Stroke kills tens of thousands of people every year! Taiwan Health Promotion Administration launches "Red Alert Assessment Form" to identify potential symptoms

Stroke kills tens of thousands of people every year! Taiwan Health Promotion Administration launches "Red Alert Assessment Form" to identify potential symptoms

High blood pressure and diabetes are high-risk groups! Don’t ignore the 8 major “stroke risk factors”

Cerebrovascular disease has ranked fourth among the top ten causes of death in the country since 2016. Although it has dropped one place from the previous year, according to the statistics on causes of death in Taiwan from the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2020, it still takes away more than 10,000 precious diseases every year on average.

To this end, the National Health Service of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, together with the Taiwan Stroke Association and the Taiwan Stroke Patients Association, have responded to the World Stroke Organization’s establishment of “World Stroke Day” on October 29 every year this year, calling on Taiwanese people to pay attention to the importance of stroke prevention and treatment. gender, and refer to the National Stroke Association’s Stroke Risk Scorecard to promote the “Red Alert for Stroke” assessment form, which allows the public to self-assess the eight major risk factors for stroke (blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, history, atrial fibrillation, smoking history, weight, exercise habits, and family history of stroke." If any three items are abnormal, it means that you belong to a “high-risk group for stroke.” You should seek help from a professional doctor immediately. In addition, you should also In daily life, we should control the three high blood pressure (hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia), eat healthily, exercise regularly and have regular health check-ups to reduce the risk of stroke.

According to the 2017-2020 National Nutrition and Health Status Change Survey data from the National Health Service, Taiwanese people over the age of 18 have three high prevalence rates: 1 in 4 people has high blood pressure (26.76%), and 1 in 4 people has hyperlipidemia (25.6%). ), 1 in 10 people has hyperglycemia (11.05%). According to the results of the Three Highs Tracking Survey and Analysis Project in Taiwan, from 2002 to 2017, people with three highs were 1.4-1.7 times more likely to have a stroke than normal people. Foreign studies have shown that people with three high blood pressure and unhealthy lifestyle behaviors (such as smoking, obesity) are more likely to suffer from stroke. Among them, people with high blood pressure and smoking habits have a stroke risk that is as high as 6 times that of ordinary people! Li Juntai, chairman of the Taiwan Stroke Society, pointed out that the cost of care for Taiwanese people who become disabled after a stroke may exceed 1 million yuan a year, which is a huge burden on the family economy. He called on the public to actively improve risk factors to prevent the occurrence of stroke.

Recognizing symptoms early is beneficial to stroke treatment. The “Smile, raise your hands and say hello” mantra helps to seek medical treatment in time.

The increasing temperature difference between day and night in autumn and winter can easily lead to acute attacks of cerebrovascular diseases. In order to make it easier for the public to understand the identification of stroke symptoms, the National Health Department and the Taiwan Stroke Association have launched the “Smile, Raise Hands, Say Hello” hygiene Teaching materials, when you cannot easily complete any action, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. This year, the pattern has been specially upgraded to an animated version, which is available on the Health 99 website of the National Health Department for the public to search and obtain.

Although a professor did not have high school education or smoking habits, he had arrhythmia and a family history of stroke. He was busy with work and lacked exercise and neglected regular follow-up visits. One day while giving a lecture, he suddenly discovered that the left side of his face was crooked and his speech was unclear. The symptoms occurred less than 1 month ago. It returned to normal within minutes, but one viewer was worried about symptoms of a stroke and immediately dialed 119 for emergency medical treatment. The diagnosis was confirmed to be occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery, resulting in acute ischemic cerebral infarction and stroke. After treatment and discharge, he continued to be followed up and has not had another stroke in 4 years.

Secretary-General Zhou Zhongxing of the Taiwan Stroke Society explained that the key to successful stroke treatment is “early identification of stroke symptoms” and do not underestimate the severity because symptoms are relieved. Lin Yongyang, chairman of the Taiwan Stroke Patients Association, reminded the public not to be afraid to seek medical treatment due to worries about the epidemic during the epidemic prevention period. When signs of stroke are discovered, professional ambulance personnel should provide emergency medical treatment to avoid missing the golden treatment period.

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