How much water should you take in a day? Can tea and coffee replace boiling water? 4 correct ways to drink water you need to learn

How much water should you take in a day? Can tea and coffee replace boiling water? 4 correct ways to drink water you need to learn

Busy at work and no time to drink water? Quickly use these 4 tips to improve your body’s dehydration problem

Be careful if you drink too little water! Modern people are generally busy with work and tend to overlook the importance of drinking water. Research published in the “European Society of Cardiology” further confirmed that drinking too little water may increase the concentration of sodium ions in the serum, doubling the risk of heart failure by 39%. In order to improve the current situation of insufficient drinking water among office workers, the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Health Promotion Administration proposed “Four Correct Ways to Drink Water” to encourage people to drink more boiled water to maintain good health:

  1. Drink water after getting up. The human body cannot absorb water during sleep, so you should drink 300-500ml of warm water after getting up to help gastrointestinal motility and prevent constipation.

  2. Drink water before and after meals. People who eat out are more likely to consume foods high in oil, salt and sugar. They can prepare 300-500ml of water before and after meals and drink it in portions at least half an hour before and after meals instead of drinks or hand cups to avoid excessive intake. heat.

  3. Carry water with you when you go out. Keep a water bottle with a capacity of more than 500ml with you and replenish water at any time when you are exercising or working. This will help promote blood circulation and avoid dehydration.

  4. Drink 1500cc of water. You should take in at least 1500ml of water every day, drink it multiple times and in moderation, and avoid waiting until you are thirsty before drinking. For those who are losing weight, it is recommended to increase the amount of water they drink to more than 2000ml.

Can you tell if there is “drought” in your body just by looking at your urine? If “this color” appears, seek medical attention immediately

Taiwan Health Promotion Administration points out that whether the daily water intake is sufficient can be judged from the color of urine. Under normal circumstances, urine is mostly transparent and colorless, and it will vary depending on the influence of food, drugs, vitamins and diseases. People can use the following basic simple indicators to check whether they are drinking enough water:

  1. Transparent and colorless: There is too much water in the body and no need to replenish water.

  2. Transparent yellow: The body is still sufficiently hydrated and can be moderately hydrated.

  3. Yellow: The body has not replenished water for a period of time, or there is continuous sweating. It is recommended to continue to replenish water.

  4. Oolong tea color: The body is already in a state of dehydration and must be replenished immediately.

  5. Strong brown color: The body has not replenished water for 1-2 days. If you drink water directly, your stomach may not have time to absorb it. It is recommended to seek further assistance from a medical unit.

Worried about dizziness, nausea and vomiting after drinking too much water? Can tea and coffee replace boiled water?

Taiwan Health Promotion Administration reminds that ingesting too much water in a short period of time will cause electrolyte imbalance in the body, which will lead to “hyponatremia” (commonly known as water intoxication), which may cause nausea, weakness, headache, dizziness, and confusion. and other symptoms. In addition, you should avoid drinking too much ice water at one time to avoid inhibiting gastrointestinal motility and risking injury to the esophagus.

Taiwan Health Promotion Administration recommends that if you are in an environment where it is easy to lose water, such as after exercise, playing in the water at the beach, or staying in an air-conditioned room for more than 2 hours, you should first drink 500ml of room temperature water in batches to supply the muscles and cells with the necessary nutrients. Oxygen and nutrients; if you exercise strenuously or lose too much water, you can take an appropriate amount of sports drinks containing electrolytes to balance your body.

Daily water sources can also be obtained from fruits and vegetables, soups, tea or coffee. However, the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration still calls on tea or coffee to contain caffeine, and such drinks should not be relied upon as the main source of intake. In addition, the calories of sugary drinks are often too high. Just one cup exceeds the daily intake limit. Young people should avoid excessive drinking. When drinking, they should mainly consume light sugar or no sugar, and reduce the addition of ingredients.


Fight summer with a smile - Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Health Promotion Administration

Drink water smartly to cool down and relieve the heat - Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Health Promotion Administration

Further reading:

If you don’t drink enough water, your heart will become thicker? Study: Increased risk of heart failure! Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink water

Does drinking hand shakes cause cancer? A cup of sugary drink a day increases the development of “dangerous polyps” in the colon by 30%

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