Will taking tuberculosis drugs cause liver cancer? Oncologist reveals the truth: Many patients are 20 centimeters tall when they arrive

Will taking tuberculosis drugs cause liver cancer? Oncologist reveals the truth: Many patients are 20 centimeters tall when they arrive

Can taking tuberculosis drugs cause cancer death? Family members file administrative appeal to “seek justice”

Recently, multiple media reports in Taiwan revealed that a father and son named Lin from Changhua died of explosive hepatitis and liver cancer one after another after taking tuberculosis medication. The family members believed that the liver damage caused by tuberculosis drugs would lead to the accelerated progression of liver disease and death of their loved one, so they applied to the competent authorities for drug-related relief.

Among them, the case of the father surnamed Lin received 850,000 yuan in relief, while the cause of death of the son surnamed Lin was determined to be caused by liver cancer and had nothing to do with tuberculosis preventive medication and did not receive drug-related relief. Reports indicate that the family members have filed a petition with the Legislative Council of the Executive Yuan, hoping to “seek justice” and told the media that “they were all good people.” Although they have hepatitis B carriers, they are usually in good health. Do your family members believe it has nothing to do with anti-tuberculosis drugs?

Tuberculosis drugs do not cause cancer! Doctor: Many liver cancers are 20 centimeters long at first sight

Dr. Wu Jiaoen, the attending physician at the Chang Gung Memorial Oncology Department in Linkou, wrote in response to media reports that many patients or family members will think that “they are all good people” and question medical treatment. In fact, every patient is a healthy person before getting sick. It is the physical discomfort caused by the disease that requires medical treatment. This statement may be an outlet for feelings, but it may also cause more unnecessary medical disputes.

Dr. Wu Jiaoen said that many early-stage cancer patients have no symptoms. Taking liver cancer as an example, it is very difficult to detect early without receiving health examinations. Many liver cancer patients seek medical treatment due to obvious symptoms such as jaundice and ascites. Tumors that are 10 or even 20 centimeters larger can often be found.

Dr. Wu Jiaoen explained that tuberculosis drugs can cause hepatitis but “do not cause cancer.” Hepatitis is different from liver cancer. Hepatitis is commonly heard by ordinary people as an increase in GOT and GPT. The detection method is blood drawing. Ultrasound is used to check for abnormalities in the liver and gallbladder, but is not used to diagnose hepatitis. Hepatitis while taking tuberculosis medications is not uncommon and can usually be tracked with a blood draw.

I was too busy at work and neglected to check. “Unexpectedly” Hepatitis B would silently turn into liver cancer?

Dr. Wu Jiaoen reminded that hepatitis B and hepatitis C are important carcinogens of liver cancer, and carriers must undergo regular health check-ups. I often encounter patients who say that there have been no problems every year for 20 consecutive years, but they have neglected examinations in the past five years because they were too busy at work. They “unexpectedly” had tumors occurring during this period.

According to the content of the newspaper, Dr. Wu Jiaoen believed that the father in the case did suffer from hepatitis due to taking medicine, so he was eligible for drug-induced relief. However, in the son’s case it must be emphasized that TB drugs do not cause cancer. However, it is a hepatitis B carrier, so liver cancer may have existed for a period of time before taking the drug.

In addition, Dr. Wu Jiaoen explained that the use of tuberculosis drugs will not track ultrasound to monitor hepatitis, and the hospital will not help with full-body health examinations for taking tuberculosis drugs. Hepatitis B carriers are reminded that regular follow-up examinations and active treatment are the correct concepts to truly protect the liver and prevent liver cancer.

70% of liver cancer deaths are caused by hepatitis B carriers. Those over 45 years old should get free screening.

According to the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration, about 70% of patients who die from liver cancer are hepatitis B carriers. If hepatitis B carriers have persistent hepatitis, 15-20% will develop cirrhosis, leading to a significant increase in the risk of liver cancer. Studies have shown that abdominal ultrasound examinations every 6 months for those aged 35-59 with hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis can reduce liver cancer mortality by 37%.

Currently, the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration has provided free once-in-a-lifetime hepatitis B and C screening for Taiwanese aged 45-79. Those with chronic hepatitis carriers should actively receive antiviral drug treatment, which can reduce the occurrence of liver cancer by more than 60%. Most liver diseases have no obvious symptoms. Taiwanese people are prone to delay seeking medical treatment due to lack of vigilance. They should undergo hepatitis B and C screening at least once in their lives to protect their liver health.

Further reading:

If the liver index in the health check is normal, is there still hepatitis B or hepatitis C? Category 2 people must be screened early

The risk of hepatitis C in high-endemic towns in central and southern Taiwan is 10 times higher? Famous doctor: Early screening and treatment can reduce the chance of liver cancer treatment by 70%

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