Successfully gave birth to a mother at the age of 50! "Haifu Knife" helps preserve the uterus Famous doctor: The less damage the treatment, the better

Successfully gave birth to a mother at the age of 50! "Haifu Knife" helps preserve the uterus Famous doctor: The less damage the treatment, the better

Uterine fibroids and adenomyosis are both involved! She successfully became pregnant at the age of 50 and became a super senior mother

As people in Taiwan generally marry late, coupled with the influence of stress and environmental hormones, the rate of uterine fibroids and adenomyosis in women is increasing, making it more difficult to conceive. Many women who want to have children are forced to give up having children due to their advanced age and poor uterine environment. They even have to have their uterus removed to improve the serious troubles caused by uterine diseases.

Ms. Huang, who got married at the age of 44, suffered from both uterine fibroids and adenomyosis. The largest fibroid was 5*4 centimeters in size. Adenomyosis caused the uterine muscle layer to be 6 centimeters thick, which is more than three times the normal size. , in addition to infertility problems, she also suffered from severe menstrual pain and heavy menstrual flow for a long time. When she went to major hospitals, she only received the recommendation of “hysterectomy”.

Ms. Huang’s attending physician, Professor Cheng Chengjie, Executive Director of Taipei Xiu Chuan Hospital, pointed out that before the non-invasive Heifu knife treatment was available, the traditional radical treatment for adenomyosis was to remove the uterus, but this hope can become a For Ms. Huang, the mother, this is nothing less than a big blow.

Professor Zheng Chengjie said that Ms. Huang received hypsotherapy to eliminate uterine fibroids and adenomyosis, and also cooperated with a team of nutritionists to lose 20 kilograms of weight. Under the care of a complete pregnancy preparation and gynecological medical team, she successfully gave birth to a baby at the age of 50, becoming a “super-elderly” mother. Although she suffered from postpartum hemorrhage during delivery, she was lucky enough to save her uterus, and she is currently preparing to conceive her second child.

Ms. Huang uses her own experience to encourage women not to give up the hope of conceiving and becoming mothers easily. If you have uterine fibroids or adenomyosis, you should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. You may have the opportunity to preserve your uterus, improve symptoms, and fulfill your dream of having a child. .

Uterine fibroids are as big as pregnancy! Heifu Knife ablates “hundreds of fibroids” in one go

“Uterine adenomyosis is not like uterine fibroids, which can be dug out one by one. Uterine adenomyosis is covered with the entire uterine wall. Even if it is removed with a knife, it cannot be completely cut. It is just like “wall cancer”, with severe uterine fibroids. Girls with adenoma problems have a low chance of pregnancy. In fact, the miscarriage rate is relatively high when they become pregnant.

Professor Zheng Chengjie, who is also the chairman of the Taiwan Gynecological Tumor Ablation Medical Association, pointed out that in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of patients referred by infertility doctors to receive Haifu knife ablation treatment. Haifu knife uses the tissue penetration and focus of ultrasound to target the tumor and cause coagulation necrosis at high temperature to ablate the tumor tissue. It does not require general anesthesia, has no wounds, no bleeding, no pelvic adhesion, and no radiation. , short recovery period, preservation of uterus and function, short postoperative pregnancy preparation period, and no need for caesarean section for future births.

“I have many patients who were misunderstood to be pregnant because of their large fibroids. They always had to give up their seats on buses or MRTs, which was really troublesome for them. Now there are no wounds with the Haifu knife, and the recovery speed is also faster. I also Several patients have been treated with more than 100 large and small uterine fibroids using the Heifu Knife. They were admitted to the hospital on the morning of the treatment and discharged in the afternoon. The treatment efficiency is as high as 95%!

Professor Zheng Chengjie reminded that many women suffer from uterine fibroids or adenomyosis. Treatment with uterine fibroids can significantly improve symptoms. On average, the volume of uterine fibroids can be reduced by 40% in three months and by 50% in half a year. , the volume shrinks by about 85% in one year. It can also reduce the risk of sequelae such as long-term lower abdominal pain caused by surgical adhesion.

Treatment should make the damage less severe! Famous doctor calls for early help to preserve uterus

“Treatment should cause less harm.” Professor Zheng Chengjie emphasized that with the advancement of medical technology, from traditional laparotomy, minimally invasive surgery, Da Vinci surgery to today’s Haifu knife ablation treatment, it can help women use more conservative and There is a better chance of improving the results by preserving organs and reproductive functions.

Professor Zheng Chengjie once again called for early prevention, early detection and early treatment, which will help improve physical, mental and spiritual health. Women may consult a gynecologist according to the situation. They can diagnose whether they have adenomyosis through ultrasound, past medical history and blood test CA12-5. They can also discuss with the doctor the most suitable treatment method for them to effectively treat uterine-related diseases. Improvement, there is still a chance to retain the uterus and become a mother smoothly like Miss Huang.

Further reading:

It’s like wall cancer that keeps growing! Will adenomyosis heal itself in menopause? Is hysterectomy necessary?

Is Gastroesophageal Reflux Compressed by Uterine Fibroids? A famous gynecological doctor revealed: If you have this kind of constitution, you should eat less Chinese and Western medicines and royal jelly

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