Tried them all! Why can't my acne go away? Nutritionist reveals the "5 must-eat foods" to treat stubborn acne

Tried them all! Why can't my acne go away? Nutritionist reveals the "5 must-eat foods" to treat stubborn acne

Can’t prevent acne from growing with skin care products? Nutritionist reveals “5 must-eat foods” to conquer stubborn acne

Have you used a lot of skin care products but can’t get rid of your acne? In addition to external acne ointments or skin care products, you can also try to take care of your body from the inside out by starting with your diet! If you are prone to acne, or often eat spicy or fried foods, you must know something about nutrients that are beneficial to your skin. Here are nutrients and diets that are good for your skin. Women or people who love beauty may wish to take more of them:

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids. Improve chronic inflammation of hair follicles. You can consume more chia seeds, deep-sea fish, and nuts.

  2. Vitamin B. It can reduce excessive secretion of skin oil. It is recommended to eat more oats, brown rice, soy products and other foods.

  3. Vitamin E. It has significant anti-inflammatory effects, so you can eat more nuts, avocados, etc.

  4. Phytochemicals. Reduce chronic inflammation and are also rich in antioxidants. Green broccoli, green peppers, etc. are good choices.

  5. Probiotics. Good intestinal flora reduces and prevents skin inflammation, such as yogurt or yogurt.

In addition, after acne is eliminated, you can also eat more nutrients that can reduce acne scars and accelerate wound healing. For example, vitamin A can accelerate wound healing and reduce acne scars. Tomatoes, red peppers, and spinach are all good sources of intake; vitamin C, Nutrients such as zinc can effectively repair tissues damaged by acne. Vitamin C such as guava and spinach, and zinc can be supplemented through beef, oysters and pumpkin seeds. Supplementing nutrients that are beneficial to the skin will not only improve the skin quality, but also make the body healthier.

Do high sugar and oil make collagen “yellow”? These bad habits accelerate skin aging

In addition to the above-mentioned anti-acne measures, when it comes to skin care, it is also very important to “seek good luck and avoid bad luck”. It is recommended that the public should avoid smoking and drinking, as these two bad habits can cause skin aging. In addition, if you have an abnormal lifestyle or stay up late, your complexion may become worse, dark circles and acne may appear, making your visual age look older than your actual age. Get bigger.

In terms of diet, you should avoid sugar, refined carbohydrates, and fried foods. The above-mentioned foods can easily cause the “glycation reaction” of the skin, causing the skin’s collagen to turn yellow, and the overall skin will be dull and yellowish. Therefore, people who love beauty should control their sugar intake in daily life. People with photosensitive skin should also avoid eating large amounts of carrots, celery, spinach, amaranth and other foods.

Finally, excessive stress is also the culprit of dull skin. Moderate exercise and social activities can help reduce stress. During holidays, you may want to spend more time with relatives and friends in the natural environment, or go out for dinner and dates, which can help relieve psychological stress. In addition, summer is gradually entering. Although sun exposure helps the synthesis of vitamin D, overexposure to the sun will seriously damage the skin. Therefore, you must remember to apply sunscreen when going out, and pay attention to the SPF, PA or broadband sunscreen indicators that must meet certain standards.

Further reading:

Not only pregnant women need supplements! Is folic acid more effective with iron? Nutritionist reveals: “1 part” of animals contains the most

Collagen will be lost at the age of 25! Nutritionist reveals skin care policy: “5 major diets” to promote collagen synthesis

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