The sweet potatoes were "cut in half" without the ice calories? Nutritionist teaches tips: "2 timings" of consumption are more conducive to weight loss

The sweet potatoes were "cut in half" without the ice calories? Nutritionist teaches tips: "2 timings" of consumption are more conducive to weight loss

The sweet potatoes were “cut in half” without the ice calories? Nutritionist: Increasing “resistant starch” is beneficial to weight loss!

Sweet potato weight loss is a hot topic recently! Sweet potatoes are not only soft, delicious, and easy to obtain, but they are also rich in nutrients and make you feel full. Today let us learn about sweet potatoes in more detail. Let’s first understand the basic calories of sweet potatoes. The calories of sweet potatoes will vary depending on the size and cooking method. The weight of medium-sized sweet potatoes is about 150-200 grams and the calories are about 130-180 calories, which is about the same as “seven cents”. Full of calories in white rice. It is recommended that if you eat sweet potatoes with your meal, you should reduce the amount of white rice!

As for sweet potatoes of different colors, are there any differences in calories? There are slight differences in the nutritional content of sweet potatoes of different colors, but there is not much difference in calories. The calories of golden sweet potatoes, purple sweet potatoes and red sweet potatoes are roughly similar, about 100-150 calories per 100 grams. The biggest reason for the difference in calories between sweet potatoes is actually not the variety, but the difference in “temperature”!

Why are the calories of “Ice Sweet Potato” reduced by half? When sweet potatoes are cooled, the starch in them changes, forming what is called “resistant starch.” This kind of starch is a form of starch that is difficult for the human body to digest and absorb. It is similar to dietary fiber. Eating it can increase the feeling of satiety. Resistant starch has the benefits of helping weight loss, controlling blood sugar and adjusting blood lipids, and reducing the body’s absorption of calories.

Eating sweet potatoes can protect your cardiovascular system? Understand the nutrition and benefits of 3 common sweet potatoes at once

Although sweet potatoes of different colors and varieties have little difference in calories, they each have their own nutritional value. The following is an introduction to the three common types of sweet potatoes on the market:

  1. Golden sweet potatoes. Rich in beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, which helps maintain vision and skin health. In addition, golden sweet potatoes contain vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and rich fiber, and have a variety of nutrients.

  2. Red sweet potato. Also rich in beta-carotene, which helps maintain vision and skin health. Other nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, and fiber.

  3. Purple taro and sweet potato. Rich in “anthocyanins”, it is a powerful antioxidant. Its main function is to help protect the body from free radical damage and promote cardiovascular health. In addition, purple taro and sweet potatoes contain vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium and Dietary fiber.

Which groups are not suitable for eating sweet potatoes? “Two major timings” eating is more conducive to weight loss

Although there are many benefits to eating sweet potatoes, there are a few things and taboos you should pay attention to! First, although sweet potatoes are rich in nutrients, they are “starchy foods”. Diabetic patients should pay attention to their consumption and not eat too much at one time. Second, allergic reactions for people who are allergic to sweet potatoes may include symptoms such as skin redness, swelling, difficulty breathing, etc. People with allergies should avoid eating it.

In addition, people can also understand the “best time” to eat sweet potatoes: first in the morning, which helps to make bowel movements smoother; secondly, eating them during staple food times (such as lunch and dinner) instead of before going to bed. Consuming too many carbohydrate-containing foods such as sweet potatoes at night may hinder weight loss. It is recommended to consume sweet potatoes during the main meal time because they are rich in fiber, which helps to increase the feeling of fullness and avoid overeating at the main meal.

In addition to steaming and roasting sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes can also be made into sweet potato puree and other dishes with different tastes, making the staple food of three meals not boring but healthy. Come and try it together!

Further reading:

Not red bean soup! Nutritionists recommend “5 foods” to relieve women’s menstrual pain: they can also supplement calcium

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