Is the weight number "limited" during the epidemic prevention period? Why can't I lose weight even though I exercise and eat healthy meals?

Is the weight number "limited" during the epidemic prevention period? Why can't I lose weight even though I exercise and eat healthy meals?

During the epidemic, many people worked or went to school at home and unintentionally ate more snacks or snacks. Over the course of a few months, they became like “big food monsters”. Only when they stood on the scale did they realize that the numbers were appalling. Yiting nutritionist said in an interview that if you develop the bad habit of overeating during the epidemic, it will not only greatly increase the chance of obesity, but also gradually reduce the body’s immunity.

Eating a healthy meal box every day does not necessarily make you lose weight! If you want to lose weight, avoid these “landmine foods” first

During the period of home epidemic prevention, if there is no habit of cooking at home, many people will choose to use “delivery platforms” to take care of their daily dietary needs. Yiting nutritionist said that there is a dazzling array of food delivered, and you can choose the food you like with just a few clicks of your fingers, and there are many “landmine foods” among them, such as dry noodles, bento boxes, braised pork rice, etc. It is easy to consume too much starch when eating these foods, so be careful.

Yiting nutritionist listed several landmine foods. If people are worried about ingesting too much fat and starch when ordering meals, they must pay special attention to them, including sugar, sugar substitutes, beverages, bread, donuts, cheese, margarine, and oil. Fried foods, pasta, salt, red meat, ice cream, popcorn.

Yiting nutritionist believes that the characteristic of land mine food is that it makes people want to “eat it again and again.” As for sugar substitutes, although they have lower calories than refined sugar, excessive intake will still cause sugar addiction, which is harmful to the body. There will still be adverse effects. In addition, excessive intake of refined sugar may cause insulin resistance, causing blood sugar to continue to rise, which is harmful to weight loss. As for noodles and bread, which may seem harmless, the main raw material is still wheat, which is a refined starch that can also have an adverse effect on body weight in terms of metabolism and utilization by the body.

In recent years, “healthy meal boxes”, which are widely loved by people who eat out, have become the new favorite of food delivery platforms. Not only do they taste as good as ordinary lunch boxes, but they are also more balanced in nutrition. However, even if you eat healthy meal boxes every day, there are many people who have not lost weight. Do healthy meal boxes help lose weight?

Yiting nutritionists explained that most of the ingredients in the healthy meal boxes are cooked in water, reducing fried and processed foods. They are indeed healthier than the chicken drumstick bento and pork rib bento that are generally sold in the market. However, the proportion of vegetables, meat or starch in some healthy meal boxes is still unbalanced. If there are few vegetables and too much meat or starch, it will not be very helpful for weight loss. In addition, healthy meal boxes contain less fat. If women’s fat intake is too low, it may affect their menstrual period. The ideal nutritional intake is that the ratio of vegetables: protein: starch should be 2:1:1, which is nutritionally balanced and can help with weight loss.

Why do I gain weight instead of losing weight after exercise? Will it be worse if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 if you don’t exercise?

During the epidemic, many people have been working or going to school at home for a long time. If they do not maintain exercise habits, “obesity” may soon come to their doorsteps. Yiting nutritionist said that bad habits that easily aggravate obesity are common during the level 3 alert, such as being sedentary for a long time and taking less than 500 steps throughout the day; eating more and moving less and forgetting to drink enough water; staying up late to watch TV shows and going to bed late Wait, it is easy for the weight number to gradually increase.

Although exercise can maintain health and help lose weight, you still need to pay special attention to your diet before and after exercise. Yiting nutritionist said that some people indulge themselves in eating and drinking based on a reward mentality because they exercise a lot that day. If they eat an unhealthy diet, they will not only be unable to lose weight, but may even cause weight gain. It is recommended to consume enough protein and appropriate amount of starch after exercise.

Yiting nutritionist said that obesity may not only cause chronic inflammation of the body, but also affect the immune system, reducing overall protection. The CDC in the United States has released a study stating that people who have no exercise habits and are obese have twice the risk of severe illness and death when diagnosed with COVID-19 compared with regular exercisers. This shows the destructive power of obesity on health.

If you want to lose weight, you must first have “diet awareness.” Nutritionists give “4 key points” to increase the effect of weight loss

Yiting nutritionists believe that your body shape reflects your eating habits or lifestyle. If you feel that your weight has increased despite not eating much, it is recommended to develop “food awareness” first and record what foods you eat during the three meals. Don’t think that you are eating too much. A small snack or snack is not harmful to the body. Many times, weight is gained by eating one bite at a time.

Yiting nutritionist reminds that weight control is a long process and cannot be achieved overnight. It is recommended to start from “three major directions”: eating a balanced diet, developing exercise habits and adjusting your daily routine. If it is difficult to change the amount of exercise or daily life in a short period of time, you should at least reduce the intake of foods high in fat, salt, sugar, etc. More importantly, you should eat enough fruits and vegetables and drink enough water. Nutritionists point out that paying attention to the following things in your daily diet can help you lose weight:

  1. Avoid “crash slimming methods” to avoid losing only water and muscle mass when losing weight.

  2. Aim to lose 0.5 to 1 kilogram a week (about 3500-7000 calories less).

  3. Try to consume more calories than you take in into your body.

  4. Choose the source of heat and cooking method of food carefully.

Yiting nutritionist reiterates that everyone’s diet and lifestyle are different, so there is no one-size-fits-all way to lose weight. If your diet and lifestyle have changed significantly, and you have combined exercise habits, your weight will not be reduced. , it is recommended to seek assistance and treatment from a nutritionist or metabolism specialist; do not buy weight loss drugs from unknown sources on your own to avoid failure to lose weight and causing physical harm.

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