Why do women love fake orgasms? 3 keys to a satisfying sex life: Physiology only accounts for 30%!

Why do women love fake orgasms? 3 keys to a satisfying sex life: Physiology only accounts for 30%!

Why do men care about women fake orgasms? Men love to watch women love to act?

Many men care about whether their partner’s performance in bed is a “real orgasm” or a “fake orgasm.” What kind of psychological state is this?

Director Tong Songzhen of Taiwan’s Songfu Sexual Health Management Center said that orgasms can be divided into “physiological orgasms” and “psychological orgasms.” Medically, they are used to measure the performance of physiological orgasms, including increased blood pressure, accelerated heartbeat, flushing and other changes. But the psychological climax, which depends on the situation and atmosphere, is actually more important for sex.

“We must first think about the meaning of orgasm to both men and women? Because boys like to watch it, girls will like to act. Behind the act is actually an expression of love. If you don’t act because you don’t love it, the relationship between the two people will be painful. !”

Director Tong Songzhen said that men are too concerned about whether their partner is having a fake orgasm. The underlying reason may be that they suspect that their “function” is not good enough to allow their partner to reach a physiological orgasm. In fact, as long as you communicate appropriately to make the other party happy, you can also achieve the effect of psychological climax.

“Situation and atmosphere are very important. Sex between two parties is really about psychological pleasure. The physical part may only account for 30%. You can feel the other person’s state right now, so why do you have to distinguish between feet? There is no bending and the heartbeat is accelerated. Maybe you are just doubting your ability?”

The three major indicators of sexual life satisfaction and communication skills should be paid equal attention to

Director Tong Songzhen pointed out that the satisfaction of sexual life depends on three aspects. The first is communication between partners. If you find a way to coordinate and fit with each other, your sexual life will naturally be harmonious. It is recommended that men should not think that they must make women “scream.” Only then can one prove one’s male self-esteem.

The second level that affects sexual life satisfaction is indeed sexual ability. Men cannot be so “weak” that they only use “Cover” for foreplay, have premature ejaculation as soon as they take off their pants and put on a condom, go limp when they reach the hole, or go in and thrust in twice and then withdraw weakly. All of the above conditions can be improved through treatment and training. From the literature review, it can be seen that if the insertion process lasts for more than 7-8 minutes, better sexual life satisfaction can be obtained.

The third part is skills. If you don’t know how to do it when you change positions, I’m afraid it will make your sex life boring. Director Tong Songzhen suggested that both men and women should have good communication, appropriate abilities and sexual skills in sexual life, so as to have the opportunity to coordinate sexual affairs and make partners feel satisfied with each other.

To improve sexual function, toys should be gradually added to promote and coordinate

What many men really care about in their hearts is still partly the issue of sexual “ability”. Director Tong Songzhen explained that sexual function can be improved through training. In the past, the only options were surgery and drugs. Nowadays, health concepts are popular and there is more extensive research on organ training. If there are significant functional impairments, and sometimes it is impossible to achieve the ideal just by relying on aerobic, weight and other exercise training, it is still recommended to consult a professional therapist for help.

Director Tong Songzhen said that improving sexual function is a step-by-step process, and it is difficult to achieve complete improvement with just “one trick”. Taking premature ejaculation as an example, you can eliminate the reaction in the most sensitive area through training, then start with manual work by one person, and slowly train to the interaction between two people. The treatment effect is more significant than previous methods.

In addition, improving the atmosphere and interest can also help to enrich your sex life. Director Tong Songzhen pointed out that more and more people know that toys such as vibrators can be used to promote sexual harmony, but the proportion of use time should be adjusted. Appropriate intervention of toys can indeed make women more pleasurable. Men may wish to try many ways after communication.

Further reading:

Do you want to be “sex addicted” every day? Experts reveal the truth: If you can’t get hard, you have to keep changing partners

“Sex Study Room” is a must-read! Is sex the same as exercise in losing weight? Weekly sex in bed is “hugely good” for your health?

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