Is it useless to eat chicken testicles to aphrodisiac? Nutritionist reveals the truth: The effect is inferior to that of oysters, and eating too much may lead to obesity

It is widely believed that eating “Chicken Testicles” can help to boost the power and achieve the effect of “complementing the shape with the shape”. In fact, eating chicken testicles is not only difficult to strengthen one’s virility, but may also lead to the risk of gaining weight? Nutritionist Gao Minmin reminded in the community that most of the nutrients in chicken testicles are protein and fat, as well as a small amount of androgen and zinc. The nutrients are almost destroyed after heating, and it has little effect on improving sexual function.
Can eating sesame oil chicken testicles aphrodisiac in winter? Nutritionist reveals the truth: fear of eating a lot of fat first
Nutritionist Gao Minmin explains that every 100g of chicken testicles contains about 71 calories, of which a large chicken testicles weighs about 15-20g and a small chicken testicles weighs about 11g. The largest nutrient in chicken testicles is protein, about 10.6g. Although it helps to strengthen muscles, it is not directly related to improving sexual function. In addition, chicken testicles contains 2.8g of fat, including 1.2g of saturated fat, and its cholesterol is as high as 578mg.
Many people are accustomed to cooking “Sesame Oil Chicken Testicles” in winter, hoping to achieve the effects of tonic and aphrodisiac at the same time. Dietitian Gao Minmin clarified that the calories of chicken testicles with sesame oil soup base are more likely to exceed the standard, and after cooking, the nutritional value of chicken testicles has been reduced. Certain groups, such as those with high blood cholesterol, or those with a history of cardiovascular disease, obesity, or fatty liver, need to pay more attention to their intake when taking supplements in winter, or even try to avoid eating it.
It’s not just oysters that can improve sexual function! Sexual happiness in the lower body depends on these 3 nutrients
Since eating chicken testicles is not closely related to improving sexual function, what foods can be eaten more to improve the sexual well-being of men’s lower body? Nutritionist Gao Minmin said that four kinds of nutrients are closely related to improving sexual function. He called on men to not only seek medical treatment as soon as possible, but also eat more of the following foods in their lives:
Lycopene. Lycopene has antioxidant and free radical elimination effects. It can also maintain prostate health and help increase sperm motility and quantity. Red peppers, beef tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and watermelon are all natural sources of lycopene.
Arginine. Arginine is the precursor of nitric oxide and is a type of amino acid. It can help eliminate fatigue, promote blood vessel dilation, and improve erectile function. However, the body cannot produce arginine on its own and can only supplement it through diet. It is recommended to eat more natural foods such as chicken breast, beef, salmon, and eggs.
Zinc. Male sperm contains the mineral zinc. If it is lacking, it will reduce the number of sperm, lead to loss of sexual desire or sexual dysfunction. It is recommended to consume more pumpkin seeds, wheat, clams and oysters in your daily diet to supplement the zinc that your body lacks.
In fact, the dietary guidelines in the United States have removed the upper limit for cholesterol intake, and many studies have found that dietary cholesterol has no significant impact on blood cholesterol concentration. Only 20-30% of the body’s cholesterol comes from food, and the remaining 70-80% is produced by the body itself.
However, nutritionist Gao Minmin still reminds that it is easy to exceed the standard of caloric intake, and the excess calories will still be converted into fat, leading to risks such as obesity or cardiovascular problems. Therefore, he calls on people with sexual function problems to seek help from specialists as soon as possible to improve them. For the “sexual” happiness of the lower body, avoid promoting sexual function through false folk diets or unknown health products, so as not to increase sexual power but harm the body.
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