The world is crazy about taking "melatonin" to save insomnia? Doctors slap in the face: insufficient clinical evidence! 8. You still can't sleep well even if you haven't changed your habits.


1 in 10 people in Taiwan suffers from insomnia! Is taking health food to help you sleep effective?

“Melatonin” is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. Its main function is to regulate the body’s biological clock and maintain circadian rhythm. According to a survey by the Taiwan Sleep Medicine Society, 1 in 10 people in Taiwan suffers from chronic insomnia. Therefore, many people take health foods to help them sleep. Among them, “exogenous melatonin” products have become the first choice for insomnia treatment in recent years. A popular choice, it is also gradually spread among the people that taking melatonin can relieve insomnia.

In fact, according to a study in the authoritative medical journal “JAMA”, the consumption rate of melatonin supplements in the United States has indeed increased significantly over the past 20 years, with the average person taking more than 5 mg per day. However, is it really effective to relieve insomnia through topical melatonin? The Food and Drug Administration invited Dr. Li Songtao, a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Taipei City Hospital, to clarify the myths about melatonin for the public.

How to make the body produce enough melatonin and maintain a normal biological clock? Li Songtao explained that the general principle is that work and rest should be consistent with the rhythm of day and night: during the day, you should get enough light, and when you wake up, you should open the curtains and bask in the sun; at night, turn on fewer lights, make the light darker, and reduce the use of screens and mobile phones. Avoid light stimulation that inhibits melatonin secretion.

Can taking melatonin help relieve insomnia? Doctor: Research evidence is still insufficient

Dr. Li Songtao said that whether melatonin can achieve the effect of treating insomnia still needs to be confirmed by long-term and large-scale use studies. Although some studies have pointed out that melatonin can improve subjective sleep quality and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, the results cannot be used as an objective indicator to evaluate sleep improvement. Therefore, there is currently no consensus among the medical community on the effectiveness of melatonin in treating insomnia, and more research is needed to evaluate it.

“When you have insomnia, you should first go to a psychiatric or psychosomatic department to let the doctor understand the overall situation. Emotional distress such as depression, anxiety, or other physical diseases may cause insomnia. These reasons must be clarified first.” Li Songtao Doctors explain that for those who suffer from insomnia due to depression, their insomnia will gradually improve after treating the depression first.

Dr. Li Songtao also pointed out that many people are reluctant to seek medical treatment for insomnia because they are afraid that doctors will only prescribe sleeping pills and they worry about becoming dependent on sleeping pills. In fact, doctors not only use drugs when treating insomnia, but also provide guidance on lifestyle and rest patterns to help patients improve their sleep-impeding habits and achieve better sleep quality.

How to solve the problem of insomnia? Doctors advise “8 Habits” to be established first and most importantly

Dr. Li Songtao suggests that instead of becoming dependent on health products such as melatonin, it is better to make the following 8 changes in life to help develop a “good sleep physique”:

  1. Moderate exposure to sunlight. Exercise moderately during the day and get enough light.

  2. Caffeine should be consumed in moderation. Do not drink caffeinated beverages such as tea or coffee after noon.

  3. Create a dark environment. Dim the light in the house at night and reduce the use of screens and mobile phones to avoid light stimulation and suppression of melatonin secretion.

  4. Stay in bed only for sleep. Use the bed only for sleeping, do not lie on the bed when not sleeping, and avoid using mobile phones or reading books on the bed.

  5. Avoid working before going to bed. Do not work or do complicated activities before going to bed.

  6. Avoid exercise before going to bed. Avoid excessive exercise and hot baths before going to bed, because your body temperature will slowly drop during sleep, and rising body temperature will make it difficult to sleep.

  7. Avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed. Avoid drinking alcohol, which can cause fragmented sleep and make you more likely to wake up early.

  8. Practice mindfulness meditation. Abdominal breathing and meditation can help relax and sleep better.

The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration also warned that according to Taiwan’s Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, melatonin products are classified as controlled drugs, and it is illegal to sell unapproved drugs without authorization. People are not allowed to purchase melatonin products online or from unknown sources, as their efficacy and safety have not been confirmed and may cause harm to their health.


Melatonin cures insomnia? Doctor: Insufficient clinical evidence! - Drug and Food Safety Weekly Report No. 905

Trends in Use of Melatonin Supplements Among US Adults, 1999-2018

Further reading:

There is no use in taking a vacation to drink coffee to refresh yourself! Unless combined with “1 behavior”, the more you drink, the more tired you will be.

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