan are iron deficient! Nutritionist warns: Expectant mothers may fear fatigue, anemia and low immunityOct 6, 2022
After the mammogram without any examination, she felt sore all over her body and was surprised to find that cancer cells had metastasized "all over her body"Oct 5, 2022
How long after diagnosis can I have sex? How to deal with "unbearable loneliness" at home? Experts answer: "Do it yourself" is the safest!Oct 4, 2022