Winter is the best time to "nourish your liver"! Nutritionists recommend "15 liver-protecting ingredients" to help the liver do year-end cleaning

Winter is the best time to "nourish your liver"! Nutritionists recommend "15 liver-protecting ingredients" to help the liver do year-end cleaning

At the end of the year, major companies need to summarize or review their financial or operational status, and office workers may need to work longer hours, causing excessive psychological pressure. In addition, there are many end-of-year parties and teething festivals. Many people are busy reveling on the weekend, but they ignore that the “liver index” is silently raising the alarm at this time.

Dietitian Gao Minmin pointed out in a social post that office workers or laborers have worked hard for a whole year, and the busy end of the year has caused various diseases to break out. In particular, the most silent organ “liver” may be silently protesting. Nutritionists suggest that people may wish to seize the best opportunity to “nourished the liver” at this time, eat more 15 kinds of foods that help protect the liver and detoxify, and help the liver do “year-end cleaning”:

1. Clam soup

Clams are rich in “taurine”, which helps bile production and strengthens liver function. It not only replenishes energy, but also reduces bad cholesterol.

2. Red dates

It is a fruit with antioxidant effects and rich in multiple nutrients. You can usually drink red dates soaked in water or tea to promote metabolism and nourish the liver.

3. Salmon

Rich in high-quality protein and Omega-3, it helps repair the liver and fight inflammation.

4. Turmeric

It has strong antioxidant capacity and helps regulate the overall function of the liver.

5. Citrus

Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, it assists in liver detoxification.

6. Garlic

Allicin can help kill bacteria and remove toxins from the body. Eating it in winter also helps blood circulation.

7. Dark green vegetables

It has good detoxification ability and helps liver repair. It is recommended to eat more vegetables such as kale, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage and so on.

8. White radish

It is a cruciferous plant that is not only good for gastrointestinal health, but also contains sulfur compounds that can help protect the liver.

9. Oats

Rich in dietary fiber and vitamin B complex, it can also promote liver cell metabolism. It is recommended to replace cereal with oatmeal for breakfast, which can provide more complete nutrition.

10. Olive oil

A good plant-based oil that helps regulate fatty liver.

11. Tofu

As a plant-based protein, its protein content is among the best among vegetarian foods. Tofu can help the liver repair and regenerate. It is recommended to use tofu and soy products as protein sources.

12. Beetroot

Contains “anthocyanins” to help reduce the burden on the liver.

13. Walnuts

Rich in vitamin E, it can help improve fatty liver inflammation.

14. Coffee

The “chlorogenic acid” in coffee can help regulate liver function. It is recommended that people who are less sensitive to caffeine can drink a cup of black coffee in moderation every day. Be aware that drinking too much may cause sleep disturbance, heart palpitations or excessive nervousness.

15. Green tea

Green tea contains “catechins” that help protect the liver, resist oxidation, and fight inflammation. In addition, studies have shown that sugar-free green tea has anti-cancer effects, improves concentration, and helps burn fat.

Finally, nutritionist Gao Minmin reminds office workers or working friends not to neglect the importance of liver protection due to being too busy. In addition to detoxifying, the liver also helps with metabolism and nutrient synthesis. Nutrients taken in by the body must pass through the liver before they can be distributed to other organs. Therefore, in addition to eating more liver-nourishing foods, your daily eating habits should be based on “original foods” and eat less high-calorie foods such as processed products and fried foods. In addition, you should also avoid eating too many sweets. Excessive sugar can easily cause fat accumulation in the liver, which may put you in the crisis of “fatty liver”.

Further reading:

What to do about gastroesophageal reflux? Can nutritional intake be improved? Avoid 6 Mine Foods

[Expert Q&A] What are the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux? How to treat it? Is it helpful to take stomach medicine? “Group 2 foods” to avoid

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