Probiotics not only help smooth flow but also have 7 major effects! How to choose and when is the right time to eat? Different strains have much different effectsFeb 5, 2023
Worried about malnutrition during a vegetarian diet? Experts answer myths: Eating right can also help "build muscle and lose fat"Feb 5, 2023
Creatinine increased 18 times! Woman diagnosed with vitamin C poisoning after eating large amounts of vitamin C: at least one year of kidney dialysisFeb 5, 2023
Low temperature and air pollution make people cough like crazy! Nutritionist reveals the "best cough-relieving food": 4 major functions to protect the respiratory tractFeb 2, 2023
Are astigmatism and floaters "eye tumors"? 4 major symptoms of medical warning: The mortality rate of malignant melanoma is nearly 50%!Feb 2, 2023
Can it help bowel movements better than taking laxatives? Doctors reveal that fruit may be a "magic tool to relieve constipation": gastrointestinal discomfort will also be improvedFeb 1, 2023
The world is crazy about taking "melatonin" to save insomnia? Doctors slap in the face: insufficient clinical evidence! 8. You still can't sleep well even if you haven't changed your habits.Feb 1, 2023
Don't take "head injury" seriously! Study warns: Risk of death 3 times higher and may cause dementia, strokeJan 31, 2023
Workplace depression and attention deficit disorder can be solved. Nutritionist lists "3-day menu" to get rid of holiday syndrome.Jan 29, 2023
Diabetes Physician Q&A (1): What are the sudden symptoms of hypoglycemia? Why diabetics need kidney dialysis? Treatment principle and dosage form of Slim PenJan 18, 2023