Why is it that the more you use acid on your face, the worse it gets? Medical warning: Indiscriminate use of acid products may cause "breakouts, acne, and sunburn"!

Why is it that the more you use acid on your face, the worse it gets? Medical warning: Indiscriminate use of acid products may cause "breakouts, acne, and sunburn"!

The use of “acid” skin care products for at-home skin rejuvenation can be said to be a trend nowadays. Although many products claim to alleviate acne, acne, skin dullness, aging and other problems, acids are irritating and are often used on the Internet. Acid causes peeling, redness and other “disasters”. Dr. Wu Mingying, the attending physician of the Dermatology Department of Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, explained that the mechanism of action of acid skin care products can accelerate the cycle of keratin metabolism, but it will temporarily damage the stratum corneum. If used improperly, the risk of use is relatively high and the skin barrier may be seriously damaged. damage.

Does acid peel make skin flaky and red? Which groups should use “non-acid” skin peeling products?

Why do people experience problems such as peeling and redness after using acid-based skin care products? Dr. Wu Mingying said that commercially available acid skin care products have different concentrations, ingredients, and efficacy. Many consumers use them impulsively without careful understanding, which can easily lead to side effects. There are also many patients in the clinic who are worried about whether acidic skin care products will cause adverse reactions, whether they should pay attention to sun protection when going out, and whether they will experience pain and itching after use.

Dr. Wu Mingying explained that commercially available acidic skin care products mainly use the mechanism of exfoliating the skin surface, but will temporarily damage the skin surface, resulting in reduced barrier strength and easy sensitivity and irritation. He also reminded the public to evaluate their own suitable skin care methods. , it is recommended to stop using it immediately and seek medical advice once skin discomfort occurs.

As for people who have experienced acne, peeling, redness, etc. due to the use of acids, or those with sensitive or inflamed skin, those who are often exposed to the sun, those who are pregnant, or those who have just completed medical aesthetic treatments, they can all be evaluated. Use “acid-free” skin rejuvenation products.

Commercially available acids are mostly chemical exfoliants. Doctors warn of “three major acid hazards” that damage the stratum corneum.

Dr. Wu Mingying said that commercially available acid skin care products have certain risks. Before using them, you should evaluate your own skin condition or seek professional advice. Do not make impulsive choices based solely on online information, otherwise it may cause the following “acid injuries”:

  1. Peeling and acid damage: damage that causes skin to become flaky and red.

    Acid-based skin care products will temporarily damage the skin’s stratum corneum, thereby affecting the skin’s barrier force, causing peeling, redness, swelling, dryness and other uncomfortable reactions. People who are using acids in the early stage are reminded to observe more closely whether the above conditions occur, and adjust the product or usage method in a timely manner to reduce the risk of “acid damage”.

  2. Acne breakout: triggering skin acne and worsening into inflammatory reaction

    People with acne-prone skin need to be particularly careful when using acids, because acne is like a “time bomb” for the skin. An inflammatory reaction will turn into acne. Applying acid-based skin care products may cause temporary damage to the skin. Risk of exacerbation, irritating acne and causing breakouts. Therefore, if you experience severe acne breakouts after using acids, do not treat it as normal and seek help from a dermatologist as soon as possible.

  3. Anti-dark acid damage: Excessive keratin metabolism damages the skin barrier and may cause darkening.

    Although acids help to metabolize dead skin cells, they also make the skin less protective against ultraviolet light, making the skin more susceptible to tanning and sunburn. If you use acids, you should always protect yourself from the sun, so as not to make the skin look darker even if the dullness problem is not improved.

Can non-acid products also rejuvenate the skin? Doctors reveal two keys to skin rejuvenation

Although acid-based skin care products on the market have the opportunity to solve the problem of keratin metabolism on the surface of the skin, they also expose the skin to the risk of acid damage. Dr. Wu Mingying shared that sebum oxidation, abnormal secretion, and abnormal skin keratin metabolism will cause clogging of pores and sebum channels, and are also the root causes of skin dullness, acne, and acne problems; however, acid maintenance is not necessarily responsible for all the above skin problems. answer.

Dr. Wu Mingying emphasized that skin rejuvenation is not necessarily the only way to use acid. Compared with acid-based skin care products that only peel off cuticles from the skin surface, which are more concentrated and risky, at-home skin rejuvenation has another way to solve skin problems, which is Start by reducing the excessive secretion and oxidation of skin lipids and normalizing the metabolism of keratin. At present, many foreign studies have confirmed that some non-acid skin care ingredients can also achieve skin rejuvenation effects:

  • Bakuchiol and Acetyl Glucosamine can normalize keratin metabolism.

  • Butyl Avocadate and Catechins have the effect of reducing excessive sebum secretion and anti-oxidation, and can solve skin care problems from the source.

Dr. Wu Mingying also reminds that no matter which skin rejuvenation method you use, you must understand your own skin condition before use, or before applying skin care products to the face, test behind the ears and neck to see if there is any irritation or allergic reaction; You should also consult a dermatologist for careful evaluation before resurfacing to avoid ending up with a bad face.

Extended reading:

Does eating meat make your skin age faster? Doctors reveal 3 keys to aging skin: Sun protection is important

Do you get acne and pimples as soon as winter comes? Dermatologist answers: The “3 bad habits” at the end of the year are the culprits of acne breakouts

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