If you want to lose weight, you shouldn't immediately seek out a fitness trainer! Doctors reveal 3 major reasons why weight loss fails

If you want to lose weight, you shouldn\'t immediately seek out a fitness trainer! Doctors reveal 3 major reasons why weight loss fails

Weight increases with age. Over 10 million people in Taiwan suffer from weight crisis

The proportion of overweight and obese adults in Taiwan continues to rise. According to the 2020 Health Promotion Statistics Annual Report, the proportion of overweight Taiwanese over the age of 18 has exceeded 50%, and nearly 10 million adults are facing a “weight crisis”! Dr. Liu Canhong, chairman of the Obesity Research Society of the Taiwan, said that in 10 years, the number of people in Taiwan with a BMI ≧30 will exceed 10%, especially for middle-aged and middle-aged people with poor metabolism and low activity. Not only do they “eat more and move less”, they are also stressed. Due to complex causes such as sexual obesity, weight is more likely to increase with age.

Dr. Liu Canhong pointed out that Taiwan’s obesity control is in the “late stage” in East Asian countries. It also mainly relies on rice and noodles. Taiwan’s obesity rate is still higher than that of China, Japan, South Korea and other countries. He reminded the public to pay attention to three major indicators of physical health: A BMI greater than 24 is considered “overweight” and a BMI greater than 27 is considered “obese”; a waist circumference exceeding 80 cm for women and 90 cm for men is considered obese; a body fat rate exceeding 30% for women and 25% for men is considered obese.

“On a whim” weight loss is more likely to fail and the rate of regaining weight by relying solely on diet exceeds 50%

Can’t you lose weight just by diet? Dr. Liu Canhong said that many people lose weight “on a whim” because they want to have a better body shape, and they mostly focus on diet control or exercise. However, the single weight loss method of diet adjustment has a risk of regaining weight within 9 months of more than 50%. If you need to lose weight, you should seek medical assistance and formulate personalized measures to effectively control your weight.

Dr. Liu Canhong emphasized that obesity not only affects body posture, but is also closely related to sleep apnea disorder, fatty liver, hypertension, heart disease in men; polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility and other diseases in women. The public should maintain an open and positive attitude towards weight management and seek professional and comprehensive team intervention in order to break through the weight loss bottleneck and reduce the risk of regaining weight.

An extra inch in waist circumference means an extra 2 meters in microvessels, and a 5-inch increase in BMI increases cardiovascular disease by 40%.

Dr. Cai Shili, director of Litoan Clinic, said that for weight loss and weight management, the most important thing is to let overweight people know “why they are fighting.” The Taiwan Health Promotion Administration teamed up with 6 clinics in the north, central and south east to conduct the “Epidemiological Survey and Interventional Study on Obesity in Middle-aged Adults” and found that subjective perceptions of obesity and family culture all affect public opinions. Some people believe that “being able to eat is a blessing.” “, a strong appetite represents good health, or the family’s dietary pattern tends to lead to obesity.

Dr. Cai Shili pointed out that obesity will increase the body’s inflammatory response, disrupt hormone balance, and cause various diseases, including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, depression, poor sleep quality, high blood pressure, cancer, osteoarthritis, and other organ burdens. Taking the increase in waist circumference as an example, for every 1-inch increase in waist circumference, there will be 2 meters more capillaries to supply adipose tissue, which will put extra pressure on the heart. Statistics show that every 5-point increase in BMI increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 40%.

Dr. Cai Shili reminds that repeated failure to lose weight results in “yo-yo” weight fluctuations, which can easily lead to more serious physical and mental harm and lead to depression, anxiety and other negative psychology, and even negate past efforts. Repeated weight loss and weight loss will increase the risk of cardiovascular events and glomerular dysfunction. On the contrary, reducing weight by 5%-10% can improve the health effects of obesity. It is recommended to seek professional medical assistance and formulate a weight loss plan to get rid of obesity.

Satisfaction with diet and exercise is only 50%. Suppressing appetite “hits the source” of obesity

Dr. Xiao Dunren, director of Dunren Clinic, said that according to the “Survey on Weight Loss Behaviors of 100 People in the Obese Generation”, 72% of people aged 30-49 lose weight because they “want to maintain a perfect figure”, and nearly 80% of people will adopt diet adjustments to lose weight. , but the satisfaction rate is only 51.5%, the sports proportion is 74.2%, and the satisfaction rate is only 56%. The level of satisfaction with healthy weight loss foods is only 29.8%. It shows that Taiwanese obesity control methods are relatively simple and difficult to achieve weight loss goals.

Why is it getting harder to lose weight? Dr. Xiao Dunren pointed out that most people fail to lose weight because they are unable to persist. The main reasons include: laziness and lack of willpower (42.8%), inability to control food cravings (35%), and being too busy to lose weight (32%). ). When there is a lack of positive feedback from the body caused by weight loss, and when you have to face extra dietary intake such as social gatherings and dinners, without professional medical treatment, it can easily end in failure.

Want to lose weight and find a trainer right away? Dr. Xiao Dunren said that many people go to the gym and train with coaches to lose weight. Although they gain muscle, they do not lose weight. In fact, the most important effect of exercise is to maintain weight loss, which is basically diet adjustment, appetite control and appropriate treatment. Current weight loss treatments include oral medications to reduce absorption and injection treatments to suppress appetite. Nowadays, there are also oral compound weight loss drugs that can target the brain to control food cravings and help maintain weight loss and get rid of weight gain.

Dr. Xiao Dunren emphasized that obesity is a chronic disease and should be treated as long-term control of blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids to reduce damage to physical health. Some patients successfully lose weight and their blood sugar level stabilizes, successfully getting rid of diabetes problems. It is recommended that you plan a more comprehensive weight loss plan for yourself and seek professional medical assistance in time so that you can successfully lose weight and maintain your body shape and health in the safest way.

Further reading:

JAMA study: Intermittent fasting from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. can help you lose 2.3 kilograms more

Eating “boiled meals” won’t actually make you lose weight? Nutritionist reveals “6 major disadvantages”: the more you eat, the hungrier you get and you are prone to constipation!

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