It takes 3 hours of walking to digest a cup of precious milk! Nutritionist: You won't be afraid of getting fat if you drink the hand-cranked drink "this way"

It takes 3 hours of walking to digest a cup of precious milk! Nutritionist: You won't be afraid of getting fat if you drink the hand-cranked drink "this way"

A cup of milk accounts for 50% of daily calories! “Walk for 3 hours” to fully digest

In the hot summer, the “Hand Shake Drink” specialty store is always crowded with people, and it is the choice of many students and office workers to cool down. However, hand shake drinks are rich in sugar and calories, which not only makes it difficult to quench your thirst, but may also cause you to drink the excess calories. Dietitian Gao Minmin pointed out in a social post that taking the common “bubble milk tea” in Taiwan as an example, a large cup has about 658 calories and more than 50g of sugar. In other words, it contains about a bowl of rice’s starch, 13 sugar cubes and 20 grams of fat. Just one cup accounts for about 50% of the daily caloric requirements.

Dietitian Gao Minmin further explained that taking an adult weighing 60 kilograms as a reference, if you drink a cup of milk and take “walking” as an example of exercise, it will take more than three hours to completely consume it. Other types of exercise and time consumption are as follows:

  1. Walking (speed 4 km/h): 188 minutes (3 hours and 8 minutes)

  2. Walking (speed 6 km/h): 120 minutes (2 hours)

  3. Stair climbing (rate 8.4): 78 minutes (1 hour 18 minutes)

  4. Jogging (speed 8 km/h): 80 minutes (1 hour and 20 minutes)

  5. Brisk running (speed 12 km/h): 52 minutes

  6. Cycling (speed 10 km/h): 165 minutes (2 hours and 45 minutes)

  7. Swim (rate 6.3): 104 minutes (1 hour 44 minutes)

  8. Rope skipping (speed 8.4): 78 minutes (1 hour and 18 minutes)

Nutritionist Gao Minmin emphasized that drinking sugary drinks or hand-cranked drinks every day can easily absorb more calories than you consume, which may cause obesity among young people. . In addition, hand-cranked drinks are high in calories and low in nutritional value. They are an “empty calorie diet.” It is recommended to drink less. Long-term consumption may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and chronic diseases.

Therefore, nutritionist Gao Minmin reminds people to pay attention to their daily sugar intake. Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare guidelines indicate that the daily intake of refined sugar should not exceed 10% of the total calories throughout the day (preferably reduced to 5%); taking a daily intake of 2,000 calories as an example, the intake of added sugar should be as low as Less than 200 calories (preferably as low as 100 calories), which is about 25-50 grams of sugar, which is a cup of half-sugar bubble milk tea.

Refusing hand-shake drinking will cause the body to develop “horizontally” with “3 ways to drink” and exercise, so you don’t have to worry about getting fat.

In order to avoid “lateral development” of the body, office workers or students who often drink hand-cranked drinks need to understand the importance of getting more exercise. Dietitian Gao Minmin said that in addition to helping weight loss, exercise also has many advantages such as improving metabolism, building muscle and losing fat, improving sleep, relieving stress, improving brain power, improving cardiopulmonary function, preventing three highs, increasing physical strength and improving skin. .

How to drink hand-cranked beverages to avoid consuming excess calories? Nutritionist Gao Minmin recommends developing the following three habits and combining them with exercise to make it less likely to gain weight:

  1. After drinking the hand shake drink, remember to replenish water. Hand shakes that add too much sugar and ingredients will not quench your thirst. Therefore, you should rehydrate appropriately after drinking to dilute and excrete the sugar from the body.

  2. Choose the type with toppings, and order sugar-free or lightly sugared. The ingredients of hand-cranked drinks are mostly pearls, taro garden, rice cakes, etc. The main ingredient is starch, which is already rich in calories. Therefore, if you choose a hand shake drink with ingredients, the amount of sugar should be reduced to the minimum, such as no sugar or light sugar.

  3. Gradually reduce the amount of sugar. If you were used to ordering full sugar when drinking hand shakes before, you should try to adjust to 70% sugar the next time you buy it, and then gradually adjust to half sugar, light sugar or even no sugar.

Finally, Gao Min Min Nutritionist reminds patients with chronic diseases or those who are overweight to consult a nutritionist or metabolic doctor before drinking hand drinks or sugary drinks. Excessive sugar may aggravate symptoms or slow recovery from the disease. Diet needs to be treated with caution and should not be taken lightly.

Further reading:

Dessert “Calorie Mine” has 700 calories per serving? Nutritionist: Follow these 4 tips to avoid gaining weight by eating sweets

When stress comes, do you want to drink precious milk or eat salty crispy chicken? If you want to lose weight, please avoid “emotional eating” first

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