Can yoga also help with defecation? Experts recommend "8 postures" to say goodbye to grievances

Can yoga also help with defecation? Experts recommend "8 postures" to say goodbye to grievances

Modern people are accustomed to sitting for long periods of time and not exercising, and constipation has become one of the common civilized diseases among office workers. While medications and over-the-counter treatments may help, overdosing can lead to dependence and be counterproductive to relieving constipation. Generally speaking, moderate exercise can relieve constipation. If you don’t want to take too strenuous exercise measures, relatively mild “yoga exercise” may be a priority for office workers.

American certified yoga instructor Courtney Sullivan said that specific yoga postures can help relieve constipation by promoting the elimination of waste from the digestive tract. Sullivan lists 8 yoga postures as follows:

1. Hemivertebral rotation

  1. Sit on a yoga mat with your legs straight.

  2. Bend your right leg and place your right foot on the ground outside your left leg, as close to your knee as possible.

  3. Bend your left leg and place it under or close to your hip.

  4. Place your left elbow on your right knee and twist your waist slightly.

  5. Breathe deeply while maintaining the position, then switch sides.

2. Supine Spinal Twist

  1. Lie flat on your yoga mat.

  2. Stretch your arms to one side in a T shape, with your palms facing down.

  3. Bend the left knee 90 degrees.

  4. While keeping your shoulders flat, let your bent left leg rest on your right leg.

  5. Breathe deeply while maintaining the position, then switch sides.

3. Crescent lunge

  1. Bend your right leg, straighten your left leg and extend it backward.

  2. Put your hands together and slowly bend your upper body to your right knee.

  3. Keep your left elbow as close to your right knee as possible.

  4. Maintain the position and take a deep breath, then switch sides.

4. Cobra pose

  1. Lie on your stomach on a yoga mat with your toes facing out.

  2. Place your palms on the floor at your sides, close to your shoulders.

  3. Gently raise your head and extend your neck as high as possible.

  4. Place your palms on the floor and gently lift your shoulders and upper body.

  5. Return to the position after taking a deep breath.

5. Legs against the wall

  1. Sit on the floor near a wall.

  2. Keep your head and back close to the floor.

  3. Keep your hips as close to the wall as possible and lean your legs against the wall.

  4. Place your arms in a more comfortable position.

  5. Maintain for about 3-5 minutes and then rest.

6. Exhaust type

  1. Lie on your back and pull your knees up toward your chest.

  2. Place your arms on your calves.

  3. Tuck your chin, keep your back as close to the floor as possible, and gently pull your knees toward your chest.

  4. Take a deep breath while maintaining the pose, and then relax.

7. Bow pose

  1. Lie facedown on the yoga mat.

  2. Bend your knees, reach your arms back and grab your ankles.

  3. Gently lift your chest off the floor.

  4. Using the tension between your arms and legs, try to lift your thighs and upper body off the floor.

  5. Hold for a few seconds, then release your hands and return to the prone position.

8. Hard Rock Style

  1. Kneel on the yoga mat with your knees and toes touching and your heels apart.

  2. Sit in the space between your heels.

  3. Straighten your back and place your hands on your knees.

  4. Hold the pose for a few seconds to a few minutes.

Although the above actions are helpful for defecation, Sullivan said that people should still seek medical treatment first if they encounter the following conditions, such as sudden changes in defecation habits, changes in defecation habits, severe stomach pain, rapid weight loss, persistent constipation after exercise, etc. In addition, Sullivan also reminded that in addition to yoga exercises, you can also consume more high-fiber and probiotic-rich foods in your daily life, which can help promote gastrointestinal motility and make defecation smoother.


Concerned About Constipation?

Symptoms & Causes of Constipation

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Yoga as Remedial Therapy

Prevalence and Self-recognition of Chronic Constipation: Results of an Internet Survey

Further reading:

Is there a solution to sleep deprivation? Meditating for 10 minutes equals 40 more minutes of sleep. 3 actions to avoid sluggishness

Men should practice yoga more! Expert: 3 major benefits for mental health and improved performance in bed

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