Zhu Xinyi was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 35! Is breast cancer more dangerous in young people? Doctors remind you of three major risk factors

Zhu Xinyi was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 35! Is breast cancer more dangerous in young people? Doctors remind you of three major risk factors

Zhu Xinyi is 35 years old and it is shocking that breast cancer has spread. Is breast cancer in Taiwan younger than in Europe and the United States?

The 35-year-old well-known artist Zhu Xinyi publicly announced that she has breast cancer, and the disease has spread to surrounding lymphoid tissue. According to the 2019 cancer registration data from the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, 14,856 new cases of breast cancer occur each year, ranking third among the top ten cancers. The standard incidence rate has shown an upward trend in recent years and is related to factors such as aging, genetic variation, reproductive status, family history, benign breast disease, lack of exercise, obesity, hormonal treatment, alcohol abuse and other factors.

Dr. Zhong Yuanqiang, the director of the A Campus of Guangtian General Hospital and a breast surgeon, said in an interview with “healthorn” that the age range of breast cancer among Taiwanese women ranges from 20 to 70 years old. The average age of onset is earlier than that in European and American countries. The most common age is around 50 years old. Breast cancer is not uncommon in young people aged 20-40 years old.

Dr. Zhong Yuanqiang said that young women in their 30s such as Zhu Xinyi are currently not included in the breast screening scope of the National Health Department. For those with a family history of breast cancer, breast screening can be started as early as the age of 40. However, if you have risk factors and family history, you should be more vigilant and receive regular ultrasound examinations every year as early as around the age of 30. Once a tumor is discovered, it can be quickly confirmed whether it is benign or malignant.

Women in the family who have a history of breast cancer in young women must be examined as soon as possible if a tumor is felt.

“If your mother, sister, cousins, or cousins ​​have ever had breast cancer, you should be very vigilant, especially if there is a family history of breast cancer occurring in your 40s. You must start checking as soon as possible!”

Dr. Zhong Yuanqiang pointed out that it is very common to feel breast tumors in your 30s, and 90% of them are benign fibroadenoma, phyllodes sarcoma or blisters. Ultrasound is a very effective screening tool, and young women should be tested as soon as possible when tumors are discovered.

Do you only need to pay attention if you touch a hard lump? Dr. Zhong Yuanqiang reminds that whether it is a soft tumor or a hard tumor, as long as there are changes in the breast or the growth of tumors that have not been seen before, you should seek medical examination as soon as possible. If you wait until the tumor changes from soft to hard before seeking medical treatment, the diagnosis may be delayed and the prognosis of treatment may be affected.

Is breast cancer more dangerous in young people? Chemotherapy up front has a chance of shrinking the tumor

The younger you are, the more dangerous breast cancer is? Dr. Zhong Yuanqiang explained that usually the prognosis of young breast cancer is less ideal than that of older breast cancer, and the tumor growth and metastasis speed are faster. Breast cancer is generally divided into hormone receptor-positive luminal A, luminal B, human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER2)-positive, and triple-negative breast cancer. Among them, a higher proportion of young breast cancers are HER2-positive and triple-negative, and these two types of breast cancer usually require more aggressive treatment.

Dr. Zhong Yuanqiang explained that the current treatment methods for breast cancer are different from those in the past. For stage 2 and stage 3 breast cancer, pre-chemotherapy can still be used to shrink the tumor or even disappear. After evaluating the possibility of surgery, there is also a chance to preserve the breast, which will cause less harm to the patient. As for stage IV metastatic breast cancer, in addition to traditional treatment, eligible patients can also apply for immunotherapy health insurance benefits to increase the chance of effective treatment.

What factors related to breast cancer should women pay most attention to? Dr. Zhong Yuanqiang reminds that in addition to family history, obesity will increase the incidence of breast cancer in young women. In addition, avoid excessive intake of fried and spicy foods. If you have a family history or multiple risk factors, you can undergo regular breast examinations after reaching the age of 30 to help early detection. The survival rate of early-stage breast cancer can reach 90%, and a better prognosis is expected.

Further reading:

The metastasis survival rate is less than 20%! Breast cancer in young people is related to obesity and prolonged sitting. Understand the 7 signs of breast abnormalities

Interpretations by top ten cancer experts! Is “cancer in the belly” more dangerous? Three major signs that young people are susceptible to cancer

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