Wearing only slippers when doing housework or grocery shopping is extremely harmful! Doctors advise stay-at-home mothers: Get tested quickly to stay away from "plantar fasciitis"

Wearing only slippers when doing housework or grocery shopping is extremely harmful! Doctors advise stay-at-home mothers: Get tested quickly to stay away from "plantar fasciitis"

Are stay-at-home mothers’ back pain and knee pain caused by “it”? Why are women more likely to develop plantar fasciitis?

“Many people come to the clinic for help and say, doctor, the soles of my feet hurt the most when I first get out of bed, but they get better after moving for a while. Why is this happening?” Dr. Huang Yuhan of the Pain Treatment Center of Shin Kong Wu Huoshi Memorial Hospital pointed out that Taiwanese people have foot pain. Among the problems, plantar fasciitis is the most common. It mostly occurs in groups that require a lot of foot activities, such as athletes, dance performers, beauty and hairdressers, department store counter staff, or women who need to wear high heels for a long time.

In addition, housewives who work long hours doing housework are also a common group of people suffering from plantar fasciitis and plantar pain. Dr. Huang Yuhan explained that due to the influence of hormones, women are prone to bone loss and decreased muscle stability after menopause, resulting in women’s risk being several times higher than men’s. Statistics show that women account for nearly 80% of foot surgery patients, while men account for only about 20%. Full-time mothers are reminded to pay more attention to foot health when doing housework such as cleaning and cooking.

Dr. Huang Yuhan pointed out that full-time mothers are indeed likely to injure their feet during daily cleaning, housework, and shopping. In particular, many women’s hip pain, knee pain, and low back pain may often be caused by plantar problems. “The structure of the body is interlocked. If the lower beam is not straight, it is easy for the upper beam to be crooked. Many people will involuntarily deviate their center of gravity when walking because of pain in the soles of their feet. Long-term posture skew may lead to knee and hip problems. Pain and discomfort in joints, even spine, waist and other parts!”

Wearing soft soles and doing housework barefoot hurts the soles of your feet? Doctor: Choosing the wrong shoes can lead to foot problems!

“Moms who are busy with housework during the holidays are prone to foot pain. The most common problem is ‘improper selection of indoor and outdoor shoes’!” Dr. Huang Yuhan emphasized that indoor slippers with insufficient support are more likely to cause foot pain. Partial discomfort. Many full-time women mistakenly believe that they only need to wear comfortable shoes when walking outside, and thus neglect to choose suitable indoor slippers. Wearing ill-fitting and lack of support in indoor slippers for a long time may be a potential cause of excessive pressure on the feet and even plantar fasciitis.

In addition to indoor slippers, shoes with too soft soles also lack support, which can easily cause the lower limb joints and plantar fascia to accept the reaction force of the floor, thereby injuring the soles of the feet. Many women or housewives are accustomed to wearing soft-soled shoes or walking around barefoot indoors, which are possible causes of plantar pain. Therefore, Dr. Huang Yuhan suggests that full-time mothers should prepare a pair of supportive indoor sports shoes at home, which can not only be used for sports, but also avoid foot injuries caused by housework during busy times.

Is it helpful to soak your feet and lift your legs before going to bed? 5 Things You Must Do to Stay Away from Plantar Fasciitis

There are various styles of shoes on the market. How do housewives choose the shoes that suit them? Dr. Huang Yuhan reminded that everyone’s foot arch curvature and foot plate width are different. It is recommended to go to relevant medical institutions or Axiao stores that provide professional foot pressure testing to understand the pressure distribution of both feet and the detection of dynamic foot pressure. Your own foot shape and suitable shoe type. In addition, taking into account the lifestyle and family affairs of a stay-at-home mother, when choosing shoes, you should focus on “shock-absorbing effect” and “supportive power.” You should also avoid narrow lasts that put pressure on your toes, and they should preferably be dry, ventilated, and non-slip. and other characteristics.

Dr. Huang Yuhan said that foot health will also affect the changes in the physiological structure of the whole body. If you often have foot soreness or pain, in addition to seeking medical treatment as soon as possible, you can soak in warm water at home to relieve muscle tension, or practice “lunges” to stretch your heels. The Achilles tendon can not only achieve leg shaping, but also reduce foot discomfort. You can also practice leg raising exercises before going to bed to help eliminate leg swelling and enhance blood circulation. For indoor and outdoor activities, you should pay attention to choosing suitable shoes to reduce the damage to the soles of the feet caused by housework or active walking.

Further reading:

Should I change insoles if I have plantar fasciitis or flat feet? Rehabilitation doctor’s answer: “3 conditions” should be considered for tailor-made treatments

Is it more painful than stepping on Lego? Pain in your feet as soon as you get out of bed may be “plantar fasciitis”! Therapist: Those who stand for a long time must do “3 actions” every day for prevention

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