Do you suffer from depression before being diagnosed at home during epidemic prevention? Psychologists urge: Pay attention to information anxiety and don't watch too much news

Do you suffer from depression before being diagnosed at home during epidemic prevention? Psychologists urge: Pay attention to information anxiety and don\'t watch too much news

Taiwan has been on alert level 3 for 2 months. Most people have been staying at home for a long time, which has led to a surge in domestic violence and conflicts. People’s hearts have begun to fluctuate due to the epidemic; some PTT netizens even joked that they “may not have been diagnosed yet” You get depression first." In fact, people’s physical and mental effects are seriously affected due to lack of social interaction or anxiety caused by news and information. How can we adjust to such a mood? Psychologist Lin Renting suggests that you first understand the source of anxiety. If the anxiety comes from excessive absorption of biased information, you may need to adjust the way you receive information to avoid excessive anxiety.

Rapid changes in living habits deepen public anxiety

Psychologist Lin Renting believes that the depression and anxiety caused by people during the epidemic are real. For example, he gave an example. In the past, the elders were used to greeting the vendors at the vegetable market, chatting with the neighbors, and then going home after shopping for groceries. Now, due to the disruption of the epidemic, their lifestyles have changed. They can’t do anything except buy groceries when they go out. In addition, the market adopts ID card diversion control, and you need to choose a day to buy groceries. These are new habits that need to be adapted. If the mentality cannot be adjusted, I am afraid it will lead to psychological problems.

Not only the elders, but parents who used to work outside the home have now changed to working from home after the epidemic and have to take care of their children at the same time. This is also an example of the change in lifestyle. Psychologist Lin Renting said that parents will be afraid of catching the epidemic themselves and passing the virus to their children, so they will be worried even if they cough. In addition, they have to deal with daily chores such as cleaning the environment and preparing meals. Over time, they will naturally feel “tired” and stressed. Huge, and this may lead to symptoms such as insomnia, nervousness, and body stiffness. At this time, you have to be careful whether you are too anxious to avoid problems with your body’s immune system.

The “information anxiety” caused by excessive attention to the number of confirmed cases or news reports is also a serious problem. Psychologist Lin Renting believes that the main causes of public information anxiety include the following two situations:

1. There is too much information and I don’t know where to start

Lin Renting said that when people are in a state of tension, they will especially want to grasp all the information, and this behavior will cause an explosion of information in the brain, which will only increase their anxiety. Furthermore, news stations use ratings as a source of income. It is inevitable that there will be sensational headlines and biased remarks. If the public is frightened by the news content and does not know what to do, psychologist Lin Renting suggests that at this time, you only need to pay attention to the content of the 30 minutes before the noon or evening news, and do not read anything else to avoid Asking for trouble.

2. Doubt whether the information is true

Psychologist Lin Renting reminded that news often only extracts snippets of content for speculation, and try not to read news that does not substantially help the epidemic. At this time, you should pay more attention to the policies implemented by the official, because handling the epidemic is a national-level matter. If They completely negated the government’s policies, but no one proposed better substantive methods. The previous foundation for epidemic prevention was lost. However, if the government policy is indeed wrong, we can still make constructive suggestions based on the facts.

Based on the above, the complexity of information makes people panic. At this time, we should avoid being the sharers of wrong information. For example, in friends or family groups, we should first verify the information we have doubts about. If the information is wrong, we should not Repost this again; if you want to know more about the current epidemic situation, the official website of the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare will have information on the number of confirmed cases and deaths on that day every day. It is recommended to use this as the standard. Many health media websites also compile lazy guide, pictures and texts are provided for reference, and the information is clear at a glance. It is actually not difficult to stay away from anxiety. It depends on our mentality and method of facing this epidemic.

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