Is the suicide rate among children increasing due to "too many high-rise buildings?" Doctor: "Physical restrictions" cannot eliminate the possibility of suicide

The day before yesterday, Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare Director Chen Lizhong stated at the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child review meeting that the possible reason for the increase in Taiwan’s juvenile suicide rate was actually related to the “increase in high-rise buildings” in the past decade. This statement caused an uproar in public opinion. . Dr. Jiang Guanyu, an attending physician at the Department of Integrated Medicine, Taipei City Hospital Zhongxing Branch, pointed out in the community that rather than focusing on “physical factors” such as building height and fence erection, screening teenagers for “suicidal impulses” may be the most important psychological issue in children. vital part.
The global suicide rate among children continues to rise. When he was only 5 years old, he told his mother that he “better die”
Dr. Jiang Guanyu cited reports on childhood suicide in the United States and pointed out that among children aged 5-11, suicide is the eighth leading cause of death, and the rate has been gradually increasing in the past decade. 31.4% of child suicide victims had mental health problems; 27.1% had experienced psychological trauma, including abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and the death of a family member or friend. Among teenagers aged 15-24, suicide has become the second leading cause of death. The number of suicides has increased significantly from 2009 to 2019. The number of people who have seriously considered suicide but attempted suicide has increased from 13.8% to 18.8%, and the number of people who have attempted suicide has increased from 13.8% to 18.8%. The proportion increased from 6.3% to 8.9%.
Among people aged 5-11, 40.6% experienced multiple traumatic events, 35.6% discovered school and peer-related problems, 17.8% discovered suspected or confirmed bullying incidents, and more than one-third of the cases were related to school Peers are related to each other and may interact on the same case. There is even a case where “she has had suicidal thoughts since she was 5 years old” and even told her mother “better off dead” one week before her death.
Research has also found that deceased children often communicated suicidal statements to their peers and had a death wish. Children’s suicides mostly occur in bedrooms, which are considered the safest places. Access to a gun is not the first priority, but hanging and suffocating oneself are the most common.
Are there gender differences in childhood and juvenile mortality? “1 Emotion” may be significantly related to suicidal behavior
Dr. Jiang Guanyu said that the above-mentioned reports show that the suicidal intention of teenagers is growing, and it is necessary to investigate the reasons for different cultural backgrounds in order to reduce the risk to children. In addition, we must also pay attention to “gender differences.” According to a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a study of emergency department visits for suspected suicidal behavior among 12-25 year olds in 2021 found that the average number of visits per week for suspected suicide attempts has increased. , especially women. Compared with 2019, the number of girls increased by 50.6% and the number of boys increased by 3.7%. The difference is huge.
Dr. Jiang Guanyu emphasized that asking children whether they have suicidal thoughts, plans, intentions and actual attempts are necessary means to prevent suicidal behavior. Especially among adolescents, loneliness is significantly associated with depression, and lack of social connection is a predictor of suicidal ideation. Especially in recent years due to the epidemic, schools have been frequently closed, which has increased children’s loneliness. Recently, the authoritative journal “JAMA” stated that “cyberbullying” is an “independent factor” that causes depression and suicide in teenagers and children, and does not need to be connected to real life to cause fatal risks.
Stop calling your kids “rotten strawberries”! Doctor: Screening for “suicidal impulses” is the cornerstone of prevention and treatment
Although the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) previously recommended that teenagers aged 12-18 years old be investigated for depression history, the history of depression and disease severity are not “linearly related” to the occurrence of suicidal impulses. Dr. Jiang Guanyu explained that this result does not mean that the survey is invalid, but that even teenagers with mild to moderate depression may have suicidal thoughts, and the consequences of missing these symptoms may be disastrous. Teen depression is also strongly associated with negative academic, employment, and health outcomes in adulthood. It may also cause the loss of future social labor force degradation. “Ignoring children’s mental health and calling them rotten strawberries will be a common deed of society in the future!”
Dr. Jiang Guanyu said that identifying teenagers with suicidal behavior requires more efforts by professionals. Recent evidence suggests that psychotherapeutic interventions can improve suicidal ideation, but the effects are statistically insignificant. A paper published in the Harvard Psychiatric Review in October this year showed that increased social connections will lead to a corresponding reduction in suicidal ideation among adolescents. It means that depressive symptoms can be moderately alleviated through activities such as clubs and physical education classes, and synchronous intervention measures can be taken with other lifestyles to have additional help for children’s mental health.
If the building is too high, Mid-Autumn Festival barbecue increases the possibility of suicide? Medical clarification: Physical restraint is not the focus of suicide prevention and treatment
The cornerstone of suicide prevention is to screen for “suicidal impulses,” that is, to explore what causes suicidal impulses in young people. This concept urgently needs to be clarified and taken seriously by relevant units and the public. “Those buildings should not be built high, and there should be no Mid-Autumn Festival barbecues so that children have the opportunity to buy coal. In fact, it will not eliminate the possibility of suicide.”
Dr. Jiang Guanyu pointed out that there are many ways to commit suicide, but in the final analysis, it depends on the child’s impulsiveness. Even if iron railings are installed to protect classroom windows, teenagers who are really experiencing loneliness will still think about whether to climb over the iron railings and jump off after their classmates are over from school; even if they call on teenagers not to barbecue during the Mid-Autumn Festival, they will not stop children from using barbecues. Seeking death in a form other than charcoal.
“Psychological problems have not been alleviated, and a high degree of loneliness puts children at risk at any time. Without effective legislation or curbs on cyberbullying and digital threats, friends around us may suddenly die without warning.” Dr. Jiang Guanyu pointed out. , the causes of impulses and physical prevention and control are completely different concepts. Officials have the obligation to pay close attention to the important points and answer questions in a more down-to-earth manner, rather than reciting academic findings from a script. Only in this way can the public pay attention to the issue and live up to the expectations. The important task of becoming a chief.
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