What are the treatments for body odor? Doctors reveal a once-and-for-all solution: You can also avoid "compensatory sweating"

What are the treatments for body odor? Doctors reveal a once-and-for-all solution: You can also avoid "compensatory sweating"

“Body odor” is one of the problems that many people often face in summer. In fact, there are currently various treatment options around the world that can improve body odor and get rid of the “bad odor” problem under the armpits. Dr. Weng Ziyu, an attending physician at the dermatology department of Shuang Ho Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said in an interview that if the doctor evaluates that conservative treatment using antiperspirants is ineffective, the patient’s body odor problem can indeed be improved through medical aesthetic treatments or invasive surgeries.

What are the invasive procedures for body odor? Which treatment causes “compensatory sweating”?

Dr. Weng Ziyu explained that the main cause of body odor is excessive sweat secreted by the sweat glands in the armpits and the interaction between sweat and bacteria on the skin surface, resulting in an unpleasant odor. Therefore, body odor treatment mainly targets the suppression of overactive sweat glands. In terms of “invasive surgery”, there are two common surgical methods. One is “sympathetic denervation”. The main principle is to cut off the nerves that control sweat glands, thereby reducing the secretion of sweat by the nerves. However, this surgery may cause increased sweat secretion in other areas, which is called “compensatory sweating.”

Another surgical method is “underarm fat curettage”, which is commonly known as “spiral knife treatment”. The principle of spiral knife treatment is to scrape the fat under the armpits and remove the sweat glands in the fat at the same time. Since sweat glands are primarily located at the interface between fat and dermis, they can be removed directly and effectively. During the surgery, the doctor will make a small incision in the armpit and use the suction power of the spiral knife to extract fat and sweat glands. Since the sweat glands are removed, the secretion of sweat will naturally decrease, thereby achieving the effect of treating body odor. The effectiveness of surgical treatment is also related to the skill of the doctor.

Compared with sympathetic denervation, spiral knife treatment does not affect the nerves, so there is less problem of compensatory sweating. In addition, since the armpits account for only 1% of the total body surface area, the patient’s sweating will not increase significantly after spiral knife treatment. However, any surgery may have potential side effects and injuries, which should be fully discussed with the attending physician before surgery.

Is medical aesthetic treatment more effective for body odor? What’s the difference between fresh microwave and laser surgery?

If you are concerned about invasive surgeries, you can also consider non-invasive aesthetic treatments. Dr. Weng Ziyu explained that medical aesthetic treatment includes local injection of botulinum toxin. The principle is to inhibit the secretion of neurotransmitter substances, reduce the production of sweat, and thereby reduce body odor. However, this therapy may require 1-2 injections per year to maintain the effect, so it cannot permanently remove sweat and has a certain timeliness.

Another option for medical aesthetic treatment is instrument treatment, such as fresh microwave, ultrasonic hybrid surgery, microneedle radiofrequency or subcutaneous fiber laser are some common treatment methods. Refreshing microwaves and microneedle radiofrequency use high-energy heat to destroy sweat glands, thereby reducing sweat secretion. The effects are longer-lasting than Botox injections and are more permanent than other treatments.

As for laser treatment, it needs to enter the tissue under the skin through an opening and cauterize the sweat glands located at the junction of the dermis layer and the fat layer.

Can applying “pepper water” to your armpits improve body odor? Doctors refute: Don’t listen to false rumors

Body odor is a common problem, so many patients look for various folk remedies to solve it. Dr. Weng Ziyu reminds that certain folk remedies have no scientific basis and may even lead to more serious consequences. For example, there are rumors on the Internet claiming that applying chili water or mustard to the armpits can cure body odor; or grinding chili and Sichuan peppercorns into powder, then mixing it with alcohol and applying it to the armpits. In fact, these practices will only cause more serious irritation and discomfort. , and even cause irritating dermatitis. Likewise, mugwort leaves are thought to have deodorizing properties, but the smell is not pleasant and there is insufficient scientific evidence to support its efficacy.

Dr. Weng Ziyu reminds that instead of listening to false rumors on the Internet, it is better to take more practical measures to avoid body odor, such as changing clothes frequently when sweating to prevent sweat from accumulating under the armpits for too long. In addition, regular cleaning of the armpit area is also an important part of preventing body odor. Keeping your underarms dry and clean using appropriate cleaning products can help reduce the growth of bacteria and odor.

Finally, Dr. Weng Ziyu reminds that if you encounter severe body odor problem, you should immediately consult a dermatologist to discuss the most suitable treatment method for you. Do not try medications or formulas without a doctor’s prescription to avoid aggravating body odor and causing damage to the skin tissue of your armpits.

Further reading: Is it effective to spray antiperspirant only when you are sweating? Will sweating compensate for surgical treatment of body odor? Dermatologists answer myths

How to relieve body odor in summer? 8 tips from dermatologists: In addition to spraying antiperspirants, you can improve your health in this way

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