My teeth can't get white no matter how I brush them, maybe it's caused by taking "this drug"! The most effective solution to medical exposure

My teeth can't get white no matter how I brush them, maybe it's caused by taking "this drug"! The most effective solution to medical exposure

There is no tooth decay problem, and I clean my mouth regularly. However, my teeth have a dull color of “matte gray”. Could it be the culprit caused by long-term medication? Dr. Deng Huixiang, the director of Chengxin Dental Clinic in Kaohsiung, said that if you take a powerful antibiotic called “Tetracycline” since childhood, it may indeed cause permanent staining of your teeth. Even if you brush and clean your teeth regularly, it will be difficult to precipitate the gray and black color. Clear.

Why can’t my teeth be whitened even though I brush them? Doctor: Maybe it’s caused by taking “this drug” since childhood

Dean Deng Haoxiang explained that tetracycline was mostly used to treat cholera and prevent malaria in the early days; now it is widely used to treat inflammatory conditions caused by “bacterial infections”, such as pneumonia or Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Lyme arthritis, severe adolescent Acne and sexually transmitted diseases, etc. However, the drug can cause permanent yellowing, graying or browning of teeth in children under 8 years old and even fetuses.

Unlike food or drinks that cause tooth surface staining, tetracycline easily binds to the “calcium” required for tooth development, causing “endogenous staining” of teeth. Dean Deng Haoxiang emphasized that the longer the exposure time to tetracycline and the greater the dose, the more obvious the tooth staining may be. According to the severity, it can be divided into mild, moderate and severe staining:

  1. Mild: The tooth color is light brown or light gray.

  2. Moderate: The tooth color is distinctly brown or gray.

  3. Severe: The tooth color is dark brown or dark gray, and even stripes appear.

If you have taken certain cold medicines, eye ointments, or received treatment for Mycoplasma pneumoniae since you were 8 years old, you are more likely to be a high-risk group for dental problems. In addition to causing tooth staining, Dr. Deng Haoxiang pointed out that tetracycline may also cause enamel erosion, making teeth prone to plaque accumulation; and even increase the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, tooth loss, and sensitive teeth.

Further reading: Can I still wear braces after the age of 40? Doctor: “Periodontal health” is more important than age

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Nowadays, teeth whitening treatments are popular. Is it possible for people who have taken tetracycline for a long time to have their teeth turn from black to white? Dean Deng Haoxiang explained that common whitening treatments, such as laser cold light whitening, at-home whitening, or sandblasting, can alleviate mild staining problems, but the effect on moderate or severe staining conditions is limited. It is recommended Solve the staining problem permanently with “porcelain dental veneers”.

Dean Deng Haoxiang said that the whitening porcelain tooth veneers will be slightly adjusted and polished according to the surface of the original teeth. Generally speaking, the teeth will be polished about 0.5-1mm, and then the corresponding veneers will be made to cover the surface of the teeth. The goal of treatment is to avoid damaging the teeth and preserve tooth quality as much as possible.

In addition, many people are afraid of grinding their teeth or strive for the integrity of their teeth, so they will give priority to “grinding-free veneers” as their first choice of treatment. In fact, this can easily lead to the teeth and the veneers not being close to each other or being too thick, resulting in protruding teeth, Complications such as tooth decay, gum recession or inflammation.

The porcelain dental veneer treatment is an extremely sophisticated technology that must be “carefully crafted” for each different tooth. Many people have shared on social media that after receiving veneer treatment, their teeth become “more yellow as they become more attached.” The reason is that the veneers do not fit tightly, or the use of non-bruxing veneers causes problems such as tooth decay, tooth decay, gum recession, or inflammation. , Inferior quality patches can also cause them to be less durable, fall off, or even break.

Do porcelain dental veneers make your teeth unnatural in color? Medical exposure: Don’t go there if the hospital lacks these “two technologies”!

Will porcelain dental veneers cause unnatural or white teeth? Dean Deng Haoxiang explained that after the teeth are polished, temporary veneers will be installed to protect the teeth and prevent them from being infected, food residues or staining. Furthermore, the dental technician will discuss the final tooth color one-on-one with the patient to ensure that the tooth color is natural and not white. If you want to know the treatment results in advance, you can also use 3D simulation pictures as a reference.

“The equipment of the medical institution and the skill of the dentist are also key factors that determine the success or failure of the surgery!” President Deng Haoxiang pointed out that in addition to observing whether the institution has a cooperative dental laboratory, before receiving porcelain dental veneer treatment , you can first find out whether the hospital can provide more information about the dental laboratory that makes veneers.

“A good clinic must have complete quality control and understanding of the source of denture production! In order to ensure the stability of the quality of the dentures in the clinic, we have invested heavily in a high-quality dental laboratory and hired more than a dozen experienced professionals. The skilled technicians divide the work and the first task of every day’s consultation is to go to the dental laboratory to conduct quality control and discuss cases. Only by strict control can we ensure that the porcelain dental veneers are not only used well, but also used for a long time.”

Not only improves yellow teeth! Porcelain dental veneers help create your own “smile curve”

Porcelain dental veneers can tailor a “smile curve” according to different tooth conditions. It can not only improve tooth staining caused by “tetracycline”, but also slightly correct teeth, and is expected to solve the problem of tooth gaps. Annoying problems such as large, messy teeth. If you have had root canal treatment or have tooth calcification problems, it is recommended that you carefully consider the health status of your teeth and the differences in treatment courses before receiving a whitening patch treatment to avoid the patch from falling off or breaking, which will affect your quality of life.

Finally, Dr. Deng Haoxiang reminded that whitening patches will wear away a small part of tooth enamel, and patients must be careful not to grind their teeth excessively or frequently chew on food such as melon seeds and crabs to avoid the patches from breaking and injuring their teeth. After the whitening patch treatment, the cleaning and maintenance is the same as that of the original teeth. Remember to clean and floss after meals. If you have any oral symptoms, you should consult a dentist immediately to avoid aggravating the symptoms or making the teeth unsightly.

Further reading: Bad breath is not just related to anger! Doctor: The combination of “3 symptoms” may be a precursor to periodontal disease

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