Is taking vitamin D a waste of money? Doctors reveal the true effects of vitamin D: 6 groups of people most need daily supplements

Is taking vitamin D a waste of money? Doctors reveal the true effects of vitamin D: 6 groups of people most need daily supplements

The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) published the latest research in July this year, claiming that vitamin D supplements taken by middle-aged and elderly people have no real help in osteoporosis and promoting bone health. Dr. Chen Yubin, director of the Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia Care Center of Wanfang Hospital, said in an exclusive interview with “healthorn” that the general public can obtain enough vitamin D through sun exposure and diet, but the “six major groups” must pay attention to the problem of vitamin D deficiency.

No need to supplement vitamin D? Doctors urge more sun exposure and improved diet

Dr. Chen Yubin said that modern science has discovered that vitamin D is a “steroid-like” hormone that is commonly found in human cells such as blood vessel cells and brain cells. It has important functions such as fighting tissue inflammation and antioxidants; and vitamin D plays an important role in the intestinal tract. Daozhong helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which is related to bone health.

Research related to vitamin D has become one of the prominent subjects in the medical field in recent years. Many literatures point out that vitamin D can promote immunity, strengthen bones, fight cancer, treat diabetes, and even prevent the new coronavirus, speed up recovery, etc. The general public is flocking to vitamin D supplements.

Dr. Chen Yubin explained that moderate vitamin D supplementation is indeed clinically beneficial, and the effect is not even inferior to that of osteoporosis drugs. However, the consensus of academic groups such as the World Osteoporosis Society and the Osteoporosis Society of the Taiwan all advocate that vitamin D “just be enough”; and there is still no consensus on the recommended dose of vitamin D for adults, so additional intake of supplements is required. It may not achieve the desired effect.

Dr. Chen Yubin suggested that if the public is in good health and wants to improve their protection, they should be exposed to more sunlight or eat more deep-sea fish (such as salmon and mackerel), fresh milk, and foods exposed to the sun such as dried mushrooms, etc. , both can help the body obtain vitamin D. As for the many medical effects of vitamin D claimed on the Internet, you should be aware that they are exaggerated and do not believe them without proof.

Which groups are prone to vitamin D deficiency? “Type 6 people” need to supplement 800IU every day

Who is prone to vitamin D deficiency and most likely to need additional intake? Dr. Chen Yubin pointed out that patients who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, postmenopausal women, the elderly (women over 65 years old, men over 70 years old), have a history of osteoporosis fractures (spine, hip, wrist, etc.), take steroids People with medications and liver and kidney disease can take vitamin D supplements in moderation, and follow the daily international standard of 800IU units. If the blood test finds that the vitamin concentration is too low, the dose should be adjusted as appropriate.

Dr. Chen Yubin explained that among various fracture risks, “hip fracture” is the most serious type of osteoporosis fracture. Not only is the prognosis poor, but the annual mortality rate is as high as about 15%-16%. Statistics have found that patients with osteoporosis fractures often have vitamin D concentrations in their bodies of only about 11-12 ng/mL (the standard value is 30 ng/mL), and more than 65% of patients are severely deficient in vitamin D.

Dr. Chen Yubin reminds that if you have experienced hip fracture, menopausal women or the elderly, your daily vitamin D and calcium intake should reach 800IU and 1,000-1,200 mg respectively. Overall, if you are at high risk for osteoporosis, taking extra vitamin D can be helpful.

Do Taiwanese people generally fail to meet vitamin D standards? Too low a concentration may cause the disease

Dr. Chen Yubin said that judging from the inter-clinic osteoporosis screening report of Wanfang Hospital, the vitamin D test concentration of most patients with osteoporosis is only about 20-30 ng/mL, which shows that most people do not meet the recommended standard value of vitamin D. However, the research report also pointed out that even in Singapore, where the environment has long sunshine hours, more than half of the elderly are vitamin D deficient.

Dr. Chen Yubin explained that vitamin D can be said to be “deficient for everyone”, but whether lack of vitamin D directly leads to low immunity or even affects bone health, research does not have a strong causal relationship. At present, it can only be confirmed that vitamin D deficiency can cause “osteomalacia”, and blood tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis. The general population is reminded to spend more time in the sun, improve their eating habits, and avoid excessive worry about vitamin D deficiency. If Taiwanese are worried about their bone density or vitamin D deficiency, they can seek examination from a professional doctor at an orthopedic clinic.

Further reading:

Is the epidemic causing a significant increase in the “mortality rate” of osteoporosis and fractures? Doctors appeal: Do not interrupt treatment at will, and take two major measures

The elderly are prone to insufficient “bone density”. Experts call for early adoption of “five major measures” to maintain bone health.

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