Are you suffering from a lot of ailments just after turning 30? What health checks should men do?

Are you suffering from a lot of ailments just after turning 30? What health checks should men do?

Men’s health awareness is generally low. After the age of 30, you should pay attention to the “4 major check-ups”

With the rise of health awareness, many people are willing to pay for health check-ups at their own expense. In terms of gender, women are more health-conscious than men. However, as age increases, the potential health risks faced by men increase. Harvard Medical School points out that men after entering middle age should pay attention to the following disease risks and consider taking advanced health examinations:

  1. Colorectal cancer: Among colorectal cancer screening tools, “colonoscopy” is a key item. Polyps found during examination can be removed early, and follow-up examinations can be performed within 3-5 years. In addition, “fecal occult blood test” is a non-invasive examination item, and it is recommended to be tested once a year.

  2. Diabetes: Diabetes patients in Taiwan are getting younger, and it is recommended that adult men consider getting tested for type 2 diabetes at the age of 35. If your usual blood pressure exceeds 135/80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg), or if you are taking blood pressure medication, you should receive a diabetes screening as soon as possible.

  3. Hepatitis C: Hepatitis C is mostly caused by blood infection and may cause chronic hepatitis and even cirrhosis and liver cancer. If you share needles, toothbrushes, have your ears pierced or get tattoos, you are at higher risk of infection, so be sure to get screened for and receive treatment for hepatitis C early.

  4. High blood pressure: Normal blood pressure should be maintained below 120/80 mmHg. If the value falls between 120/80-140/90 mmHg, it is considered prehypertension. You should pay attention to your diet, increase your exercise frequency, and develop the habit of measuring your blood pressure.

Having bad habits is even more serious. Smoking, drinking, and injecting may increase the risk of 3 diseases.

In addition to the above 4 examination items, if adult men have bad habits such as smoking, alcoholism or drug abuse, they should further undergo examinations for the following 3 items:

  1. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: The “abdominal aorta” is a large blood vessel located in the abdominal cavity that connects the thoracic aorta and the organs below the transverse septum. Smoking, infectious diseases, high blood pressure and other factors may cause local expansion of the abdominal aorta and cause abdominal aortic aneurysm. Men aged 65 to 75 who have symptoms of high blood pressure or smoking habits and have persistent “pulsating” pain in the chest, abdomen, or lower back should undergo relevant ultrasound examinations immediately.

  2. Hepatitis B: Heinzelmann said that there are no obvious symptoms before hepatitis B develops into cirrhosis and liver cancer. Therefore, if you tested positive for HIV in the past, used injection needles, men who have sex with men, or whose mother is a hepatitis B virus carrier, you should consider B. Liver screening and long-term follow-up.

  3. Lung cancer: Men after the age of 50 who smoke at least a full pack of cigarettes a day or have been smoking for nearly 20 years should receive regular low-dose electrosurgical lung tomography scans. In addition, those who have quit smoking in the past 15 years are also required to undergo a lung health test to note whether their lung function is affected.

Harvard Medical School pointed out that thanks to the advancement of scientific instruments and the flow of information, health check-up information has become easier to obtain, and check-up methods have become more accurate. In addition to regular health check-ups, you should still develop good living habits and avoid bad habits. hobbies and reduce the risk of various diseases.


A look at health screenings

Further reading:

More than 60% of patients with acute myocardial infarction die before the hospital. Doctors reveal the life-saving rule: “Chest pain and cold sweats”. Seek medical attention immediately.

Sedentary obesity and eating too much are causing the sudden increase in young people with diabetes? Doctor: If you neglect control, you may regret it later.

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