If you want to live a long life, you need to take care of yourself from head to toe! Intensivist reveals secrets: "8 parts" to stay healthy and live longer naturally

With the advent of a super-aging society, whether the elderly can move towards “healthy aging” has become an important public health issue. Dr. Huang Xuan, an expert in critical care medicine, pointed out in a social post that the length of an individual’s life expectancy can actually be seen from various parts of the body. If your body has already experienced significant negative changes at a young age, you should pay attention to your health status, as the red light may have quietly turned on, and you need to start improving your bad living habits.
Dr. Huang Xuan said that if you want to know your life expectancy, you can observe it from head to toe, especially the following parts:
The degree of moisture of the hair is related to the health of the body. For example, the hair has good luster, elasticity, softness and smoothness, and is easy to comb without tangles. The condition of the scalp is no dandruff, little swelling or irritation, and the hair grows according to the normal cycle. replacement. On the contrary, if your hair is easy to break, grows slowly, has a significant increase in hair loss, or even has scalp problems such as dandruff, dryness or greasiness, it may be related to poor health.
2. Oral cavity
Studies have pointed out that people with severe tooth loss have a relatively high risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which is related to the chronic infection “periodontal disease” that commonly causes tooth loss. Repeated chronic infections may accelerate the progression of atherosclerosis, thereby increasing the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.
3. Neck
A thicker neck circumference means more subcutaneous fat in the upper body, which is related to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease; one study found that for people who do not suffer from sleep apnea syndrome, a thicker neck circumference may be associated with congestive heart failure and death from coronary heart disease. associated with an increase in rate. Under normal conditions, it is recommended that the neck circumference of men and women should not exceed 39 and 35 cm.
4. Torso
Many studies have confirmed that moderate weight control can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Obesity is a risk factor for many chronic diseases. Sudden weight gain and loss may cause endocrine disorders, affect hormonal regulation, lead to cardiovascular abnormalities, and increase the risk of heart disease and hypertension. It is recommended that people keep their body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.
Waist circumference should not exceed 90 cm for men and 80 cm for women. Excessive waist circumference is closely related to the risk of cardiovascular death and all-cause death, and this association remains significant after adjusting for BMI. In addition, waist-to-hip ratio and body fat rate are also important criteria for judging whether an individual is obese.
6. Nails
Generally speaking, red nails represent good blood circulation; conversely, white nails may indicate malnutrition, poor blood circulation or liver cirrhosis; purple nails are related to low blood oxygen levels, which may be a sign of cardiopulmonary disease; dark nails may indicate It is melanocytoma and needs further examination to clarify.
7. Palm
Previous studies have found that people with stronger hand grips have better heart conditions and a relatively lower risk of cardiovascular disease; another study has shown that for every 5 kilogram reduction in grip strength, the risk of heart disease and stroke increases by 7% and 9% respectively. , the risk of death increased sharply to 16%. It is recommended to understand your own grip strength through the Grip Strength Body Mass Index (GSBWR). The calculation formula is “Weight (kg) / Grip Strength (kg) * 100”. If the values obtained by men and women are less than 26 and 18 respectively, you need to pay special attention to your health. exercise.
As we age, the loss of muscle mass may cause the elderly to fall more easily, thereby affecting their ability to move. In addition, sarcopenia is associated with falls, fractures, disability, disability, hospitalization, and even reduced life expectancy. We call on middle-aged and elderly people to pay attention to the size of their calf circumference. If it is less than 34 cm for men and 33 cm for women, it may be a warning sign of muscle mass loss.
Based on the above, Dr. Huang Xuan pointed out that every part of the body is closely related to health and longevity: “Starting from the beginning, oral health reflects cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risks; hand strength reveals heart health, and calf muscle size also reflects Point out the body’s risk of sarcopenia; waist circumference and weight indicate an increased threat of chronic disease. Every warning signal sent by the body cannot be ignored!”
Dr. Huang Xuan calls on people who want to prolong life expectancy and enter “healthy aging” in later years to adopt positive lifestyle changes from a young age, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, active social interaction and regular physical examinations. The cornerstone of the road to longevity is, “Start today and take care of every inch of your skin from head to toe, so that we can have a healthier and longer future.”
“Can you live longer?” Myself: Seeing the Feet from the Head" - Dr. Ooi Hean