Is the sweet soup as caloric as half-sugar milk? Nutritionist reveals the fattest item: adding ingredients equals "a complete meal"

Is the sweet soup as caloric as half-sugar milk? Nutritionist reveals the fattest item: adding ingredients equals "a complete meal"

Is the hot sweet soup as caloric as half-sugar milk? Nutritionist reveals the fattest items

In winter, people who have a sweet tooth will warm themselves up by drinking hot sweet soup. However, just like drinking hand-cranked drinks in summer, the high calories of sweet soup will still cause a “sweet burden” on the body. Dietitian Gao Minmin reminded the public on social media that sweet soups add a lot of refined sugar and may also use starch to thicken the soup to create a thick taste. The calories are not lost to a cup of half-sugar milk (about 400-700 calories). ; If you add extra ingredients such as pearls, taro garden, rice cakes, etc., it will even exceed 700 calories, which is equivalent to eating the calories of a meal.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin further lists the calories of common sweet soups as follows (calculated based on 1 bowl of 350ml):

  1. Comprehensive burnt grass jelly: 429 Kcal

  2. Peanut sweet soup: 427 Kcal

  3. Mixed bean curd: 420 Kcal

  4. Small glutinous rice balls and red bean soup: 405 Kcal

  5. Sesame paste: 403 Kcal

  6. Purple rice and red bean soup: 355 Kcal

  7. Red bean soup/mung bean soup: 345 Kcal

  8. Almond tea: 315 Kcal

  9. Ginger milk tea: 305 Kcal

  10. Sweet tofu pudding with ginger juice (no additives): 300 Kcal

  11. Sago dew with taro and coconut milk: 262 Kcal

  12. Poplar nectar: ​​254 Kcal

  13. Longan and red date tea: 215 Kcal

  14. Shao Xiancao (no additives): 150 Kcal 15. Rock sugar, white fungus and red dates: 90 Kcal

In general, nutritionist Gao Minmin reminds that sweet soups such as sesame paste and almond paste must contain less oil because sesame seeds or almonds themselves are nuts and seeds containing oil. After processing, the oil content is higher. Drink the big mine. It is recommended that the public can choose Shaoxiancao with no additives or added sugar, or healthy sweet soup based on white fungus and red dates, which not only has the same warming effect, but also ensures a reduction in calorie intake.

In addition to paying attention to the intake of sweet soup, February 5 this year coincides with the Lantern Festival, and many people will eat Yuanxiao or glutinous rice balls to celebrate the occasion. Tangyuan is easy to make and can be made in many ways; however, many people are afraid of weight gain or obesity problems caused by eating glutinous rice dumplings. Adding the aforementioned sweet soup may even increase the “calorie explosion”. To this end, nutritionist Gao Minmin listed the common types of glutinous rice dumpling flavors in a social post to provide public reference:

  1. Sesame glutinous rice balls: 77.8 kcal

  2. Milk tea glutinous rice balls: 74 kcal

  3. Peanut glutinous rice balls: 74 kcal

  4. Matcha glutinous rice balls: 65 kcal

  5. Red bean glutinous rice balls: 64 kcal

  6. Milk and sugar glutinous rice balls: 64 kcal

  7. Fresh meat glutinous rice balls: 60.4 kcal

  8. Red and white glutinous rice balls: 6.5 kcal

Overall, if you compare the calories of glutinous rice balls with those of white rice, a bowl of rice (280 calories) is equivalent to about 4 sweet glutinous rice balls, 5 salty glutinous rice balls, 40 small glutinous rice balls without fillings, and 2 large glutinous rice balls plus half a bowl of sweet glutinous rice balls. Soup heat. Dietitian Gao Minmin reminds that the chewy texture and rich fillings of glutinous rice balls are a favorite of many people; however, certain groups, such as those who are losing weight, have diabetes, suffer from gastrointestinal diseases or have difficulty swallowing, still need to pay attention to the calories and do not Excessive intake.

Further reading:

Is eating too much “ultra-processed food” sad and damaging to your brain? Nutritionists teach “alternative eating methods” to reduce risks

Which one has more calories, sesame vs peanut? Nutritionist announces “The fattest glutinous rice balls during the Winter Solstice”: eating 4 glutinous rice balls is equivalent to eating 1 bowl of rice

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