Is suffering from "heart failure" hopeless? "Such people" have no symptoms before getting sick? Doctors reveal 6 high-risk groups

Is suffering from "heart failure" hopeless? "Such people" have no symptoms before getting sick? Doctors reveal 6 high-risk groups

The “heart” is one of the few organs in the human body that is not easily affected by “cancer cells”; however, if you suffer from heart failure, which is known as “cardiac cancer”, it may be more deadly than cancer. Dr. Wu Yanwen, director of the Cardiovascular Medicine Center of Yatong Memorial Hospital, said in an interview that heart failure is also called “fatigued balloon heart”, which describes the heart as being like a deflated balloon. The heart muscle becomes longer and thinner, and the heart enlarges and becomes weak and gradually stops beating.

Who are at high risk for heart failure? “Such people” have no symptoms before getting sick?

Dr. Wu Yanwen explained that one of the most common causes of heart failure is “coronary heart disease” (coronary heart disease). The patient’s cardiovascular system gradually becomes clogged and hardened, and blood cannot flow to the heart, resulting in heart weakness. Among them, “acute myocardial infarction” “The biggest impact. This kind of patient often has no obvious symptoms before the onset of the disease. It is not until severe chest pain, wheezing or nausea occurs that they realize that something serious is going on after seeking medical treatment.

Furthermore, heart failure is also more likely to occur in people with poor valve function. Valve is like a component in the heart structure. When the component is damaged (valvular stenosis, insufficiency of atresia), the heart, which acts as a “pump”, will naturally become weak, leading to heart failure. In addition, people with hereditary cardiomyopathy such as “hypertrophic cardiomyopathy” or a history of special arrhythmia may also be a high-risk group for heart failure.

Dr. Wu Yanwen added that if we look at the largest risk group, patients with three high blood pressure (hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia) may indeed have a higher chance of suffering from heart failure. In addition, the “new coronavirus” that has caused a global pandemic in the past three years has directly damaged the myocardial tissue of those diagnosed, and the risk of myocarditis is also an emerging issue. Related studies have also confirmed that the sequelae of the new coronavirus, “long new crowns”, may cause palpitations and chest pain, and some May have varying degrees of impact on the heart.

3 Symptoms may be warning signs of heart failure. People with high levels of smoking and kidney disease should not be careful.

What symptoms may be warning signs of heart failure? Dr. Wu Yanwen reminds that if your family has a history of cardiovascular disease, died suddenly due to cardiovascular disease, or is a patient with three high blood pressure, you will find yourself tired easily during daily activities. Even simple movements (getting out of bed, going up and down stairs) will be very difficult. Wheezing and inability to breathe, or even severe edema in the lower limbs, may be signs of heart failure, and high-risk groups should not be cautious.

Dr. Wu Yanwen further explained that middle-aged men are more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease than middle-aged women due to multiple factors such as male hormones, bad habits (such as smoking), and work stress. They also have a higher risk of heart failure than middle-aged women. However, women lose the protection of female hormones after menopause, and with the increase in the number of elderly women, it is not uncommon for elderly women to suffer from heart failure.

In addition, if you have kidney problems such as chronic kidney disease or kidney failure, you should pay attention to the warning signs of “cardiorenal syndrome”. Once heart failure occurs, about 50% of patients will suffer from chronic kidney disease; and poor kidneys are also a sign of heart failure. For high-risk groups, especially if heart failure is combined with end-stage renal failure, 60% of patients are more likely to die within one year. When signs of tiredness, breathlessness, or swelling appear, be sure to seek medical treatment immediately to seize the golden treatment period.

Should you check in advance if you are afraid of heart failure? Aren’t the more advanced the medical tests, the better?

If you belong to the above-mentioned high-risk group for heart failure, should you receive cardiovascular examination in advance? Dr. Wu Yanwen explained that various types of examinations can indeed help detect diseases early, but factors such as age and gender still need to be considered to determine which examinations are required. For example, young people have a lower risk of heart failure, so clinical advice would suggest adjusting their lifestyle habits in advance and not necessarily requiring high-level health examinations.

For an asymptomatic or low-risk coronary heart disease potential group, it is recommended to perform highly specific but low-sensitivity items such as “exercise electrocardiogram”. Even if the test shows that the test is still within the normal range, it does not mean that there is no problem at all. problem; on the contrary, if the test results are abnormal, you should be alert at this time.

Compared with exercise electrocardiogram, more sensitive items such as computed tomography (CT Scan) require contrast agent and have radiation dose. Regular examination is not recommended for young people. However, after middle age, there may be three high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. Those with a medical history or family history can consider it and reassess the risk based on the examination results, as well as reset the goals of preventive treatment.

Is preventing heart failure a “lifelong mission”? Doctors reveal 6 major measures to avoid cardiovascular deterioration

In addition to regular health check-ups, Dr. Wu Yanwen also reminds the public to actively maintain the following good habits in life to avoid risks related to cardiovascular disease and even further deterioration into heart failure:

  1. Control the three high risks. There is a significant correlation between the three high blood pressure and heart failure. It is recommended that patients with the three high blood pressure actively lose weight and cooperate with doctors to control blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar.

  2. Get rid of bad habits. If you have the habit of smoking or drinking alcohol, you should take the initiative to quit to avoid blood vessel blockage or direct damage to the myocardium.

  3. Be aware of the risk of menopause. Once women stop menopause, they lose hormonal protection and their risk of cardiovascular disease increases significantly.

  4. Improve sleep quality. Foreign literature has confirmed that poor sleep quality is related to an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease.

  5. Relieve stress appropriately. People with high work pressure should take stress-reducing measures in their free time, such as socializing, exercising, going for a walk, meditating or yoga, engaging in creative hobbies, etc.

  6. Maintain an exercise habit. Regular exercise helps increase the body’s “maximum oxygen uptake” and promotes heart function and limb circulation. However, if you are a heart failure patient, it is recommended to undergo rehabilitation under the supervision of a physician. Excessive strenuous exercise may put a burden on the heart.

In general, Dr. Wu Yanwen reminded that preventing heart failure is a “lifelong goal” and one should seek good luck and avoid bad luck at a young age. In addition to taking precautions, one should get checked as soon as possible if any abnormality occurs. If you are diagnosed with heart failure, there is no need to panic. There are many new drugs and interventional technologies that can help patients. As long as the diagnosis is correct and the medical team cooperates with active treatment, you can maintain a good quality of life and have a better tomorrow.

Further reading:

The 5-year mortality rate is 50%! Heart failure is divided into 3 categories. Women and elders are more likely to ignore 3 symptoms

High blood pressure standards revised down! Is poor control prone to serious illness and death? Doctors reveal the truth about blood pressure control

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