A sudden increase of 140,000 local cases in a week! 10 deaths in a single day: "Unvaccinated" in his 30s died alone

A sudden increase of 140,000 local cases in a week! 10 deaths in a single day: "Unvaccinated" in his 30s died alone

In two days in a row, the number of people in the country has exceeded 30,000. People in their 30s who were not vaccinated died in coma at home.

More than 30,000 local cases have been confirmed for two days in a row, with 36,168 new cases today. Chen Shizhong, commander of the Central Epidemic Command Center, said that as the number of confirmed cases increases, the number of moderate to severe cases has also increased. The number of moderate cases increased by 76 today, and 4 cases were upgraded from moderate to severe cases. The proportion of moderate cases is currently 0.23%, and the proportion of severe cases is about 0.03%. The number of people with serious illness increased by 15 today, and the number of people released from isolation increased by 9.

A total of 10 new deaths were reported today. Luo Yijun, deputy leader of the medical response team, pointed out that the ages of the deceased cases ranged from their 30s to their 90s, with 6 women and 4 men. , 3 of them have not been vaccinated, 3 have received two doses of vaccine, and 4 have received 3 doses of vaccine, all with a history of chronic diseases.

Luo Yijun pointed out that among the new deaths today were people over 80 years old, seven of them had respiratory failure due to chronic medical history combined with COVID-19 infection. There was one case of subdural hemorrhage caused by a fall, and another case of myocardial infarction that died due to ineffective first aid.

In addition, one new death was reported in a man in his 30s with a history of urinary tract disease. He had not received any COVID-19 vaccine. He was found unconscious while living alone at home and tested positive after first aid failed. The cause of death was determined to be acute respiratory failure and new coronavirus infection, but the exact cause of coma at home cannot be clarified yet.

Luo Yijun said that one of the severe cases was a boy of primary school age who had not been vaccinated and had cardiovascular and neurological diseases. He was currently in respiratory distress and was being treated with respirator and remdesivir.

Do we have to wait until the end of the month to queue up for rapid screening? Chen Shizhong urges “Don’t go to the emergency room for screening”

People are concerned about the progress of imported rapid screening reagents. Chen Shizhong said that the command center is currently requisitioning imported rapid screening reagents from Roche and Abbott, which have the largest supply capacity. In order to expand supply capacity, we will urgently purchase additional imported rapid screening reagents. Roche plans to import 50 million doses of its rapid screening reagents before May 25, and provide an additional 16 million doses per week after May 20 for real-name production. In the future, real-name rapid screening will not be delivered every day.

As for Abbott’s rapid screening reagents, more than 7 million doses are currently in stock, and approximately 800,000 doses are expected to be purchased every day in the future. The production capacity of domestic rapid screening reagents is mainly to meet the contract, and the production volume is expected to be increased from 280,000 doses per day to 400,000 doses, hoping to provide more sufficient rapid screening for Taiwanese use.

Chen Shizhong said that recently, a large number of people have been screened in the emergency rooms of various hospitals. Currently, about 190 clinics in Taiwan have joined PCR testing. Since most Omicron infections are mild, Taiwanese are urged not to rush to emergency rooms and to reserve medical care for people with acute disease needs. If you need PCR screening, please contact the local health bureau or relevant clinics for assistance.

A sudden increase of more than 140,000 cases in one week, and the proportion of children infected with the epidemic exceeded 10%

The number of people affected by the epidemic in Taiwan is rising rapidly. There were about 60,000 local cases last week, and an increase of 140,000 local cases in a week. Luo Yijun said that the current age distribution of confirmed cases has not changed much, with the majority being in their 20s to 50s, with children aged 0-9 accounting for 11.7%. About half of the 537 moderate to severe cases are in the 70-80 age group, showing that the elderly are still the largest group of moderate to severe cases.

Judging from the current confirmed cases of moderate and severe cases, the age group with the highest proportion is those in their 90s, about 16%, followed by those in their 80s, with a moderate to severe rate of 6.97%. The rate of moderate to severe cases among those over 80 years old dropped slightly compared with the previous week. However, follow-up observation is still needed, as some moderate to severe cases appear after a longer hospitalization period.

Luo Yijun reminded that the moderate to severe disease rate and fatality rate increase with age. Taiwanese should pay special attention to the health of the elderly and implement protective measures such as vaccination and wearing masks. Once diagnosed, you must seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Currently, the focus of triage treatment and medication is on the elderly.

Further reading:

The command center announced: “Quick screening at home” meets the case conditions. Doctors call for “3 points” to improve the chaos of rapid screening.

The number of confirmed cases in a single day exceeded 10,000! Is it still possible to get infected even if the vaccine is “full”? Doctor lists “3 situations” to help protect yourself

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