Use "AI artificial intelligence" to assist community health education! Hsinchu City works together to create a healthy and good life through "Integration of Green and Silver"

Use "AI artificial intelligence" to assist community health education! Hsinchu City works together to create a healthy and good life through "Integration of Green and Silver"

“New City of Science and Technology” Hsinchu City holds a green and silver integration event and introduces AI tools to achieve a healthy life

The Hsinchu City Health Bureau held the “Smart Health Care, AI Easy Learning - Community Youth and Silver Integration Health Education Observation Activities” today (6th) at the Green Water Citizen Activity Center. Secretary-General Zhang Zhixiang attended on behalf of the city government and invited community elders Together with the students of Guangfu Middle School, we can use the most popular AI smart tools to gain health knowledge and create a healthy life. We can also experience diverse and interesting challenge booths together, so that the public can not only listen and watch, but also gain knowledge and experience through real-life experiences. taste.

Mayor Gao Hongan said that the city government is very concerned about the health of the elders. According to estimates from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the number of people with dementia will exceed 830,000 in 2050. By then, one in five elderly people may have dementia. Therefore, the city government is jointly Various resources are used to organize activities to raise society’s attention to dementia. A total of 17 activities were held from September to October this year, including dementia stage plays, handmade snacks, dementia VR experiences, FUN board games and fitness Contents such as brain diet lectures can enhance citizens’ understanding of dementia. All communities or bases are welcome to cooperate more with the Health Bureau in promotion and publicity to let more people know about dementia.

Shortening the distance between elders and technology, the Green Bank Integration Activities hope to integrate AI into life

Secretary-General Zhang said that the citizen structure of Hsinchu City is relatively young, with teenagers accounting for 21% of the city. In recent years, problems caused to physical and mental health, including academic competition and Internet pressure, have increased year by year. The Health Bureau has also cooperated through cross-bureau and field cooperation. Organized 35 mental health publicity lectures and launched nearly 10 health education literature and promotional videos (including English and Hakka) on social platforms, with an audience of more than 30,000, successfully arousing public attention to the mental health of young people. .

Director of Health Chen Houquan pointed out that 2023 is called the first year of AI. Since the popularity of Chat GPT at the beginning of the year, AI technology has become the mainstream of global digitalization. In order to shorten the distance between elders and technology, the Department of Health plans green and silver integration activities. In addition to providing projects such as dementia VR experiences and teenagers favorite sticker machines, it also hopes to allow community elders to understand AI and integrate it into their lives with the help of young students.

Starting with the theme of “Dementia Prevention”, the Director of Health of Hsinchu City: Looking forward to the integration of youth and silver and the common good of generations

Director Chen said that this event uses the most popular AI platform nowadays, combined with the “Dementia Prevention” theme that the Health Bureau has continued to promote over the years, and extended it to include “AI Activate”, using AI voice input to provide relevant questions. exercise suggestions; “AI Little Director” allows teenagers to collaborate with their elders to shoot short videos based on the ten common symptoms of dementia; “AI Little Canteen” allows elders to list conditions and considerations related to diet, and then the AI The robot provides dietary advice, and a series of activities allow the elderly to use high technology to improve their health and avoid dementia.

The Health Bureau stated that through the co-creation of Green and Silver, under the exchange of generations, it promotes the integration of Green and Silver and the common good between generations, so that a new spark can be stirred up between Green and Silver, and the sustainable power of the integration of Green and Silver can be brought to the community. .

Further reading:

Depression is the main cause of adult suicide and is related to cancer, heart disease and diabetes? Seek medical attention immediately if the questionnaire exceeds 10 points

Famous director Hou Hsiao-hsien is shocked to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease! Experts urge: “5 brain-nurturing habits” should be done at a young age to avoid worsening of dementia in old age

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