If you want to live longer, remember to open your legs! Study: Walking 2,000 more steps a day will lead to a longer life

According to the recommendations of the National Health Service of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of strenuous exercise every week is the most beneficial to the body. However, it is human nature to be afraid of getting tired and injured, so “walking” is also a way to make the body healthier. In this way, walking can not only minimize fatigue, but is also good for cardiopulmonary function and less prone to injuries. Recent research from the American Heart Association shows that the benefits of walking not only make the body healthier, but also increase people’s average life span. Therefore, “walking your legs longer” is true. If you want to “extend your life” So starting to walk more today is a very cost-effective investment.
Study confirms that walking 2,000 more steps a day can help you live longer than the average person
The study was conducted for four years (from 2011 to 2015). The research team asked 16,732 women, with an average age of over 60, to wear waist pedometers to measure their daily step count and walking pattern, about 4 to 7 days a week. And continue to track until December 31, 2019. The total number of steps for each subject was divided into two groups: the first group walked for more than 10 minutes with almost no interruption; the second group only walked occasionally in daily life and did not walk particularly much. Researchers found that during the study period from 2011 to 2019, the first group of subjects lived longer. They walked an average of 4,500 steps a day, about 1,000 steps more than the second group, and had fewer deaths than the second group. It was reduced by 28%; subjects who walked more than 2,000 steps a day had a 32% reduction in mortality!
This study demonstrated that subjects who walked more than 4,500 steps per day had a significantly lower risk of death compared with subjects who did not like to walk. Christopher. C. Christopher C. Moore said that research data shows that even women who have no exercise habits may extend their lifespan as long as they walk more than 4,500 steps a day. If it is inconvenient for elderly people to exercise, doing more housework and housework will also help develop daily walking habits. Moore also said that walking 2,000 steps after daily exercise will bring more benefits to your health.
Don’t take the wrong path too many times! Is “10,000 steps a day” just a marketing gimmick?
Seeing this, you may have the urge to “walk ten thousand steps every day”, but just practice it a few times! The term ten thousand steps has actually kept you in the dark for several years! An article on the British Broadcasting Corporation website mentioned that the slogan “10,000 steps a day” was actually a marketing gimmick designed by a Japanese pedometer company for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. Because of this slogan, this The company’s pedometer “Manpo-kei” was still a hot seller at the time. The question then arises: How many steps should we take on average in a day? Research by I-Ming Lee, a professor at Harvard University School of Medicine, believes that it is sufficient for adults to walk up to 7,500 steps a day. More than 7,500 steps or even 10,000 steps is harmful to physical health and longevity. Extending will not have any impact; in addition, according to research from Duke University, those who force themselves to walk 10,000 steps a day before giving up can walk better than those who do not care about the number of steps. The sense of accomplishment gained from walking is even lower.
Of course, with the third level of alert extended to 6/14, everyone is staying at home to prevent the epidemic, but this is not an excuse to be lazy and not exercise. If you have a stepper or treadmill at home, don’t let them continue to collect dust in the warehouse; just take it out and take 4,000 steps a day or run 4 or 5K. You can also practice mountaineering exercises, or even briskly walk on the spot or watch TV dramas while standing. These are all ways you can exercise at home! Since it’s rare to be able to work from home, why not increase your exercise time at the same time? It can not only strengthen your body, increase your resistance, but also live longer. It’s a great thing!
Source: Do we need to walk 10,000 steps a day?
Taking more steps daily may lead to a longer life
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