Can "walking more" extend the life of your heart? Doctors reveal 3 major benefits that can reduce the chance of blood clots?

Can "walking more" extend the life of your heart? Doctors reveal 3 major benefits that can reduce the chance of blood clots?

Could walking more help your heart health? Doctors reveal 3 major benefits

Many people believe that “feet are the second heart”. As long as you walk more every day, it will help your heart health? Dr. Chen Jieyu, Department of General Cardiology, Cathay General Hospital Cardiovascular Center, said that walking can promote blood circulation, reduce excessive obesity, and can help control three highs. Generally speaking, it has three benefits: increasing blood circulation, increasing calorie consumption, and reducing risks, which is helpful in reducing the chance of coronary artery disease.

The healthier the blood vessels in the feet, the stronger the heart blood vessels, too? Dr. Chen Jieyu explained that if there is blockage in the arteries of the feet, it is true that blockages in the heart blood vessels will most likely also be seen. This is why the feet are regarded as the “second heart” because peripheral arteries and heart blood vessels are related to a certain extent. degree of association.

Too little muscle in the lower body may cause venous thrombosis more easily

Dr. Chen Jieyu pointed out that foot muscles account for about 70% of the body’s muscle mass. Most of the human body’s muscle mass comes from the lower body. Strengthening lower body muscle training can help blood circulation and help increase the basal metabolic rate, which can also improve Consume calories and reduce fat accumulation and obesity.

“The current concept of exercise or fitness does not recommend only training the upper body. It is also recommended to focus on resistance training of the lower body, such as leg presses and squats, which will be better for the overall blood circulation and basal metabolic rate.”

What are the possible problems with insufficient muscle in the lower limbs? Dr. Chen Jieyu said that insufficient muscle mass in the feet will make blood easily accumulate in the lower body, increasing the risk of venous thrombosis and embolism. It is also more likely to cause joint degeneration and other diseases. On the contrary, if the muscles of the lower limbs are strong enough, they can accelerate the return of venous blood to the heart, thereby reducing the generation of blood clots, strengthening skeletal tendons, improving joint coverage, and reducing arthritis problems.

Prolong the life of the heart and exercise enough to supplement protein

“The lower body muscle mass accounts for 70% of the whole body. Increased muscle mass will increase the basal metabolic rate, thereby reducing the three high problems. It is a positive cycle of fish helping water and water helping fish!” Dr. Chen Jieyu pointed out that to improve heart health or extend For longevity, the biggest focus is on reducing behaviors that can hurt your heart. It is recommended to develop a good daily routine, avoid emotional ups and downs, and reduce the consumption of related drugs that can harm the heart.

Dr. Chen Jieyu reminds that controlling the three highs, reducing obesity, and quitting smoking are all beneficial to heart health. In addition, exercise can help improve cardiopulmonary endurance and increase heart health and longevity. Based on moderate intensity exercise, it is recommended to exercise 4 days a week for 40 minutes each time. Modern medicine emphasizes adequate exercise, and the frequency and mode can vary from person to person. Elderly people or people with poor exercise ability can walk more and do resistance training to avoid sarcopenia.

Dr. Chen Jieyu said that in addition to proper exercise, you must also supplement enough protein to maintain muscle mass and avoid atrophy. Once sarcopenia occurs, the body’s metabolic rate will easily decrease, leading to an increased risk of high blood pressure, obesity, etc., and it will also make bone and joint diseases more likely to occur. It is recommended that when people are unable to go out for exercise, they can practice weight training exercises such as elastic ropes, squats, and leg presses at home.

Further reading:

Stomach pain that won’t go away may be a warning sign of cardiac hypoxia! What are the dangers of blood clots blocking arteries and veins?

Is running a marathon likely to cause sudden cardiac death? Is CPR not enough when you faint due to arrhythmia?

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