Is weight loss always half-way due to poor inhibitory function of the brain? Why is exercise the best solution?

Is weight loss always half-way due to poor inhibitory function of the brain? Why is exercise the best solution?

Is losing weight and always giving up halfway at work due to insufficient inhibitory function?

Various plans made in life, whether it is weight loss, study, or promotion, are always unable to be completed, or even abandoned halfway. Maybe the reason is insufficient “control ability”? Hong Chongmin, a research chair professor at the Department of Physical Education and Exercise Science at National Taiwan Normal University, said in an exclusive interview with “healthorn” that the inhibitory function is part of the “executive function” (EF, executive function), and the executive function is called the “brain CEO”. It is the most important ability to help oneself make plans and achieve goals.

Professor Hong Chongmin pointed out that executive function covers inhibitory function, working memory, cognitive flexibility, planning, reasoning and problem-solving abilities. Only when a person’s executive function operates well can he have sufficient “executive power”. Among them, the importance of the inhibitory function is like a “brake”, which can help the self clarify which behaviors are truly beneficial rationally. For example, when faced with delicious food, you can resist the urge to eat high-calorie foods, or you know that sitting still for a long time is harmful to the body, and you can resist the thought of just being lazy and get up and exercise.

When the inhibition function is not strong enough, we will be more inclined to stay in the “comfort zone”. Hong Congmin said that many people are accustomed to handling the same work in established ways and are unwilling to accept new challenges, etc., which are all related to poor inhibitory function. It has been observed that most modern companies hope that their employees will be innovative and avoid following old work patterns. A good inhibitory function can resist the desire to stay in the comfort zone, help themselves to constantly jump out and create, and expand their psychological cognition and problem-solving abilities. Bring more growth and creativity.

What is the most effective way to improve inhibitory function from physiological behavior to cognitive movement?

Want to improve control function, “exercise” is the most effective? Professor Hong Chongmin pointed out that exercise has three major effects on promoting inhibitory function. First, the inhibitory function is located in the “prefrontal lobe” brain area and requires the operation of various physiological and biochemical bases. Exercise can help balance neurotransmitters and promote neurotrophic Factors grow and cause the brain capillaries to proliferate to supply more blood flow. It can also increase the number of synapses, neurogenesis, increase the volume of gray matter and white matter, etc. It has multiple benefits for the physiological and biochemical aspects of brain structure and function.

Second, exercise itself will generate “behavioral load.” Professor Hong Chongmin gave an example. When office workers go from sitting on the sofa watching TV to starting an exercise plan to participating in exercise after work, the entire process will have a “behavioral load” on the brain. “Behavioral load” requires the inhibition function to “press the brakes” during “comfortable” long-term sitting, and instead be able to adopt “uncomfortable” exercise behaviors.

Finally, the “cognitive load” of exercise is also beneficial to improving inhibitory function. Professor Hong Chongmin pointed out that there will be “inertial” interference in behavior. Through exercise training, one can improve the ability to resist inertial interference and prevent oneself from “doing” Some kind of reaction. For example, when playing table tennis, training yourself not to react A to the ball but to react B can achieve the effect of fighting inertia and strengthening the inhibition function.

Professor Hong Congmin said that from the perspective of physiological and biochemical mechanisms of nerves, behavioral load, and cognitive load, exercise is the best way for ordinary people to exercise “perseverance.” Perseverance refers to the ability to persevere and not give up when you feel like giving up. In fact, it is the “inhibitory function” that puts the brakes on the brain, chooses uncomfortable behaviors and resists inertial interference, helping you to have good control and finally achieve your plan. Target.

How to exercise inhibition function? Incorporating cognitive load works best

In fact, there is more than one way to improve executive function, such as mindfulness training (Mindfulness), biofeedback, and consultation behavioral control all have their roles. Professor Hong Congmin pointed out that various types of training mostly take one or two of the three pathways of neurophysiology and biochemistry, behavioral load, and cognitive load, and exercise is one of the few that can stimulate the three pathways at the same time to achieve the maximum improvement effect, “all in one battle.” The way. In addition, all improvement training must be sustained. The exercise itself is playful and fun, and is more suitable for long-term implementation.

Professor Hong Congmin said that current scientific evidence shows that as long as the exercise method can increase cardiopulmonary endurance, including brisk walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling, and allowing the heart rate to reach between 130-140 and lasting for more than 20 minutes, the brain can be improved. Positive benefits of functionality.

In addition, exercises that increase muscle strength, such as squats, stick poses, push-ups, or bodyweight loading exercises that exercise the core muscles, can not only improve muscle strength but also promote executive function. The third type of exercise that is beneficial to brain function is related to coordination function and requires more skills. For example, playing badminton, table tennis, basketball, and gymnastics are all good sports exercises.

Professor Hong Chongmin pointed out that the best exercise is one that takes into account the three pathways to improve brain function. Therefore, complex ball games that require coordination and skills, such as table tennis, have been developed to incorporate elements of cognitive load and combine scientifically proven various An effective factor, such as a “cocktail” combined with exercise courses to improve executive function, not only helps improve physical fitness, but also has great benefits for reaction, speed, agility and mental strength.

“We suggest that everyone, running is good, and heavy training is also good. You might as well participate in more ball sports. Each exercise lasts for 30 minutes to an hour. The more continuous and solid participation, the better the improvement effect will be!”

Further reading:

Is eating less and moving more a big myth? Psychologist reveals 3 major weight loss mines

If you want to exercise while staying at home, do you still have to choose a time? Australian research: Eating too much fat and exercising during the day are ineffective

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