What are the symptoms of migraine and how to treat it? Doctor: Be careful of "revenge headache" if you take painkillers too much

What are the symptoms of migraine and how to treat it? Doctor: Be careful of "revenge headache" if you take painkillers too much

No need to see a doctor for a headache? Beware of secondary headaches caused by brain tumors and bleeding

For many people, headaches are just an “old problem.” However, the reasons behind them can be big or small, and you should not ignore them when you find abnormal symptoms. Dr. Zhong Yijun of New Taipei City Hospital pointed out that headaches can be divided into “primary headaches” and “secondary headaches”. Secondary headaches refer to headaches caused by structural lesions in the brain, such as brain tumors, cerebral hemorrhage, or venous and arterial lesions. This type of headache is more urgent and dangerous. It is usually accompanied by neurological symptoms, including weakness in the hands and feet, unclear speech, neck pain, and fever. If you have chronic diseases or immune system diseases, you need early attention and active treatment.

Dr. Zhong Yijun said that when patients seek medical treatment for headaches, they will first ask whether they have the above symptoms. If not, then consider whether it is a primary headache. Primary headaches are not necessarily related to structural lesions. The most common ones are “tightening headaches”, which are related to pressure and tight shoulder and neck muscles. To differentiate between primary and secondary headaches, a preliminary diagnosis will be made through clinical consultation and neurological examination, and whether further brain examination is needed depends on the patient’s condition.

What are the symptoms of migraine? Is there a warning half an hour before the headache?

The second most common primary headache is “migraine”. Dr. Zhong Yijun pointed out that the characteristic of migraine is that it mostly occurs on one side of the brain, and the headache will have a pulsating sensation, and the pain will reach above moderate intensity, and even affect the patient’s health. Work and study. Some people experience nausea and vomiting due to pain. Migraines can also be worsened by daily activities such as exercising, going to work, or going to school. Therefore, most people with migraine like to rest and tend to be afraid of light and noise.

Dr. Zhong Yijun said that some migraines will have specific symptoms, such as visual omens before the headache. Half an hour to an hour after the headache, the patient will have eye reflections, or a black and white blind spot will appear in the center of the eye, and the shape of the scenery will change. A severe headache usually occurs about half an hour after the aura occurs.

Dr. Zhong Yijun reminded that regardless of whether you have a history of headaches, when a new headache occurs or the type of headache is completely different from the past, such as a migraine in the past but an explosive headache suddenly occurs, you should pay attention to whether there are other problems. Doctors emphasize that if the headache comes very quickly and is not relieved by taking painkillers, it may be a symptom of secondary headache. If you have unclear speech, blurred vision, weakness in your hands and feet, have a fever, or have a systemic disease, or if your headache lasts a very different time than before or if you have an unprecedented and severe headache, you should seek medical examination as soon as possible.

What causes migraines? What daily routine can be improved?

Why do migraines occur? Will “3C” foods such as citrus, chocolate, cheese, etc. trigger migraine attacks? Dr. Zhong Yijun said that there are many triggers of migraine, such as bright light, noise, pressure, and sleep. In terms of food, cheese, chocolate, and red wine are considered by some studies to be related to migraines. However, triggers may vary from person to person, and specific foods may not necessarily cause migraines.

Dr. Zhong Yijun pointed out that the first way to treat migraine is medication, including acute analgesics or advanced medications for moderate or above headaches. If migraines are too frequent and seriously affect your life, preventive medications may be considered. In terms of daily routine, migraine patients should be aware of factors that trigger symptoms, including sleep, mood, and diet, make appropriate adjustments, and develop habits such as adequate sleep and regular aerobic exercise, which can help improve headache problems.

If you have a headache, don’t seek medical treatment and only take painkillers. Beware of overuse of drugs and “revenge headache”?

There are many types of painkillers on the market, and many people will buy painkillers and take them when they have migraines. Dr. Zhong Yijun reminded that some migraine patients are unwilling to seek medical treatment but take painkillers every day, which may cause “drug overuse headaches” and worsen headache symptoms. There are also many drug allergies related to headache medicines.

Dr. Zhong Yijun emphasized that if you have long-term headaches and cannot find the exact cause, you should go to the neurology department for early diagnosis and treatment to help you stay away from annoying headaches.

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