Writer H is less than 50 years old and suffers from prostate cancer! Are young men more at risk? Doctor: This group needs to be screened early

Writer H is less than 50 years old and suffers from prostate cancer! Are young men more at risk? Doctor: This group needs to be screened early

Well-known writer H shockingly exposed “prostate cancer”! Are tumors more malignant in young people?

Recently, H, a well-known bisexual writer, revealed that he was suffering from “prostate cancer”. Since he was diagnosed with stage III prostate cancer at the age of only 49, the age at which it occurred was relatively young. Does this mean that the malignancy of the tumor is also higher? Dr. Cai Shuwei, the attending physician of the Department of Urology at Cathay General Hospital, said in an exclusive interview that generally speaking, prostate cancer is more likely to occur in men over 50 years old, and the younger the prostate cancer develops, the higher the chance of malignancy. .

Dr. Cai Shuwei said that prostate cancer that occurs relatively young may not only have a poor prognosis, but also have a greater chance of malignant metastasis. Compared with other cancers, malignant prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that develops slowly. If the first three stages of prostate cancer are treated early, the 5-10-year survival rate is still more than 90%. However, occasionally there are cases with high malignancy and rapid progression. These are based on pathological biopsy results. Cancer in young people does not necessarily mean that it is a more malignant tumor.

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What are the signs of prostate cancer? How is it different from “prostate hypertrophy”? Dr. Cai Shuwei pointed out that men will have “benign hypertrophy” of the prostate starting from about the age of 40. As they get older, they may begin to develop lower urinary tract symptoms, such as difficulty urinating, frequent urination, nocturia, easy urination urgency or inability to urinate. Cleanliness, etc.; while malignant tumors may appear at the same time as benign prostate hypertrophy. Prostate cancer usually has no symptoms in the early stage. A few may be accompanied by hematuria or lower urinary tract symptoms that are difficult to treat. Pay more attention to the above symptoms.

Early-stage prostate cancer has no obvious symptoms until the malignant tumor begins to invade the urethra and bladder neck, which may cause hematuria. When cancer cells metastasize to lymph nodes or bones, it may cause lower back pain. At this time, prostate cancer has entered the middle and late stages, and the treatment effect is relatively not as good as in the early stage.

Dr. Choi Shu-wai emphasized that regular annual serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) test, digital anal examination or rectal ultrasound are important measures to prevent prostate cancer. If a male elder in the family has suffered from prostate cancer or has a related family history, it is recommended that the PSA index should be tracked regularly at the age of 40-50 and a blood test should be done every six months; generally, men should have a blood test every year starting from the age of 60. Second-rate.

In addition, if the test results show that the PSA index is too high and malignant tumors are suspected, further testing can be done using tools such as “Prostate Health Index (PHI)” (Prostate Health Index, PHI) examination, biopsy, or MRI. It should be noted that positron examination is more effective in malignant tumors with distant metastasis. It is recommended that the public communicate with a urologist thoroughly before conducting appropriate tests based on the condition.

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What treatments are available for prostate cancer today? Dr. Cai Shuwei explained that if the “remaining life span” is estimated to be about 10 years, there are no serious cardiovascular problems, and there is no malignant metastasis of cancer cells, total prostatectomy (Da Vinci surgery), radiation therapy, or Haiford knife can be considered. Treatment, discuss the best form of treatment with your urologist. If the tumor has metastasized distantly or the patient is too old, other conservative treatments such as drug therapy or radiation therapy may be considered.

Dr. Cai Shuwei emphasized that during total prostatectomy surgery, it is easy to contact the “sexual nerves” on both sides during the operation, which may cause urinary incontinence or low sexual function in the patient after surgery; however, with the assistance of the Da Vinci robot arm, there is a greater The chance of preserving the sexual nerves on both sides will also significantly reduce the risk of postoperative sexual dysfunction.

For middle- and late-stage prostate cancer, radiation therapy combined with hormonal therapy is recommended. When the cancer has metastasized to bones or other parts, it indicates that the disease has entered the final stage, and hormonal treatment is usually the main treatment. Once hormonal therapy fails, chemotherapy, second-line hormonal therapy, or immunotherapy will be considered.

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As Taiwanese people’s eating habits change and office workers sit for long periods of time and do not exercise, men should pay more attention to the health of their “lower body.” Dr. Cai Shuwei recommends that you should pay attention to adequate water intake and eat more green plant foods. It is currently known that “high-fat red meat” will increase the risk of malignant prostate cancer. Men who eat an excessively Westernized diet and socialize a lot, as well as older people and those suffering from prostate cancer. People with urinary tract diseases and family history should pay special attention.

Additionally, regular PSA screening can help with early detection and treatment. Dr. Cai Shuwei shared a case of a 50-year-old patient in his clinic: The patient neglected regular check-ups. After a blood test, it was found that his PSA index was over 10,000. He was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer, and the cancer cells had even spread to the liver. Although his condition was stable for the first half to one year, the patient eventually passed away within 2 years because he was unable to receive chemotherapy.

Dr. Cai Shuwei said that with the widespread use of PSA tests in recent years, the screening rate for prostate cancer has gradually increased. It is recommended that men with family history undergo digital anal examination and blood tests every year starting from the age of 40. If you feel you have related urinary tract symptoms, you should see a urology department as soon as possible. Regular examination and early treatment are very important to prevent prostate cancer, improve prognosis and quality of life.

Further reading:

Can regular ejaculation prevent cancer? Does heavy training make cancer cells grow faster? Doctors reveal 3 major myths about the prostate

What are the signs of prostate cancer? Does an elevated PSA indicate cancer? Study: Eating more fruits and vegetables lowers prostate cancer risk

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