After work, he was lying in bed playing mobile games and before he could practice martial arts, he grew "eagle claw hands"! Doctors were shocked during the examination: the fingers were "severely deformed"

After work, he was lying in bed playing mobile games and before he could practice martial arts, he grew "eagle claw hands"! Doctors were shocked during the examination: the fingers were "severely deformed"

After getting off work, he lay down in bed playing mobile games and practiced martial arts, but failed and actually developed the “Eagle Claw Hand” first.

If you like to lie in bed and play mobile games, are you worried about long-term compression of the “ulnar nerve”, which may lead to “eagle claw hand”? Dr. Wei Bohan from the Department of Orthopedics at the Cheng Ching Hospital Chung Kang Branch said that there was a 35-year-old office worker in the clinic. Due to poor posture while playing mobile games, the ulnar nerve at the elbow was compressed, and the fingers even deformed into the shape of an eagle’s claw. The ring finger and little finger were unable to flexibly expand. Straight, accompanied by numbness of the fingers.

Dr. Wei Bonhan explained that the man was accustomed to lying on the bed every night before going to bed, using his elbows on the bed as a fulcrum, and playing mobile games on his mobile phone for several hours. Recently, I noticed numbness on the palms of my ring finger and little finger of both hands, especially the ring finger and little finger of my left hand, which were bent like claws and difficult to extend. They were so numb that I couldn’t sleep well at night, so I went to the orthopedics department of the hospital for treatment.

Ulnar nerve compression, beware of “cubital tunnel syndrome”! Medical consequences: The most serious fear is “muscle atrophy”

Dr. Wei Bohan said that the patient played mobile games with his elbow bent more than 90 degrees for a long time, which caused the ulnar nerve to develop neuropathy due to excessive pressure in the cubital tunnel on the inside of the elbow, because the ulnar nerve innervates the ring finger. and the end of the little finger. If the ring finger and the palm of the little finger usually feel numb, and the numbness worsens when the elbow is bent, it may be “cubital tunnel syndrome”. The initial symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome are numbness in the ring finger and little finger and pain on the inside of the elbow joint; the mid-term symptoms are reduced hand grip strength and sensitivity; the later symptoms are muscle atrophy caused by continued nerve compression and the phenomenon of claw-shaped hands.

After a nerve conduction test, the patient was confirmed to have cubital tunnel syndrome in both hands, with the left hand having more severe symptoms and symptoms of “eagle’s claw hand”. Although the patient had received steroid injection treatment and initially improved, the attack recurred a few weeks later. If the oppressed ulnar nerve was not released through surgery, the longer it was delayed, the more likely it would be left with long-term numbness, pain and muscle atrophy. sequelae.

“These professions” are a high-risk group for Eagle Claw Hands! Doctors recommend “1 action” to relieve discomfort

Dr. Wei Bohan said that the principle of this surgery is to perform “neurolysis” on the compressed part of the ulnar nerve, so that the swollen and inflamed part of the nerve can be relaxed. After confirming that there is no compression of the nerve, hyaluronic acid is further covered around the ulnar nerve to prevent The nerves and tissues adhered again. The patient’s follow-up examination after the operation showed that he had returned to normal, and the numbness of his fingers and eagle-clawed hands had improved.

Dr. Wei Bonhan reminded that the content of mobile games is changing with each passing day. If young people who play games madly have incorrect posture, they can easily develop cubital tunnel syndrome. In addition, high-risk groups such as computer workers, pianists, watch repair technicians, goldsmiths and other occupations that require maintaining a bent elbow posture for too long; there are also long-term postures that are incorrect, such as those who use their hands as pillows during naps or those who take naps for a long time People who use mobile phones have a higher chance of suffering from cubital nerve syndrome.

“It is recommended that the above-mentioned groups should not bend their elbows for too long, and stretch their hands moderately every half an hour. If symptoms of discomfort occur, it is recommended to seek medical treatment as soon as possible to prevent “Eagle Claw Hands” from seriously affecting their daily life!”

Further reading:

More accurate than weather forecast? When it gets cold or rainy, my joints ache! Rehabilitation doctors teach 7 ways to improve

What to do if your hands are numb? Mouse hand and cubital tunnel syndrome caused by playing mobile phones? “Risk Group” Beware of Nerve Compression

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