Can women have time to give birth before the age of 40? Who is suitable for egg freezing? Famous doctor reveals critical age

Can women have time to give birth before the age of 40? Who is suitable for egg freezing? Famous doctor reveals critical age

According to statistics from the CIA, Taiwan’s fertility rate is “the lowest” in the world in 2021. In addition to being related to the economy and public sentiment, phenomena such as the increasing divorce rate and the increasing prevalence of late marriage are also important factors. Many women who marry late worry that their age may lead to reduced egg quality, fertility difficulties, and chromosomal abnormalities when their children are born. What is the best time to conceive? Is it still possible to have children over the age of 40?

Is it best for women to conceive before the age of 30? Is there any difference in childbearing age for men and women?

Dr. Lin Shiyu, deputy director of the Reproductive Center of Taipei Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, pointed out that after the age of 30, due to ovarian aging, egg quality begins to decline, and the rate of fetal chromosomal abnormalities may also increase. If you can conceive before the age of 30, the egg condition will be better than after the age of 30. Therefore, the most suitable age for women to have children is before the age of 34.

As for men’s age, there is little correlation with the rate of chromosomal abnormalities. However, decreased testicular function may also lead to poorer sperm quality. Some studies even indicate that changes in certain specific genes are significantly related to male age. So overall, whether it is a man or a woman, the younger the child, the better.

Dr. Lin Shiyu said that the number of eggs in a female fetus reaches its peak when the uterus is 20 weeks pregnant, and will continue to decrease with age. Therefore, before a woman becomes pregnant, it is recommended to check the number of eggs in her body through the following two measures: the first is the “Anti-Müllerian Hormone Test” (AMH), and the second is the ultrasound test, both of which can accurately test The number of eggs in a woman’s uterus.

Will the chance of conceiving decrease after the age of 35? Which women are suitable for egg freezing?

Dr. Lin Shiyu said that women who give birth over the age of 34 are called “elderly mothers.” If you want to have a baby at this time, you have to race against time. The first step is to consult a reproductive medicine or infertility specialist. Taiwan’s reproductive medicine technology is well developed, and it is possible to conceive older women at a certain rate.

Dr. Lin Shiyu said that a 28-year-old female patient previously came for treatment. She was considered young in terms of childbearing age, but after a blood test, the AMH was less than 0.1 (the normal value is 3-4). As long as the value does not exceed 1, you need to consider in vitro fertilization. Fortunately, the number of eggs retrieved was not large, so there were good embryos, and conception was successfully completed.

In addition, Dr. Lin Shiyu also advised women that egg freezing is a relatively mature technology in reproductive preservation. The treatment only takes about 2 weeks to complete, and it will not increase problems such as fetal chromosomal abnormalities and developmental defects. Women aged 30 to 35 are urged to adopt egg freezing measures as soon as possible if they have no short-term fertility plans, their husbands are azoospermic, they have a family history of ovarian disease, they do not have a uterus, they have a history of cancer, etc.

Is there any chance of getting pregnant if you are over 40? Is there any hope of getting pregnant as long as “the menstrual photo comes”?

What if a woman is over 40 years old? Is there still a chance of conceiving? Dr. Lin Shiyu pointed out that the age of 43-44 is the obvious “breaking point” for women, and the number of successful conception cases has also decreased a lot. Women over 40 years old who want to have children are urged to consult a doctor as soon as possible; if the egg bank is still sufficient, there may still be a chance of pregnancy. However, most of them still require IVF technology to be successful.

As for menstruation coming regularly, is there a certain chance of pregnancy? Dr. Lin Shiyu clarified that menstruation is a symbol of female characteristics, and the regular occurrence of menstruation does not mean normal ovulation function. For example, a woman over 45 years old may have normal menstruation but her fertility rate will drop significantly. If menstruation is irregular or absent, the chances of conception may be even slimmer.

Dr. Lin Shiyu appeals to the public. Based on the current fertility subsidy measures, women under the age of 40 can receive 6 subsidies; women aged 40-45 can receive 3 subsidies. If you have a childbirth plan in the future, you should start conception as soon as possible. The success rate and embryo quality All can be significantly improved. If you are a woman between the ages of 34 and 45, seeking assistance from a reproductive medicine specialist or obstetrics and gynecology specialist as soon as possible will not only increase your chances of conception, but also significantly reduce the risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities.

Further reading:

The reason why a Taiwanese woman “doesn’t want to have a baby” is revealed: her partner’s lack of participation! How men can become god teammates

At what age is the best age to freeze eggs? The older you get, the worse your eggs become? Do you also need to check the “ovarian inventory”?

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