Do you suffer from itchy skin in winter? What diseases are associated with it? Will your "private parts" become thinner and shrink if you apply ointments randomly?

Do you suffer from itchy skin in winter? What diseases are associated with it? Will your "private parts" become thinner and shrink if you apply ointments randomly?

Autumn and winter are approaching, and as the cold air moves southward, many people begin to suffer from dry and itchy skin, causing considerable trouble in their lives. Dr. Luo Yang from the Dermatology Department of Neihu Cathay Clinic said that changes in external environmental factors such as cold weather and rainy days can cause excessive dryness of the skin. If the stratum corneum of the skin itself has poor ability to retain moisture, the symptoms may be more serious.

Dr. Luo Yang pointed out that when the temperature drops in winter, patients with dry skin may develop “lipid dermatitis”. Since the sebum line secretes less oil, the water content of the stratum corneum will decrease in winter, which can cause eczema and itching. Pay attention to moderate moisturizing and skin care to avoid excessive dryness of the skin. And reduce scratching of the affected area to prevent inflammation from worsening.

In addition to lipoid dermatitis, many skin diseases are also likely to worsen when it is wet and cold. Dr. Luo Yang explained that symptoms of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis may worsen in winter. Atopic dermatitis in adults mostly occurs in the “folds” of the body, such as wrists, elbows, knee sockets, neck, armpits and other areas. When the attack becomes more severe, it may even cause large-area lesions throughout the body.

Psoriasis tends to occur on the scalp and nails. If there is thick, large-area silver-white scaling on the scalp, or even pain in the joints, it is a warning sign of psoriasis. It is recommended to seek medical attention for further examination. Dr. Luo Yang suggested that as long as there is a large area of ​​skin rash or inflammation, but the cause is not clear, and the affected area even leaks tissue fluid, seriously affecting daily life, it is recommended to seek medical treatment at a dermatology department as soon as possible.

If you use the mixed ointment on the wrong part, your skin may become thinner and shrink.

When symptoms such as skin allergies, redness and swelling occur, many people will buy ointments and apply them on their own. Dr. Luo Yang said that most of the drugs sold in general pharmacies are “mixed drugs.” A drug may have both “anti-itching” and “anti-inflammatory” effects. Such broad-acting drugs may be able to improve symptoms at the beginning, but Skin conditions can be more troublesome if not used correctly.

Dr. Luo Yang explained that this type of mixed ointment may contain antibiotics, low-dose steroids, and antifungal ingredients at the same time. Improper use may cause negative effects on the skin. For example, if steroids come into contact with more fragile private parts, such as the chest and perineum, it will cause the skin in this area to thin and shrink, cause capillaries to dilate, and may also lead to fungal infection. If you do not prescribe the right medicine and use mixed medicines for a long time, you may cause more serious skin problems.

Dr. Luo Yang said that the concentrations of topical steroid drugs vary, and the concentrations suitable for different parts of the body are also different. For example, if a steroid ointment specially designed for the face is applied to the lesions on the soles of the hands and feet, the symptoms may not improve at all due to the difference in skin thickness. People should still seek medical advice if they have any skin conditions. If they need to use steroids, they should use them as directed by their doctor to achieve the best results and reduce side effects.

Skin is prone to dryness and allergies. You should apply lotion immediately after bathing to moisturize.

For people whose skin is prone to dryness and allergies in winter, Dr. Luo Yang suggests that when you don’t have to go out to work during holidays and have no social needs, you can reduce the number of baths as appropriate, which can help slow down dry skin. If you belong to a group whose skin is particularly prone to dry and itchy skin, you should immediately apply an appropriate amount of Vaseline or lotion on your skin when the skin is slightly damp after bathing to help the skin lock in moisture and enhance the moisturizing effect.

There are plant extracts, handmade soaps and other products on the market. Do they have any impact on the skin when used to clean the body? Dr. Luo Yang said that handmade soaps with special fragrances or bath products that have undergone a saponification reaction and are highly alkaline will actually cause the skin to lose oil, causing dryness and worsening of the skin. The surface of human skin is weakly acidic. If you encounter strong alkaline bath products, it is easier to cause skin damage. You can choose products with strong moisturizing properties.

Dr. Luo Yang reminds the public that scratching wounds will cause the stratum corneum of the skin to secrete inflammatory cytokines, causing the skin to become more itchy the more it is scratched, forming a negative cycle. Therefore, if there is still no improvement after applying ointment on your own, you should seek medical advice from a dermatologist to fundamentally solve the problem of redness, swelling and itching.

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