Can weight loss reverse diabetes? Doctors reveal how to choose "starting pitcher" to treat diabetes and obesity

Can weight loss reverse diabetes? Doctors reveal how to choose "starting pitcher" to treat diabetes and obesity

A middle-aged woman who has just been diagnosed with diabetes has high blood sugar, a BMI of over 27, and even high blood pressure, blood lipids, and triglyceride index! After discussing with her, the attending physician in this case, Dr. Du Baicun, the director of Ruidong Clinic, suggested that she use oral medication that can control blood sugar and lose weight at her own expense, and use compound drugs to control blood pressure, blood lipids, etc. . After half a year of control, not only did his blood sugar reach the standard, he lost 10 kilograms in weight, and all other parameters were improved, he also changed other drugs to single prescriptions and reduced the dosage.

Dr. Du Baicun pointed out, “More than 50% of diabetic patients are also obese. Obesity makes it difficult to control blood sugar, and also increases the risk of large and small blood vessel disease, leading to stroke, myocardial infarction, etc.; therefore, patients with diabetes and obesity should Controlling sugar and weight at the same time can avoid more health hazards. “In recent years, international diabetes treatment guidelines have included weight management as one of the main treatment goals, which shows the importance of weight control for patients.

How much weight is enough for people with diabetes to lose weight?

But how much weight loss is enough? Dr. Du Baicun said that weight loss of 5-7% can help relieve blood sugar. Weight loss of more than 10% will have obvious organ protection benefits and is expected to reduce drug dosage. If weight loss can reach more than 15%, diabetes will be relieved. Possibility! However, Dr. Du said that the clinical selection of drugs needs to be based on individual conditions and takes into account multiple considerations.

In addition, Dr. Du Baicun also reminded that without the assistance of professional medical personnel, some weight loss methods may cause risks such as dyslipidemia, gallstones or excessive blood sugar fluctuations. It is recommended that patients should lose weight in one month under professional guidance. 1kg as the target to avoid health crises caused by drastic weight loss.

The treatment of newly diagnosed diabetes is as important as the starting pitcher in a baseball game

Especially for newly diagnosed diabetes and obesity, Dr. Du Bucun likens it to a baseball game. If the first-line treatment is to choose the right drug, including drugs that can control blood sugar and have weight control benefits, serve as the “starting pitcher” , improving treatment effects can also reduce the risk of complications. Therefore, in recent years, many diabetes drugs have been relaxed for first-line use, entering the competition early to help patients control the disease.

In the selection of starting pitchers, GLP-1 incretin drugs and SGLT-2 both achieve blood sugar and weight reduction through different mechanisms. Dr. Du Baicun takes the GLP-1 enterocrine drug as an example. It reduces glucagon, stimulates insulin secretion to control blood sugar, delays gastric emptying, and creates a feeling of satiety, thereby suppressing appetite and controlling weight. It has cardiovascular protection, kidney protection and other effects. In terms of dosage forms, there are two forms: oral and injection, which have been relaxed for front-line use.

It is important to think positively and take active control when facing diabetes and obesity

Finally, Dr. Du Baicun mentioned that some patients may feel lost when controlling the disease or feel discouraged after a period of treatment; but he also reminded that during the treatment process, the most important thing is positive thinking, Only by having a good understanding of diseases, medicines and your own body can you have a chance to control the disease. “No matter what stage of the disease you are at, as long as you are willing to face it positively, follow the doctor’s instructions carefully, use appropriate drugs, maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly, and most importantly, monitor blood sugar and weight regularly, you will have the opportunity to have good control. Disease.” He also encouraged patients that they are not alone on the road to disease control. With the help of the medical team, there are also many diabetes patients who are willing to share their experiences with other patients. As long as patients are willing, they will have the opportunity to achieve their treatment goals. Even a chance of reversing diabetes!


  1. Primary Medicine Volume 21 Issue 6 Introduction to Diabetes Obesity Huang Wenwei, Wu Zhixing

  2. Curr Obes Rep. 2017 Jun;6(2):187-194.

  3. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2022 Apr; 30(4):802-840.

  4. Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep. 2022 Sep 1:2022:22-0295.

Extended reading:

One injection a week can reduce weight by 15%? Why do I still gain weight even after taking slimming pills? Doctor reveals “weight loss devil”

“The most effective weight loss drug to date” Understand the benefits and side effects of GLP-1 injections. Once you stop taking the drug, will it be more difficult to lose weight again?

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