Is watching dramas and scrolling on mobile phones causing dry eye syndrome? Will wearing contact lenses incorrectly cause corneal ulcers? Doctor: Vision may be permanently damaged

Is watching dramas and scrolling on mobile phones causing dry eye syndrome? Will wearing contact lenses incorrectly cause corneal ulcers? Doctor: Vision may be permanently damaged

3C technology products are advancing day by day, and smart devices have brought many conveniences to human beings, but they have also caused problems with “civilizational diseases”. For example, people who overuse their eyes are more likely to suffer from “dry eye syndrome”. Dr. Chen Yuan, director of the Department of Ophthalmology at New Taipei City Hospital , explained that staring at tablets, mobile phones, etc. for long periods of time will cause the blinking frequency to decrease and the moisture in the eye tissue to evaporate. When the secretion of the tear glands slows down, it may cause an imbalance between the supply and demand of eye moisture, causing dry eye syndrome. situation.

Dr. Chen Yuan explained that in addition to excessive eye use, dry eye syndrome is also related to congenital immune rheumatic diseases and Sjogren’s disease. The lacrimal gland structure of this group of people has atrophied due to lesions, making it difficult to produce tears. Dry eyes may occur even without heavy eye use.

Is frequent blinking a sign of eye disease? Dr. Chen Yu’an explained that blinking is the body’s natural reflex mechanism, which has the function of squeezing tears and moistening the eyes. If you blink hard often, your eyes may be too dry and you should take a break or use artificial tears. However, if the number of blinks increases abnormally, it may be a blepharospasm problem, and you should seek medical examination as soon as possible.

Is dry eye disease increasing among young people? Do not wear contact lenses if your cornea is inflamed!

Dr. Chen Yuan said that as we age, we are more likely to have “oily tears” and dry eyes. However, with the popularity of 3C products nowadays, the proportion of young people suffering from dry eye syndrome is gradually increasing. However, the mechanisms between the two are not the same. As we age, the secretion function of the tear glands naturally declines. Dry eye syndrome may occur even if the eyes are not overused.

Dr. Chen Yuan reminded that if young people have mild dry eye symptoms, they should pay attention to adjusting their eye usage habits. Generally, eyes with mild dry eye syndrome can repair themselves after moderate rest and replenishing water. If your eyes are dry for a long time and you fail to maintain good eye-using habits, it may cause corneal hypoxia, even cause corneal rupture and inflammation, increase the chance of bacterial infection, and may affect vision.

Dr. Chen Yuan pointed out that contact lenses should not be worn when the cornea is inflamed to avoid severe hypoxia in the eyes and worsening of the corneal wound. In the most severe cases, corneal damage may cause corneal ulcers, which may cause scarring in the future and form white spots, which may cause permanent damage to vision.

How to treat dry eye syndrome? When should you order artificial tears?

Dr. Chen Yuan said that the main treatments for dry eye disease are artificial tears and topical ointments. Appropriate cod liver oil can also be taken in the diet. In addition, “tear duct plug” is also one of the treatments for dry eye syndrome. Blocking the tear holes of the human body through tear duct plugs can effectively slow down the emptying of tears and increase the time that tears stay on the surface of the cornea.

Dr. Chen Yu’an reminded that many people have dry eyes and itchy eyes and are overly dependent on artificial tears or eye drops. In fact, they can only supplement when there is a burning sensation or foreign body sensation in the eyes.

Dr. Chen Yuan reminded that you should limit the time you use electronic products. You should rest for at least 10-15 minutes after every 40-50 minutes of use to avoid blinking fewer times and worsening dry eye symptoms. When using contact lenses, be sure to pay attention to the wearing time. In principle, it should not exceed 6-8 hours, and avoid staying in an excessively dry environment. Remember to take off your contact lenses before going to bed to avoid excessive dryness and damage to the cornea.

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