Are young people who "sniff their armpits" healthier? Study: Small items and the scent of your partner help improve sleep quality

When many people grow up, they have their own “bed companions”, such as dolls, quilts and other items. It seems that without their company, it is always difficult to sleep peacefully in the dead of night. There are also people who are reluctant to wash their small belongings because they are afraid that they will lose their most familiar “smell” if they are thrown into the washing machine. In fact, this kind of taste habit has its origin. Research from the University of British Columbia in Canada shows that if you sleep with a familiar smell, such as your partner’s personal clothes, it may indeed help improve the quality of your sleep.
Falling asleep with familiar smells can help improve sleep quality
In this study, researchers analyzed the sleep data of 155 subjects and provided them with two identical-looking T-shirts. One was worn by the subject’s partner for 24 hours; the other was worn for 24 hours. clean, or worn by other strangers. In order to maintain the body odor on the T-shirt, the subject’s partner was asked to avoid using deodorant and deodorant, and was prohibited from smoking, exercising, etc., to prevent the smell on the clothes from being too complicated.
The researchers randomly placed two T-shirts with different scents on pillows, and the subjects were not told the difference in advance. Every morning, subjects will complete a survey about their sleep status and use smart devices to record their nighttime sleep quality. The study found that when subjects fell asleep in the scent of their partner, they felt that the quality of their sleep at night was better; in addition, regardless of their views on the smell of the two T-Shirts, the data presented by the smart watch showed that when subjects Sleep does improve when patients are exposed to their partner’s scent.
The lead author of this study, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia, Frances. Frances Chen said that being with a partner for a long time or being in contact with bedside objects for a long time will increase the individual’s sense of security, calmness and relaxation, which is why the subjects’ sleep quality was improved. Chen believes that this experiment will help develop the direction of using “smell” to help insomnia patients with sleep therapy in the future. For example, bringing a partner’s clothes or toy dolls when traveling may alleviate the uneasiness of being in a strange space.
Olfaction stimulates the hippocampus and taste can easily trigger the deepest memories
The sense of smell is one of the ways that humans exert their ability to perceive the environment. When the human body smells a familiar smell, it not only feels safe, but also stimulates the hippocampus of the brain and triggers strong “memories.” Research from Northwestern University shows that from a neurobiological perspective, the sense of smell can transmit information back to the hippocampus preferentially compared to the other four senses (hearing, taste, vision, touch). It’s like a highway between them, with very strong connectivity. Therefore, researchers believe that loss of smell has a greater impact on the human body than imagined, which may lead to permanent changes in memory in the brain and even increase the risk of mental diseases, such as depression, etc., showing the impact of smell on mental health The impact is far beyond ordinary people’s imagination.
Familiar taste can not only build a sense of security, but may also be a memory and emotion buried deep in the heart. So next time you encounter someone who hasn’t washed their clothes or toys for a long time, please don’t be overly surprised or look at them strangely. However, friends with similar habits should also be reminded that if cotton products are left in the dark for too long, they may become moldy and deteriorate. Even if they are not washed, they should be exposed to the sun regularly for sterilization and disinfection. Don’t let these small things full of memories become a breeding ground for mold. , if it causes allergies or other skin diseases, it may still affect your sleep quality!
Smelling your lover’s shirt could improve your sleep
Human hippocampal connectivity is stronger in olfaction than other sensory systems