One strawberry contains 6 nutrients! Nutritionists teach cleaning principles: 4 steps to avoid pesticide residues

One strawberry contains 6 nutrients! Nutritionists teach cleaning principles: 4 steps to avoid pesticide residues

Replace your daily snack with strawberries for a healthier alternative! One pill is rich in “6 major nutrients”

Winter is the main production season for strawberries. Many people like the sweet and sour taste of strawberries, but they are also worried about pesticide residues, so they stay away from them. Nutritionist Gao Minmin posted on social media to remind the public that in fact, if you wash strawberries correctly, you don’t have to worry about too much pesticides. Furthermore, strawberries contain many nutrients, and proper intake can supplement at least 6 kinds of nutrients.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin pointed out that the daily intake of strawberries can be “one serving” as a standard, which is about 16 small strawberries and about 10 medium strawberries. Each serving is about 60 calories and about 60 calories. 15g, low in calories and low in starch, it can be used as a daily snack or as a first choice for those who want to lose weight. In addition, a small strawberry is rich in the following 6 nutrients:

  1. Vitamin C: Helps enhance protection, fights stress, and also plays a role in collagen synthesis. Eating 10 strawberries a day can meet the daily vitamin C requirements of adults.

  2. Folic acid: Strawberries have the highest folic acid content among all fruits. It plays an important role in producing red blood cells and is also one of the essential nutrients for pregnant women.

  3. Dietary fiber: Sufficient fiber helps gastrointestinal motility and makes defecation smoother.

  4. Potassium: The mineral potassium has diuretic effects, eliminates edema, and regulates high blood pressure. However, it should be noted that strawberries contain high potassium, and it is recommended that patients with kidney disease control their intake of strawberries.

  5. Anthocyanins and ellagic acid: Both have beautifying, whitening, and antioxidant effects. Among them, anthocyanins are beneficial to vision and eye blood vessels; ellagic acid is a common ingredient in skin care products. , can help inhibit melanin and increase the activity of enzymes in the body.

  6. Ferulic acid: It is a phytochemical with anti-aging effects. It helps to maintain and maintain brain function and lower cholesterol.

In summary, nutritionist Gao Minmin said that based on the average nutritional value per 100g, strawberries contain approximately 36 calories, 9.3g of carbohydrates, 1.8g of dietary fiber, 69.2mg of vitamin C, 82.8μg of folic acid, and 199mg of Potassium ions.

Are you afraid of eating strawberries for fear of pesticide residue? Nutritionist reveals 4 steps for correct cleaning

Although strawberries are rich in nutrients, it is important to note that the protein on the skin of strawberries can easily cause allergies. People who are prone to food allergies are reminded to avoid allergens. People who like to eat strawberries should pay more attention to washing them before eating them because they contain high levels of pesticides. If they are not washed thoroughly, there may be concerns about pesticide residues. Gao Min Min Nutritionist recommends cleaning strawberries in the following ways to make them safer to eat:

  1. Soak for 3-5 minutes to dissolve the pesticide.

  2. Wash with running water, and the remaining pesticides will be taken away by the water flow.

  3. When eating, cut off the stems or rotten parts of strawberries to prevent pesticides from escaping from the stems into the pulp.

  4. Washed strawberries must be eaten immediately because they may rot more easily after being exposed to water.

Finally, nutritionist Gao Minmin advises the public to follow the general principle of “wash before eating, and enjoy immediately after washing.” Not only can you fully absorb the nutrients of strawberries, but you can also avoid the harm of pesticides to the human body. However, you must still pay attention to the intake when eating, and limit it to one serving of strawberries per day; you should also avoid adding condensed milk, chocolate sauce, or eating processed strawberry foods such as jam and ice cream to avoid eating excess sugar.

Further reading:

Taiwan’s fruits and vegetables have the most pesticides! A nutritionist teaches 3 principles for grocery shopping and 7 tips to reduce residues

No need to use baking soda or salt water! Nutritionist dispels vegetable washing myths: Pesticides can be easily removed with “1 liquid”

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