Vitamin D deficiency is 14 times more likely to be diagnosed with severe disease? Experts teach 2 tips to make up for it: Eat more sun-dried mushrooms

Vitamin D deficiency is 14 times more likely to be diagnosed with severe disease? Experts teach 2 tips to make up for it: Eat more sun-dried mushrooms

Vitamin D deficiency in the body increases the risk of severe illness 14 times after diagnosis?

Vitamin D is the only vitamin with a “hormonal” role. It is not only closely related to the regulation of blood calcium, gene expression, cell growth and other functions. In recent years, studies have also found that vitamin D is related to immune function or even the rate of severe illness and hospitalization after infection with COVID-19. rate and mortality.

A study of 253 confirmed COVID-19 patients admitted to the hospital between April 2020 and February 2021 found that patients lacking vitamin D had a 14-fold higher risk of severe disease. The study claimed that those diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency had a mortality rate of 25.6%, compared with only 2.3% among those with sufficient vitamin D.

In addition, a study published in the international medical journal “BMJ” also pointed out that vitamin D supplementation during the diagnosis period accelerated the recovery time after infection. This study looked at the experimental group that supplemented vitamin D and the control group that did not supplement. It was found that the proportion of negative virus tests returned to negative on the 7th day after supplementation. The experimental group was as high as 62.5%, while the control group was only 20.8%. In the control group, the level of fibrinogen, which is related to inflammation, was also significantly reduced.

Vitamin D is involved in body functions and sun exposure is the best source

The effects of vitamin D on the body can be said to be systemic. Harvard University’s TH CHAN School of Public Health pointed out that vitamin D is not only responsible for helping the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus, but is also crucial for bone health. Experimental studies have also shown that vitamin D can reduce cancer cell growth and control infection and inflammation. Various organs and tissues of the human body have vitamin D receptors, which shows the importance of vitamin D in various body functions.

Sun exposure is the best source of vitamins. Human skin has vitamin D receptors. Sun exposure is also the best way to maintain vitamin D nutritional status. Arms and legs can synthesize 3000IU of vitamin D after 10 minutes of adequate sun exposure. Supply 80%-100% of what the body needs. If you don’t get enough sun, you have to rely on dietary sources of vitamins.

Taiwanese are generally deficient in vitamin D. Experts urge eating more “sun-dried” mushrooms

However, vitamin D deficiency is quite common among Taiwanese people. Professor Pan Wenhan, a public health nutrition expert in Taiwan and a distinguished researcher at Taiwan Academia Sinica, said in an interview that the sources of vitamin D in food are relatively limited, and only mushrooms, seafood, and egg yolks are abundant. Some studies have also found that consuming more mushrooms, seafood and eggs is associated with better health and longevity. In particular, the intake of vegetables, fruits and mushrooms is related to longevity.

Professor Pan Wenhan pointed out that to supplement vitamin D, you can eat more seafood and fish with higher content, especially mushrooms that have been exposed to the sun. Mushrooms use ultraviolet rays to produce vitamin D, so it is recommended to choose dried mushrooms to increase vitamin D intake.

Professor Pan Wenhan reminded that it can be found from the literature that whether the body’s vitamin D is sufficient is related to cancer, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. In the past, people mainly engaged in outdoor labor and spent a lot of time in the sun. In addition to changes in lifestyle, people are also worried about the risk of skin cancer caused by sun exposure. In the current epidemic, proper vitamin D supplementation is very necessary.

“To maintain sufficient vitamin D in the body, one needs to choose food, and the other is to have enough sun exposure. Many pregnant women have been tested and found to be deficient in vitamin D, which can be seen as a common phenomenon. In recent years, studies have also confirmed that vitamin D is related to infection with the new coronavirus. The risk of the virus may be related to shortening the recovery time after infection, so Taiwanese should pay special attention!”

Professor Pan Wenhan pointed out that foreign studies have found that compared with people with sufficient vitamin D concentration in the blood, those with vitamin D deficiency have a 77% increased risk of infection with the new coronavirus. This may be related to the fact that vitamin D supplementation can enhance immunity and reduce inflammatory reactions. The public is reminded to pay attention to balanced nutrition and appropriate vitamin D supplementation to improve the body’s resistance.


The Nutrition Source - Vitamin D

Pre-infection 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels and association with severity of COVID-19 illness

Association of Vitamin D Status and Other Clinical Characteristics With COVID-19 Test Results

Short term, high-dose vitamin D supplementation for COVID-19 disease: a randomized, placebo-controlled, study (SHADE study)

Further reading:

Isn’t it helpful to take vitamin D? Weight training increases “antioxidant” capacity even better

How much calcium do you need to eat during pregnancy? Will eating too much calcium tablets cause stones? Mom should supplement calcium and vitamin D

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