How to supplement glutathione deficiency? Nutritionist: 6 major risk factors to avoid first

How to supplement glutathione deficiency? Nutritionist: 6 major risk factors to avoid first

Insufficient glutathione causes aging faster! 6 major risk factors to avoid

“Glutathione” has strong antioxidant capacity and can eliminate free radicals. In recent years, it has been often added to various health products and nutritious foods. Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi said in an exclusive interview with “healthorn” that although the liver produces glutathione on its own, it will gradually decrease with age. Glutathione on the market is usually extracted from torula yeast. When the glutathione content in the body is insufficient, the increase in free radicals in the body is more likely to cause inflammatory reactions and may even increase the risk of cancer. It will also accelerate aging in appearance, making you look older than people of the same age.

Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi explains that the concentration of glutathione depends on personal living conditions and eating habits. Generally, the older the person, the lower the concentration of glutathione in the body. If you like to eat fried food, stay up late, smoke, over-expose to the sun, or be exposed to excessive environmental hormones, it will affect the production of glutathione and increase the number of harmful free radicals in the body.

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Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi explained that in addition to the elderly, those with innate immune diseases, cardiovascular diseases, or those with reduced liver function or infertility may have lower glutathione concentrations than ordinary people. In addition to daily intake of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and phytochemicals, these people are also advised to consult a professional physician or nutritionist to choose appropriate amounts of health supplements.

Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi said that glutathione is generally recommended to be taken before going to bed or on an empty stomach in the morning for better absorption. However, for those with congenital gastrointestinal problems, taking health supplements on an empty stomach in the morning may cause abdominal pain or stomachache, so they can be taken after meals instead. People who are allergic to glutathione, pregnant or breastfeeding women should discuss with a physician or nutritionist before making dietary adjustments.

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In addition to supplementing health products, studies have also shown that eating more foods such as avocado, asparagus, spinach and okra, and developing exercise habits can achieve the effect of supplementing glutathione. Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi also shared three major dietary tips that can effectively increase the body’s antioxidant capacity and resist the damage caused by free radicals.

  1. You can choose unprocessed “prototype foods” in your diet, especially foods rich in phytochemicals and vitamins C and E.

  2. Avoid processed products like sausage, ham or bacon. Excessive consumption of processed products high in oil and sodium is one of the causes of excessive free radicals in the body.

  3. Try to choose fruits and vegetables of a variety of colors when eating, and avoid single intake, which may lead to nutritional imbalance.

(Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi reminds that eating more foods such as avocado, asparagus, spinach and okra, and developing exercise habits can achieve the effect of supplementing glutathione)

Further reading:

A new dawn against Covid-19? Research: Supplementing “glutathione” precursor improves inflammation and muscle strength

Can nuclear food contain radiation that harms the body and causes cancer? Toxicology expert: Eat more “antioxidant” fruits and vegetables to help repair DNA

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