"Thor" Chris passed away in shock! Is the cause actually "Alzheimer's disease"? "1 gene" makes him 10 times more risky

"Thor" Chris passed away in shock! Is the cause actually "Alzheimer's disease"? "1 gene" makes him 10 times more risky

“Thor” Chris Hemsworth is temporarily out of action! Is the cause actually “Alzheimer’s disease”?

Australian superstar Chris, who became famous for his performance in “Thor”. Chris Hemsworth, in a recent exclusive interview with the American magazine “Vanity Fair”, pointed out that after genetic testing, he was found to be at high risk for Alzheimer’s disease. After completing all promotions and work at hand, Hemsworth chose to suspend his acting activities and planned to return to Australia to be with his wife and daughter.

Why is Hemsworth, only 39 years old, at risk of Alzheimer’s disease? He mentioned in an exclusive interview with “Glory World” that he carries a pair of “APOE4” (ε4) genes in his body, which is considered a high risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. About 2-3% of the world’s population has this gene. Gene. Both Hansworth’s parents have the APOE4 gene, which makes his risk of the disease about 8-10 times higher than that of ordinary people.

Does the “APOE 4” gene make dementia inevitable? Study: The key lies in “HDL” concentration

In the past, Alzheimer’s disease was thought to be more common in people over the age of 60, but Hansworth’s revelations have undoubtedly sent shock waves among young adults. If the body carries the APOE4 gene inherited from parents, does it mean that the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease is inevitable? Research published in the Alzheimer’s Association of America in April pointed out that the key to reducing APOE4 gene activity may lie in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL).

The research team gathered 180 elderly people over the age of 60 and collected blood samples from the periphery of the cerebrospinal fluid to evaluate the cognitive function of the subjects; they also examined the HDL concentration in the bodies of the elderly people. After cross-comparison of the two samples, it was found that those with higher HDL concentrations in the body generally had lower activity of the APOE4 gene and better brain cognitive function than other subjects. Even if variables such as age, gender, and education level are included in the experiment, the results are consistent.

Study author Hussein Yassine said that HDL concentration levels in the blood have previously made many advances in cardiovascular prevention and treatment drugs. In this study, HDL concentration in cerebrospinal fluid may be related to individual cognitive function. Perhaps just like the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, HDL and its related components may be used in Alzheimer’s drugs in the future to provide patients with more precise treatment.

HDL can only be increased through “exercise”? Experts reveal that “1 training” is the most effective

As for how to increase HDL concentration in the body? According to the current academic consensus, the most effective method is still “exercise.” Research published in “The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research” shows that aerobic exercise that is commonly used by the public, weight training that bodybuilders love, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) have been proven to be helpful in increasing HDL concentration. beneficial. Retrospective studies also indicate that exercise can increase the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of HDL.

A previous small study of 31 women with polycystic ovary disease also reported that HDL concentrations in the body increased significantly after 10 weeks after the patients only performed high-intensity interval training three times a week. The study authors also believe that high-intensity training may be more helpful and more effective in increasing HDL concentration than weight training and aerobic training. The effect is not limited to improving cardiopulmonary and cardiovascular health.

Lack of sleep can easily cause LDL and HDL imbalance? Does exercise help prevent dementia?

Lack of sleep is a major risk factor for low HDL concentrations. “Scientific Reports” shows that lack of sleep can easily lead to changes in “genes that regulate cholesterol concentration” in the body, which is related to the reduction of HDL concentration in the body. The research team pointed out that after the subjects experienced a week of sleep deprivation, the immune response and metabolism in the body changed, which also affected the balance of HDL and LDL.

However, does adequate exercise and sleep, as well as maintaining a balanced HDL concentration in the body, mean that the risk of Alzheimer’s disease can be completely avoided? Lawrence S. Honig, a doctor of neurology at Columbia University in the United States, pointed out that even though Hensworth is well-known for his bodybuilding and sunny image, will exercise and fitness help his potential risk of Alzheimer’s disease? It is still necessary to observe the changes in the body for a long time to see the clues.

“For the general public, risks can be detected early through health examinations, and treatment must begin as soon as there are signs. Patients should also improve their diet and sleep, and engage in plenty of exercise to help clear plaques in the brain and inhibit APOE4 gene activity. “Although there is no guarantee that the disease will occur, the above measures may help minimize the risk,” Dr. Honig said.


The small HDL particle hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease

Chris Hemsworth Changed His Life After an Ominous Health Warning

Effects of High Intensity Interval Training and Strength Training on Metabolic, Cardiovascular and Hormonal Outcomes in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Pilot Study

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Further reading:

Can drinking orange juice every day prevent dementia? Doctors clarify: Unless you do “6 things”, the effect will be limited

Dementia caused by taking vitamin D? Active vitamin D3 is different from inactive vitamin D3! Doctor: Don’t stop using it randomly for this group of people

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