There have been over a thousand cases of monkeypox worldwide! Does the cowpox vaccine work? What skin symptoms are signs of infection?

There have been over a thousand cases of monkeypox worldwide! Does the cowpox vaccine work? What skin symptoms are signs of infection?

Monkeypox cases exceed 1,000 worldwide. What symptoms are signs of infection?

The monkeypox epidemic continues to rage. Not only are scientists concerned about the infection situation, but some countries have begun to administer cowpox vaccination as a preventive measure. According to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of June 6, 1,019 confirmed and suspected cases of monkeypox infection have been reported in 29 countries in non-monkeypox endemic areas around the world, with 302 cases in the United Kingdom. , followed by Spain, Portugal, Canada, and Germany.

The U.S. CDC reminds that although the overall risk of infection in the community is low, you should still pay attention if you have rashes or plaques on your body for no apparent reason. Skin lesions after monkeypox infection will evolve into raised bumps and blisters, and finally form papules filled with pus, which will eventually form. The scab falls off. Other accompanying symptoms include fever, chills, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes.

Most cases of monkeypox infection have mild symptoms and will recover on their own in about 2-3 weeks. However, some groups are still at risk of serious complications, including people with weakened immune systems, children under 8 years old, and pregnant and breastfeeding women. , as well as people who are currently infected or have diseases that may increase the risk of severe disease.

Does traveling abroad increase the rate of monkeypox infection? Do not touch animals and eat wild game

Monkeypox is a viral disease prevalent in central and western Africa, but cases in non-endemic countries have increased sharply this year. The U.S. CDC also recommends taking preventive measures when traveling to avoid contact with people diagnosed or suspected of monkeypox infection, such as skin or close contact with someone who has a rash on their genitals.

In addition, animals may also be an intermediary for transmitting monkeypox virus. When traveling abroad, you should especially avoid contact with rodents, mice, squirrels, primates, apes and other animals. It is also not recommended to eat meat products from local game.

Vaccine against cowpox to prevent infection? The US CDC says exposure is effective within 4 days

There is no specific treatment for monkeypox. The usual treatment is antiviral drugs or antibody treatment. The US CDC points out that if you have been exposed to monkeypox virus recently, you can administer one of the two second-generation cowpox vaccines, ACAM200 or JYNNEOS, within 4 days. The effectiveness is about 85%, which can help prevent the onset of the disease. The vaccine will help reduce symptoms if given within 4-14 days, but it may not prevent illness.

The authoritative scientific journal “Nature” reported that in response to the development of the monkeypox epidemic, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada have begun to adopt a “containment” vaccination strategy. However, Natalie Dean, a professor of biostatistics at Emory University in Atlanta, believes that containment Standard vaccination must be accompanied by highly rigorous epidemic tracking of confirmed cases, and it is likely that it cannot be implemented in every region.

Moreover, there are still concerns about rare and serious side effects of the cowpox vaccine, which may reduce the willingness of people in the listed communities to be vaccinated. In one report, only 15 of 107 community contacts of monkeypox virus in the UK had received cowpox vaccine.

Concerned about the stigmatization of monkeypox epidemic, experts call for strengthening quarantine

According to a genetic report submitted by the U.S. CDC on June 3, two different monkeypox viruses are currently causing infection, indicating that the virus has been spreading internationally for longer than originally predicted, which has also increased the investigation into the source of the epidemic. Difficulty.

Another concern is that although monkeypox is not a sexually transmitted disease, many cases occur in the social circles of men who have sex with men. As a result, the disease may be stigmatized, which may make more risk groups unwilling to disclose their contact history.

Dr. Daniel Bausch, an epidemiologist and public health expert who specializes in emerging tropical viruses, said health officials in various countries must explain and educate the public on the correct way to deal with monkeypox virus and why only high-risk contacts need to be vaccinated. Bausch believes that compared with the containment vaccine strategy, quarantine, isolation and community education for monkeypox are the fundamental methods to prevent the large-scale spread of the virus.


Monkeypox and Smallpox Vaccine Guidance

2022 Monkeypox and Orthopoxvirus Outbreak Global Map

Monkeypox vaccination begins — can the global outbreaks be contained?

Further reading:

Monkeypox virus outbreak? Routes of infection and symptoms? will become highly spread from person to person

“Monkeypox” is the largest epidemic in history! Is sexual contact at high risk for infection? Don’t touch these 2 places

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