Childhood trauma has lifelong consequences! Study: Young people with more negative childhood experiences are 3 times more likely to abuse drugsJan 3, 2022
Can too much calcium cause kidney stones and heart disease? How to eat protein and vitamin D if you don't want to get bone loosening and fracture early?Jan 3, 2022
50% mortality rate in 5 years? Harvard names 7 dangerous signs of "heart failure" Edema and difficulty breathing may be a cry for help from the heartDec 29, 2021
Depression symptoms triple during the epidemic! Research shows that "raising a dog" can help social support reduce depression and negative psychologyDec 28, 2021
The king of immune escape? Research: Omicron virus is 22 times more capable of escaping! You can get infected even after 3 doses of vaccineDec 27, 2021
The first "injectable" HIV prevention drug approved by the US FDA can reduce AIDS infection by 69% in men and 90% in women.Dec 26, 2021
What to do if you have prediabetes? Study: 5% weight loss + 6 hours of exercise can delay the onset of diabetesDec 26, 2021
Is it true that noise damages the brain? Danish study: Avoid the top ten "dementia risk factors" that increase the risk of Alzheimer's diseaseDec 21, 2021
Do you have a fat belly in your 20s? Study: Too much visceral fat in young people's blood vessel walls may lead to premature GGDec 21, 2021
Breakthrough infections have 'huge benefits'? Research: Strengthening the immune system can help fight against various mutant virusesDec 20, 2021