The weather is getting cooler and the temperature difference between day and night is huge! Doctors reveal the strategy of keeping warm: If you don't catch cold in "2 parts", your body will naturally warm from morning to night

The weather is getting cooler and the temperature difference between day and night is huge! Doctors reveal the strategy of keeping warm: If you don't catch cold in "2 parts", your body will naturally warm from morning to night

The weather is getting cooler and the temperature difference between day and night is huge! Doctors reveal strategies for keeping warm: Don’t catch cold in “2 parts”

Affected by the continental cold air mass, the entire island of Taiwan has recently turned into a dry and cold state. Although the maximum temperature at noon during the day can reach 20 degrees, the temperature difference between day and night is sharp. After nightfall, the minimum temperature in the central and northern areas can reach 11 degrees. People need to pay special attention to the severe temperature difference that may cause heart disease. Vascular risk increases. Chen Jieyu, the attending physician of the Department of Cardiology at Cathay Hospital, once pointed out in an interview with “healthorn” that stroke and myocardial infarction are easy to occur when the seasons change and the temperature changes drastically, especially when the three highs (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia) or have suffered from If you have a history of cardiovascular disease and stroke, the cold wave may cause blood vessels to contract violently, causing plaques in the blood vessels to rupture and form thrombus. Be sure to take adequate measures to keep warm.

Dr. Chen Jieyu pointed out that the temperature in the past two weeks has dropped significantly compared with last month. With the arrival of the cold wave, the number of myocardial infarction cases in the hospital has also shown an upward trend. High-risk groups and the elderly are reminded to wear warm clothing. Nowadays, with the technological advancement of fabric materials, it is not necessary to wear traditional heavy clothes to achieve the warmth effect. You can choose a lightweight down vest or down jacket, which also has a significant warmth effect.

Dr. Chen Jieyu said that high-risk groups should pay attention to keeping their necks and trunks warm. Since the neck directly affects the temperature of the blood flow entering the brain, patients who have had a stroke should pay attention to keeping their necks warm. As for those with cardiovascular problems, they should keep their body and trunk warm to avoid stimulating blood vessels and increasing the load on the heart.

Does early morning exercise increase the risk of cardiovascular events? Once “3 conditions” occur, exercise should be stopped

As for people who find time to exercise during holidays, especially the elderly who are accustomed to “exercise early in the morning”, it is even more necessary to carry warm clothes with them. Dr. Chen Jieyu pointed out that due to the “radiative cooling effect”, the early morning is often the lowest time of the day. Cardiovascular patients must wear long sleeves or warm clothes when they get up from bed in the middle of the night or early in the morning. They can also use a heater. Maintain a constant indoor temperature to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease caused by alternating hot and cold temperatures when standing up.

In addition, people who take high-risk drugs such as anticoagulants are prone to slipping and falling when getting up in the middle of the night. They may hit their head and cause cerebral hemorrhage, so they should be extra careful. Dr. Chen Jieyu added that the temperature has dropped sharply in recent days, and the proportion of people wearing masks has become smaller and smaller. The number of patients in emergency rooms due to cardiovascular diseases and pneumonia infections has increased significantly. He reminds high-risk groups to still wash hands frequently, Wear a mask and get vaccinated against influenza and Streptococcus pneumoniae as recommended.

Dr. Chen Jieyu reminds that strenuous exercise in cold weather will increase sweating and dehydration. Sudden cardiac death occurs in marathons every year. High-risk groups must exercise within their means when participating in road running activities. Once they notice chest tightness, decreased physical endurance, or asthma, they should immediately suspend exercise and replenish appropriate amounts of water and electrolytes to protect cardiovascular health.

There are two things you should do less when the temperature difference between morning and evening is large! Critical care doctor warns: It may make blood vessels more brittle and increase the chance of sudden death

Many people believe that smoking or drinking can keep the body warm. In fact, doing so in winter has a high risk of death. Dr. Huang Xuan, an expert in critical care medicine, takes smoking as an example. In winter, the human body’s senses are relatively dull and numb. Smokers often smoke heavily because they can’t stand the cold wind. They swallow several times more harmful substances than usual, causing severe vasoconstriction. , virtually narrowing, hardening, and brittle blood vessels, raising blood pressure, and increasing the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.

Although alcohol can stimulate blood vessels to dilate, accelerate blood circulation, and produce a feeling of warmth, the feeling of warmth it brings is not long-lasting; on the contrary, alcohol will cause blood vessels on the body surface to dilate and relax, accelerating the dissipation of body heat. Under such conditions, blood vessels have no time to contract, and the body’s ability to withstand cold is reduced, making it easier to catch colds and colds, and even increase the chance of hypothermia and sudden death.

As the cold wave approaches, people should remember to avoid smoking and drinking. The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration also reminds that body temperature is lower at night and early morning. Warm clothes should be prepared by the bed before going to bed. When getting up in the middle of the night or in the morning, you should move your limbs in bed first. Or stretch and warm up to promote blood circulation. You can also drink plenty of warm water when you get up early. If patients with chronic diseases or the elderly feel unwell, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible to prevent cardiovascular or high blood pressure problems from worsening and affecting other organs.

A must-see for those who are prone to “cold hands and feet”! 9 Eat food in moderation and turn it into a “walking heater”

In a situation where the temperature drops sharply and the temperature difference between day and night is huge, if you are prone to cold hands and feet, can you actually rely on diet to relieve it? Nutritionist Gao Minmin said that in fact, there are many foods in life that can help produce heat. Among them, 9 kinds of foods are not only easy to obtain, but also can promote blood circulation and improve the body’s metabolism. The effect of “bringing your own heater”:

  1. Old ginger. Ginger is rich in “shogaol”, a nutrient that can warm the body. People may wish to drink more clam ginger soup and hot ginger tea on cold days to help warm the body.

  2. Chili. “Capsaicin” is the source of the spiciness of chili peppers. The higher the spiciness, the more the body will feel hot. Capsaicin also helps promote blood circulation. People who are more afraid of cold can eat spicy food in moderation to help perspire. However, those with sensitive gastrointestinal tracts are advised to avoid eating spicy food on an empty stomach.

  3. Black pepper. Rich in “piperine”, it can help dispel cold and keep warm; not only that, black pepper can also help inhibit fat synthesis. Therefore, those who lose weight can use black pepper to season food instead of salt, MSG, soy sauce, etc.

  4. Turmeric. It is a strong antioxidant and rich in “curcumin”, which helps the body produce heat and improve metabolism. Turmeric is also rich in iron, which can promote blood circulation.

  5. Garlic. Allicin helps blood circulation and increases metabolism. It is recommended to wait 15 minutes after crushing garlic before eating. Garlic can also be integrated into cooking, such as garlic chicken soup, garlic stir-fry, etc.

  6. Chives. Leeks are spicy ingredients that can help blood circulation. Therefore, it is recommended not only for people who are afraid of cold, but also for people with cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure to consume it in moderation.

  7. Hot black tea. The “theaflavins” in black tea can promote energy metabolism and maintain body temperature. Studies have pointed out that when drinking hot black tea, the body temperature drops slowly and the feeling of warmth can be effectively prolonged.

  8. More than 70% chocolate. Although chocolate is a sweet, more than 70% of dark chocolate contains less added sugar; and it is rich in “cocoa polyphenols”, “flavonoids” and “theobromine”, which respectively maintain body circulation and increase cerebral blood flow. and assisting in regulating emotions.

  9. Cinnamon. Cinnamon contains “cinnamaldehyde”, which helps the body produce heat and increase body temperature. If you are a coffee drinker, you can add an appropriate amount of cinnamon powder to hot latte or cappuccino to help warm you up.

In cold weather, beware of “acute myocardial infarction” which can kill you instantly! Elderly people and people with chronic diseases should pay attention to the “8 key points”

Finally, the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration also reminds the public that in the changing seasons, low temperatures or large temperature differences, elderly people over 65 years old or patients with chronic diseases or three highs should pay attention to the following to prevent acute cardiovascular disease or stroke. First of all, cold wind contacting the head and neck can easily cause physical discomfort, so scarves, woolen hats, thick socks and covering shoes are must-have items. For the elderly who go out early to exercise and those who return home late for work, thermal accessories are even more essential.

In terms of diet, when you get up in the morning, your body is prone to lack of water and your blood is relatively sticky. Elderly people or office workers who have the habit of getting up early should drink 300 cc of warm water after getting out of bed to reduce blood thickness. In addition, having all-you-can-eat with friends in winter, and consuming high-fat and high-sugar foods paired with alcohol and high-sodium soup bases are all risk factors for cardiovascular events. Therefore, people should consume more high-fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables when gathering together.

The most common leisure activity that people engage in in autumn and winter: bathing in hot springs also needs attention. After eating or drinking, the human body’s blood circulation accelerates and the body temperature rises. If the body is immersed in hot water immediately, the blood vessels may contract violently in a short period of time, leading to acute diseases such as syncope and heart palpitations. It is recommended that it is most appropriate to take a bath 2 hours after a meal, and the bath temperature should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius.

In terms of exercise, myocardial infarction and other symptoms tend to occur in the early morning hours. It is recommended that elderly people over 65 years old go out for exercise between 9 and 10 am when the temperature is relatively stable. Be sure to take measures to keep warm when exercising and replenish water at all times. It also calls on patients with cardiovascular disease to regularly measure and record their blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood fat data; and to follow doctor’s instructions to take medications on time to control symptoms.

If you go abroad or are away from home for a long time, the elderly or patients with chronic diseases should record their usual hospital visits, diagnosis, and drug allergy history. If the doctor has prescribed emergency backup drugs, they should carry them with them. If typical signs of heart disease occur, such as chest tightness, chest pain, difficulty breathing, nausea, dizziness or fainting, it is recommended to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Further reading:

Did you almost die if you took a bath in the cold weather? Is eating pot equal to “abusing the heart”? Doctors urge “three major preparations” before winter

Will the cold wave and the lifting of lockdown lead to cardiovascular disaster? Doctor: Myocardial infarction and pneumonia emergency room surgeries! The 3 most dangerous signs during exercise

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