Trendy coffee has become a popular coffee! Can wearing Jordans cause plantar fasciitis? Harvard: The more you know how to "warp", the bigger the problem will be

Trendy coffee has become a popular coffee! Can wearing Jordans cause plantar fasciitis? Harvard: The more you know how to "warp", the bigger the problem will be

With the rise of trendy culture, shoes have changed from necessities to fashionable items. As long as they are labeled as “NBA star signature model”, “G-DRAGON solid”, or “XX brand and OO brand co-branded model”, there will be a rush to buy. Coupled with the media’s fueling the flames, it seems that not being a “millipede” will make you feel sorry for your status as the toe of a shoe!

But when you queue up to buy shoes, have you seriously thought about whether this pair of shoes really fits your foot shape? Or are you complaining that the shoe shape doesn’t fit your feet after you buy it? Not to mention wearing fashionable shoes will cause discomfort on the soles of the feet. The latest research from Harvard University tells you that even wearing “sports shoes” with strong support and stable midsoles may cause plantar fasciitis. occur!

Sneakers can also be a perfect fit! If you choose the wrong shoes, be careful and you will become a “bad guy”

Harvard University in the United States and Technische Universität Chemnitz in Germany published a study in September 2020, which found that if the toes of sports shoes have an “upturned” design, although the pressure on the feet can be reduced, the This also leads to over-protection of the toes, resulting in a lack of exercise for the foot muscles; and the greater the upturned angle, the greater the chance of suffering from plantar fasciitis!

The research team asked 13 men and women aged between 19 and 33 to stand on a treadmill and put on custom-made sandals with different toe-toe angles in stages. They used eight 3D motion capture instruments to measure the data and found that the toe-toe The greater the upward angle, the less force is used on the foot joints. Daniel., a professor in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University who is responsible for this research. E. Daniel E Lieberman said that although the “upturned toe” design makes walking more effortless, the lack of foot muscle contraction may lead to plantar fasciitis, knee injury, and back pain in the long run. Wait for complications.

At this point, you may have doubts in your mind. If even wearing sports shoes may cause problems, then wouldn’t all the shoes in the shoe cabinet have to be lost? Don’t be nervous. Sometimes foot lesions are not caused by shoes, but by “the situation in which you wear shoes is wrong.” For example, wearing flip-flops to play basketball or running; wearing high-heeled shoes for work that requires you to stand for a long time; wearing flat shoes to climb mountains… These behaviors that will make you look like a “coffee” should be avoided as much as possible.

There is a way to choose shoes and say goodbye, just watch the fun! Not too big, too soft or too hard

If you want to upgrade from a low-end to an A-level, choosing a good pair of shoes is the key. There is an urban legend circulating on the Internet, stating that “the softer the sole, the better the wear.” This is actually a misconception. Too soft soles will cause the feet to deform easily and the soles of the feet to tilt. After wearing them for a long time, the feet will easily get tired and sore; in addition, shoes that are too large will The number can overuse the tendons, which can also cause soreness in the feet. It is recommended that when choosing shoes, the height difference between the heel and toe of the shoes should be “3 centimeters”, and the softness and thickness must be taken into consideration. However, be aware that shoes that are too soft or have soles that are too thick will cause a certain degree of damage to the feet.

All in all, whether you are hoarding too many shoes because you are following the trend, and none of them fit your feet; or you are using one pair of shoes as five pairs, always going to the mountains and seas, it is an act of going too far and not doing enough. It is recommended that you choose shoes that suit your foot type. Different models should be used for work, sports, etc., and try to avoid using one pair of shoes at a time. After all, running in flip-flops is not only unhealthy for the soles of your feet, but may also make passers-by shout “What style!”

Source: Effect of the upward curvature of toe springs on walking biomechanics in humans

Image source: Shutterstock

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